

Revision as of 14:38, 13 October 2014 by John han (Talk | contribs)

    • Database
    • Assessment Model
    • Components in Design
    • Further Development


With an input of the keywords you are interested in, the biobricks related to this keyword will be listed, sorted by a score given by our assessment model. After picking out the user-interested types and status, users will attain more precise results only satisfying their requirements.

Data collection

Data are collected from 5 different websites on the Registry and Google Scholar.
The data needed in the reconstructed biobrick database is available from 5 sources, with four of them from the websites of Registry of Standard Biological Parts and 1 of them from Google Scholar. Addresses of those sources for BBa_B0034 are listed in Table 2.1.1, and the part name could be replaced by any biobrick.

Name of WebsitesAddress  
XML format  
Hard information
Get part
Google scholar


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

800, Dongchuan Road

200240 Shanghai, China

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