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CO2 Fixation


Halothiobacillus neapolitanus

This organism is a gram negative proteobacteria which is classified as a purple sulfur bacteria. It is obligate aerob. It is know to tolerate and metabolize high amounts of sulfide concentrations.
Halothiobacillsu neapolitanus is a chemolitoautotroph modell organism for the carboxysome with a diameter of 120nm. This type of carboxysome dominates in oligotrophic oceans (cso-carboxysome or alpha type). It has to be distinguished from the ccm-carboxysome found in several other marine- and freshwater cyanobacteria (beta type).
The first occurence was 1957 by Parker et al.

Synechoccus elongatus

Synechococcus elongatus is a cyanobacteria which is found in surface waters and freshwater. It carries a carboxysome like Halothiobacillus neapolitanus but it has the beta type.