

Revision as of 20:10, 12 October 2014 by Xy4kj (Talk | contribs)
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  • Presentations and Protocols
    • Day One: An Introduction to Synthetic Biology
    • Day Two: A Day in the Life of an iGEMer
    • Day Two: Lab Protocols
    • Day Three (Part One): Modeling in Synthetic Biology
    • Day Three (Part Two): The Ethics of Synthetic Biology
  • Worksheets
    • Pre and Post Assessment
    • Day Two: Lab Worksheet
  • Homework Reading
    • VGEM Protocol Handbook
    • Do-It-Yourself Biology? Messing Around with DNA Increasingly a Garage-Band Venture
    • Your Vanilla Ice Cream Is About to Get Weirder
    • Biohackers Are Kickstarting Some Unregulated Experiments