

Revision as of 15:04, 13 October 2014 by John han (Talk | contribs)

    • Database
    • Assessment Model
    • Components in Design
    • Further Development

3. Database

Here, we have reconstructed the database of the current existing biobricks. All the necessary information available on the Registry are collected and used to construct our own database. In this part, the source of data, the way of data collection, database structure and some facts of the biobricks in the database are introduced.

3. Database

Here, we have reconstructed the database of the current existing biobricks. All the necessary information available on the Registry are collected and used to construct our own database. In this part, the source of data, the way of data collection, database structure and some facts of the biobricks in the database are introduced.


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

800, Dongchuan Road

200240 Shanghai, China

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