Team:Paris Bettencourt/Project/Bioinformatics


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Meta-Analysis of Odor-Related Genes

The National Institute of Health's (NIH) Human Microbiome Project (HMP) attempted to "characterize microbial communities found at multiple human body sites and to look for correlations between changes in the microbiome and human health." There were several studies that sprouted from the data produced by the HMP, and one such study was done by the Huttenhower lab called HUMAnN: The HMP Unified Metabolic Analysis Network, a pipeline for efficient and accurate determination of the presence or absence and abundance of microbial pathways in a community using metagenomic data.

The abundances for each orthologous gene family (or groups of genes that perform approximately the same biological role) was reported in the units of read hits. This particular analysis used the KEGG Orthology (KO) database. Read hits refer to a read that maps to a gene sequence within a particular KO. These hits are weighted using two ways: 1. If a read hits multiple sequences, its weight is distributed among them in proportion to the strength of each mapping and 2. hits to longer sequences are down-weighted, since longer sequences contribute more reads to a metagenome due to the random sampling process of metagenomic studies.

The goal of this sub-project was to find genes related to odor from the HUMAnN analysis and see how the odor profile of various body sites varies.

Part: BBa

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet laoreet metus, ac viverra dolor. Sed et orci imperdiet sem vulputate ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras semper ex non odio aliquet, eget feugiat eros tempor. Integer hendrerit odio et bibendum maximus. Duis scelerisque lacus in odio faucibus fringilla. Nulla eleifend aliquet molestie. Morbi aliquam rhoncus efficitur. Proin consectetur augue aliquam risus convallis egestas. Nunc viverra felis non nibh consequat, nec faucibus ipsum rutrum. Proin placerat faucibus libero vitae dapibus.

Part: BBa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet laoreet metus, ac viverra dolor. Sed et orci imperdiet sem vulputate ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras semper ex non odio aliquet, eget feugiat eros tempor. Integer hendrerit odio et bibendum maximus. Duis scelerisque lacus in odio faucibus fringilla. Nulla eleifend aliquet molestie. Morbi aliquam rhoncus efficitur. Proin consectetur augue aliquam risus convallis egestas. Nunc viverra felis non nibh consequat, nec faucibus ipsum rutrum. Proin placerat faucibus libero vitae dapibus.

Part: BBa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu justo a dolor efficitur laoreet ut at lorem. Fusce dapibus lobortis nisi vehicula porttitor. In volutpat mauris et aliquam pellentesque. Vestibulum fringilla lacus metus, ac ullamcorper lectus sagittis sed. Suspendisse congue magna sed risus molestie aliquam. Sed placerat sagittis volutpat. Phasellus id erat neque. Quisque bibendum iaculis ante et feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce placerat lorem vel felis tincidunt, in elementum odio condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec tincidunt bibendum lacus non viverra. Nulla mattis, ante vitae faucibus auctor, mi purus consequat dolor, non malesuada nulla lorem ac odio.

Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI)
Faculty of Medicine Cochin Port-Royal, South wing, 2nd floor
Paris Descartes University
24, rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques
75014 Paris, France
+33 1 44 41 25 22/25
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