

Revision as of 15:58, 12 October 2014 by Gwendolyn (Talk | contribs)

Notebook: May


15.16 Purification of Restriction Digest from 30.04.14

Purifying the attempts from the 30.04.2014 with gel extraction kit (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit) according to the protocol.

Fragment Concentration [ng/µl]
pMAD Digest 1 21
pMAD Digest 2 19
Hag-Flank Construct 1 Digest 16,9
Hag-Flank Construct 2 Digest 17,6
Hag-Flank Construct 3 Digest 11,3
15.17 Ligation of purified pMAD and Constructs

The ligation is carried out with the purified pMAD digest and the hag-flank-construct digest from in order to transform the ligation mix into E.Coli DH5Alpha. For the ligation was the following calculator used: UT Dallas

Mix [µl] Control 1 Control 2 Construct 1.1 Construct 1.2 Construct 2.1 Construct 2.2 Construct 3.1 Construct 3.2
Plasmid (pMAD digest 1) 1 - 4,5 - 4,7 - 3 -
Plasmid (pMAD digest 2) - 1 - 5 - 5 - 3,3
Insert (construct) - - 5 5 5 4,8 5 5
T Ligase 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
T4 Ligase Buffer 10x 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
H2O 16 16 7,5 7 7,3 7,2 9 8,7
Total Volume 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Incubation for 1,5h at room temperature.

15.18 Transformation of E.coli DH5Alpha

Transformation of E.coli DH5Alpha with the ligation attempt.
10µl of each the attempts was transformed into 50µL of competent E. coli DH5Alpha in order to test the success of the ligation and raising colonies for inoculating a mini prep.

15.19 PCR with primers

To have enough of the construct for further works, a new PCR (as described before) was done overnight.


13.36 Miniprep of pMA12 from Yeast

Aim: Isolate the plasmid from yeast.

The yeast was washed from the plate with 2 ml of A. dest. After centrifugation at 11000 rpm for 1 min the supernatant was discarded and 500 µl of Solution 1 of the Omega plasmid prep kit was added. The yeast was vortexed for 5 min after addition of a few glas balls. After that the miniprep was carried out according to the protocol (Omega). (c = 134.5 ng/µl)

13.377 Transformation of E.coli DH5Alpha with the prepped pMA12

Aim: Transform E.coli with the prepped plasmid to increase the amount of plasmid.

E. coli DH5Alpha cells were transformed with 10µl of the prepped plasmid pMa12. They were incubated at room temperature over the weekend.

15.20 Purification of Fragments

Purification of the fragments from the 01.05.14. The PCR-products were separated on a 1% agarose-gel.


The fragment with the correct size was excised from the gel and purified with the Gel Extraction Kit (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit)(c = 6.6 ng/µl; c2 = 5.8 ng/µl).


13.38 Inoculation of Miniprep Cultures

Aim: Pick clones to check for the correct plasmids.

15 colonies of the transformed E.coli DH5Alpha were picked and incubated in 6 ml LB-Amp at 37°C overnight.

15.21 Ligation of the hag/flank and pET24d both cut with BamHI and NcoI followed by Transformation of E. coli

The ligation with pMAD was not successful so it was decided to clone the hag/flank-construct first into pET24d. The ligation was done after using the ligation calculator: UT Dallas

[µl] Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Fragment 3
pET24d 2,9 3,1 2
Fragment 10 10 10
T4-Ligase-Buffer (10x) 2 2 2
T4 Ligase 1 1 1
H20 4,1 3,9 5
Total 20 20 20

The ligation was incubated at RT for about 2h followed by a transformation of E. coli DH5Alpha. The transformed cells were plated out on LB-Kan and incubated at 37°C over night.


13.39 Miniprep of the 15 Cultures and Restriction with NcoI

Aim: isolate the plasmid from the picked clones and check for restriction sites of NcoI.

The plasmids were isolated according to the protocol "Miniprep (Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit II, Omega)".

Clone Concentration (ng/µl)
1 570,2
2 735,5
3 671,9
4 642,6
5 660,9
6 688
7 982,6
8 637,4
9 635,4
10 1306,6
11 523,9
12 554,4
13 501,3
14 825
15 771,2

The prepped plasmids were restricted with NcoI for 1h 20min and further analyzed on a 1% agarose gel.


Figure: restriction of the prepped pMa12 with NcoI; the lanes contain the restricted pMa12 in the order of the picked clones 1 – 15; clone 9 was negative; the lanes between the restrictions and the marker contain the prepped pMAD but it appears to be empty.
The most clones contained a plasmid that has only one NcoI restriction site. The expected size of the pMa12 should be around 6.6 kb. All fragments are of the expected size.

13.40 Restriction of pMa12 (prepped from Clone 10) with SacI and NcoI

Aim: create fitting ends to anneal the promotor oligos.

The isolated pMa12 of clone 10 was used for a restriction with SacI-HF and NcoI. The restriction leads to fitting ends for the designed oligos which are the promoters we are about to test: PargJ and PykuO. The restriction is incubated at RT over night.

Restriction Volume [µl]
pMA12 from clone 10 2
NcoI 1
SacI-HF 1
CutSmart Buffer (10x) 2
H2O 14
Total 20
15.21 Inoculation of the DH5Alpha and Miniprep of pET24d_hag/flank

Aim: amplifying and isolation of pET24d_hag/flank.

On the plates with the transformands of yesterday were only three colonies. Each 6 ml LB-Kan were inoculated with the colonies and incubated at 27°C for around 9 h. After growth of the bacteria the plasmids were isolated with the Omega Plasmid Prep Kit.


15.22 Restriction of 3 prepped plasmids (6.5.14) with NcoI and BamHI

Aim: Test whether the prepped plasmid contains the 2 kb insert (hag-flank construct).

[µl] Clone 1 Clone 2 Clone 3
Plasmid (500ng) 10 5 5
Water 8 12 12
CutSmart Buffer (10x) 2 2 3
NcoI 0,5 0,5 0,5
BamHI 0,5 0,5 0,5

Restriction for 45 min at 37°C.
Agarose-gel (1%) to compare the cut and uncut plasmid.

Figure: Agarose gel with control (uncut) and 3 cut clones of pEt24d containing the hag-flank construct, fragments are of expected size.

13.41 Clean up of overnight digested plasmid pMa12 (3 inserts, only 1 NcoI resriction site) by gel-elution.

Aim: purify plasmid to clone annealed oligos for the promotor sequences into the plasmid.

Concentration: 3ng/µl

13.42 Annealing of Oligos

Aim: create promotor sequences in plasmid piGEM001

[µl] Reaction 1 Reaction 2
Oligos iGEM012/iGEM013
Water 80 80
Total 100 100

Heat up at 98°C for a few minutes. Let it cool down until room temperature

13.43 Ligation of the annealed oligos into restricted iGEM001

Aim: Create plasmid with the corresponding promotor sequences for Ag/Cu

[µl] Reaction (Ag) Reaction (Cu)
Plasmid (3ng/µl) 5,5 5,5
Water 15 15
Buffer (Ligation Buffer 10x) 2,5 2,5
Oligo-Mix 12/13 14/15
T4-DNA-Ligase 1 1

10µl of the ligation reaction will be transformed into chemically competent E.coli DH5Alpha als described before.

13.44 Over night restriction of pMA12 to get more of the cut plasmid (clone 10)

See 06.05.2014

Restriction Volume [µl]
pMA12 from clone 10 2
NcoI 1
SacI-HF 1
CutSmart Buffer (10x) 2
H2O 14
Total 20


13.43 Repeat Transformation for AG/Cu Promotors

No colonies on the plates, repeat ligation and transformation with new digested plasmid.
Concentration plasmid: 17 ng/µl
Ligation: 1.5µl of plasmid used
Tranformation: as usual

1. Sequencing

Label Description Primer
AFD001881 piGEM001 T7
AFD001882 piGEM001 T7 Turn
AFD001883 piGEM001 Hag revers (Flo)
AFD001884 piGEM002 TW 260 (Daniel)

Plasmids have to be prepared in a concentration between 50-100 ng/µl in a total volume of 10 to 15µl.
2µl Primers have been added to the premixes, Sample 881 and 882 will be sequenced with primers already present at the company (mwg eurofins).


13.43 Repeat Transformation for AG/Cu Promotors

No colonies on the plates
Repeat annealing of oligos
Step 1:

Amount [µl]  
1 Oligo 1
1 Oligo 2
5 Ligase Buffer
42 Water

Incubation at 37°C for 30 min
Step 2:
Heat up water in microwave until boiling, add the eppis bis primer mix
let it cool down to roomtempertur (over lunch)
Step 3:
1:100 dilution
Step 4: Ligation

Amount [µl]  
3 Plasmid (17,6ng/µl)
2 Annealed Oligos (1:100)
1 Ligase
2 Ligase Buffer
12 Water

Step 5: Tranformation
Incubation at room temperature over the weekend.
Step 6: Results
Hag Flank construct digestion with speI was positive.


13.43 Repeat Transformation for AG/Cu Promotors

No colonies

15.23 PCR for amplification of flagellin-constructs out of pet24-fla-Construct from 05.05.14

Aim: Amplification of the flagellin-constructs from the pet24-fla-plasmid as a template is done in order to make a restriction digest with spe1. This will show which clone contains the successfully synthetized construct with spe1 restriction site because of the Strep-Tag from sequencing.

Mix [µl] Pet24fla1 Pet24fla2 Pet24fla3
Temp. – pet24fla cone 1 (lig1 05.05.14) 0,5 - -
Temp. – pet24fla cone 2 (lig2 05.05.14) - 0,5 -
Temp. – pet24fla cone 3 (lig3 05.05.14) - - 0,5
Primer iGEM-89flo 1 1 1
Primer iGEM-89flo 1 1 1
Q5-Buffer 5x 10 10 10
Phusion-Polymase 0,5 0,5 0,5
Water 37 37 37
Total Volume 50 50 50

PCR protocol for "PCR Q5 elongation for 2kb fragments".

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 3 min
2 95 30 sec
3 55 30 sec
4 72 2,5 min
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 3 min
2 95 30 sec
3 55 30 sec
4 72 2,5 min
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite

Result: PCR not successfull – no band at 2,2kb

15.24 Transformation of E.coli DH5Alpha with pet24-fla-Construct from 05.05.14

Aim: Amplification plasmid for further experiments.

  • 3 aliquots competent E.Coli DH5Alpha were transformed with 1µll of the purified plasmid pet24-fla construct from 05.05.14 from 3 different clones (lig 1-3) each
  • After regeneration the cells were plated on LB-canamycin plates and incubated at room temperature until Monday
15.25 New PCR for ampl. of flagellin-constructs out of pet24-fla-Construct from 05.05.14

Aim: Amplification of the fragment for further experiments with pet24-fla from 15.21 as template. The prior PCR was not successful.

Mix [µl] Pet24fla1 Pet24fla2 Pet24fla3
Temp. – pet24fla cone 1 (lig1 05.05.14) 0,5 - -
Temp. – pet24fla cone 2 (lig2 05.05.14) - 0,5 -
Temp. – pet24fla cone 3 (lig3 05.05.14) - - 0,5
Primer iGEM-89flo 1 1 1
Primer iGEM-89flo 1 1 1
Q5-Mastermix 25 25 25
Water 22,5 22,5 22,5
Total Volume 50 50 50


Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 3 min
2 95 30 sec
3 55 30 sec
4 72 1 min
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite


13.43 Repeat Transformation for AG/Cu Promotors

No colonies

15.25 New PCR for ampl. of flagellin-constructs out of pet24-fla-Construct from 05.05.14


Figure: PCR result from the amplification of the fla-construct out of the pet24d. The gel shows that the 3 clones contain a construct in the pet24d vector. The fragment is about 2,2kb.

15.26 Gel Extraction of PCR Products

Aim: purification of constructs from gel as a preparation for the restriction digest with spe1. The digest will show which clone contains the construct with the replaced strap-tag.

Gel extraction was performed according to the gel extraction kit by Omega.

Extracted PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
clone 1 80,2
clone 2 88,2
clone 3 93,9
15.27 Restriction Digest of PCR Products from with Spe1

Aim: The digest with spe1 will show which clone contains the fla-construct with replaced STRAP-Tag by a spe1 restriction site

[µl] Mastermix with NcoI - for 4 attempts Attempt 1-3 Spe1 (20kU/ml)
DNA - Ca. 85ng/µl
ca. 1µg → 12µl
Spe1 1 -
Master-Mix - 3
Cutsmart (10x) 6 -
H2O 5 -
Total Volume 12 15
Loading Dye 6x - 2,5/attempt

Incubation for 60min at 37°C
Heat shock for 2min at 80°C


Figure: The spe1 digest of the pcr amplified construct shows 3 bands. The 2,2kb band is the uncut construct whereby the smaller bands are the two fragments as a result of the spe1 cut. The constructs in the pet24d still contain the right spe1 restriction site.

15.28 Transformation of E.coli DH5Alpha with pet24-fla-Construct from 05.05.14

Colonies were grown on every plate → successful transformation

15.29 Inoculation for Miniprep of Transformed E.Coli DH5Alpha with pet24-fla-Construct from 10.05.14

Aim: Amplication of transformed plasmid for miniprep in order to receive more plasmid for further experiments

3x6ml LB + 6µl canamycin each were inoculated with 1 colony of plate 1-3 from 10.05.14. The plates were incubated overnight at 37°C


15.30 Miniprep of Transformed E.coli DH5Alpha with pET24-fla-Construct from 11.05.14

Aim: Prep of transformed plasmid in order to receive more plasmid for further experiments

15.31 PCR of Construct with pET24d as Template from Miniprep 11.05.14

Aim: Amplification of clone 2 for further experiments

Mix [µl] Pet24fla2
Temp. – pet24fla clone 2 (lig2 11.05.14) 0,5
Primer iGEM-89flo 1
Primer iGEM-89flo 1
Q5-Mastermix 25
Water 22,5
Total Volume 50

The PCR was performed according to the "PCRQ5" protocol.

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 3 min
2 95 30 sec
3 55 30 sec
4 72 1 min
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite

The PCR-products were separated on a 1 % agarose gel. The bands of 2.2 kb were cut out and a gel extraction was carried out (c = 100 ng/µl) according to the "Gel Extraction (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit)" protocol.

15.32 Restriction of the PCR-Fragment with BamHI and NcoI

Aim: Creating corresponding ends for ligation into pMAD

Restriction Volume [µl]
PCR-product hag/flank (100 ng/µl) 5
NcoI-HF 1
BamHI-HF 1
CutSmart-Buffer (10x) 2
H2O 11
Total Volume 20

The restriction is incubated at RT overnight.

13.44 Phosphorylation and Annealing of Promoter-Oligos

Aim: phosphorylation of singlestand oligos with subsequent annealing for cloning into pMa12

For ligation to occur at least one of the DNA ends (insert or vector) should contain a 5´ phosphate. Primers are usually supplied non-phosphorylated; therefore, the oligos or PCR product will not contain a 5´ phosphate. The digestion of DNA with a restriction enzyme will always produce a 5´ phosphate. A DNA fragment can be phosphorylated by incubation with T4 Polynucleotide Kinase in T4-ligase-buffer which already contains the necessary ATP in an appropriate amount (1 mM):

Phosphorylation [µl] P(argJ) P(ykuO)
iGEM-012 1 -
iGEM-013 1 -
iGEM-014 - 1
iGEM-015 - 1
T4-ligase buffer 5 5
T4 PNK 1 1
H2O 42 42
Total Volume 50 50

The reaction was done in a PCR cycler with a subsequent heat inactivation of the PNK and annealing reaction (protocol: "Annealing with PNK Inactivation")


15.33 Miniprep and Restriction of pMAD with BamHI and NnoI

Aim: isolate pMAD and create linearized vector with corresponding ends for ligation with the construct

The plasmid pMAD was isolated and restricted with the restriction enzymes BamHI and NcoI to create fitting ends for the ligation with the restricted PCR-fragment.

Restriction Volume [µl]

pMAD (174.9 ng/µl)

NcoI-HF 1
BamHI-HF 1
CutSmart-Buffer (10x) 2
H2O 14
Total Volume 20

The restriction was incubated at 37°C for 1h.

15.34 Ligation of Restricted pMAD with the Restricted hag/flank-Construct and Trafo

Aim: link the fragment with the vector and trafo of DH5Alpha

The ligation of pMAD and the restricted PCR-fragment was done according to the previous mentioned ligation calculator.

Ligation Volume [µl]
pMAD 5
Hag/flank-construct 10
T4 Ligase Buffer (10x) 2
T4 DNA-Ligase 1
H2O 2
Total Volume 20

The ligation was incubated at RT for 1.5 h. After that E. coli DH5Alpha were transformed with the ligation mix and plated out onto LB-Amp plates which were incubated at 37°C overnight.

13.45 Ligation of Annealed Oligos with Restricted pMa12-Construct and Trafo of E. coli DH5Alpha

Aim: clone the promoter sequences in front of the gfp

A ligation of the SacI and NcoI restricted pMa12-construct with the annealed oligos was carried out. The annealed oligos (iGEM-012/013 c = 762.3 ng/µl and iGEM-014/015 c = 825.5 ng/µl) were diluted up to 10-2. 10ng of the insert and 100ng of the vector were used for the ligation.

Ligation [µl] P(argJ)-pMa12-construct P(ykuO)-pMa12-construct
iGEM-012/013 (7.6 ng/µl) 1,5 -
iGEM-014/015 (8.3 ng/µl) - 1,5
T4-ligase-buffer (10x) 2 2
T4-Ligase 1 1
H2O 15,5 15,5
Total Volume 20 20

The ligation was incubated at RT for 2h. The E. coli DH5Alpha were transformed afterwards with the whole ligation mix and plated on LB-Amp, which were incubated at 37°C overnight.


15.35 Inoculation Miniprep and Restriction of pMAD with BamHI and NcoI

Aim: the ligation from 15.34 was not successful. Inoculation of pMAD for miniprep in order to have more plasmid for further experiments.
Additionally we create linearized vector with corresponding ends for ligation with the construct with rest from 13.05.14.

The plasmid pMAD from 13.05.14 (ca. 25µl) and restricted with the restriction enzymes BamHI and NcoI to create fitting ends for the ligation with the restricted PCR-fragment. The digest was performed in 2 Eppis with 12,5µl plasmid each.

Restriction [µl] Mastermix Volume
pMAD (174.9 ng/µl) - 12,5
Mastermix - 7,5
NcoI-HF 1 -
BamHI-HF 1 -
CutSmart-Buffer (10x) 4 -
H2O 9 -
Total Volume 15 20

The restriction was incubated at 37°C for 2h.

15.36 Transformation of pet24d-clone2 into E.Coli DH5Alpha

Aim: raising colonies for further minipreps of successful construct containing clone

The plasmid pet24d with the fla construct from clone 2 was transformed into E.Coli DH5Alpha and plated on LB-Canamycin. Incubation overnight at 37°C.

13.37 Inoculation for Miniprep of E.Coli DH5Alpha with pet24d-fla Construct Clone2

Aim: raising colonies for further minipreps of successful construct containing clone2

One clone with plasmid pet24d with the fla construct was used for inoculation of LB-medium. Incubation overnight at 37°C

13.46 Transformation of Nose-Plasmid from Clone 10 into E.Coli DH5Alpha

Aim: raising colonies for miniprep of new Nose-plasmid for further experiments

The plasmid pMA12+Nose-Construct from clone 10 was transformed into E.Coli DH5Alpha and plated on LB-AMP. Incubation overnight at 37°C

13.37 Ligation of Restricted pMAD from 14.05.14 with the Restricted hag/flank-Construct

Aim: link the fragment with the vector

The ligation of pMAD and the restricted PCR-fragment was done according to the previous ligation calculator.

Ligation Volume [µl]
pMAD 5
Hag/flank-construct 20
T4-Ligase-Buffer (10x) 3
T4-DNA-Ligase 1
H2O 1
Total Volume 30

Incubation overnight at room temperature.

13.47 Restriction and Clean-up of piGEM002 (Nose) and Following Ligation and Tranformation

Aim: create more plasmid for further experiments, 2 digests were performed to get a high amount of plasmid (in the end pooled in the clean up)
concentration= 44 ng/µl

Restriction Volume [µl]
pMa12 from clone 10 1,5
NcoI 1
SacI-HF 1
CutSmart-Buffer (10x) 2
H2O 14,5
Total Volume 20

One ligation was performed for 1h and transformed into chemocompetent cells from Daniel, the second ligation was performed over night in case no colonies grow on the trafo plates.

Ligation Mix Volume [µl]
Buffer 2
Water 14,5
Plasmid 1,5
Primer Mix (1:100) 1
Ligase 1

Transformation with daniels cells:
thaw on ice: 5 min
add DNA, keep on ice: 5 min
heat shock in water bath at 37°C: 45 sec
put back on ice and add 1 ml LB
recovery for LB: 20 min

17.1 Innoculate Bacillus Strains

Aim: have bacillus strains to work with in MTA and make competent cells

Wildtype on LB plate and in LB liquid without an antibiotic.
Bacillus strain 186 on plates containing xylose (Incubation overnight).


17.2 Make Competent Cells

Aim: make competent cells bacillus cells for transforming into bacillus

Innoculate Bacillus wildtype strain in SPC medium.

Time OD570
13:30 5,7
14:00 6,2
15:45 6,6
16:30 7
17:00 7,2
  → new media
Incubation for 1,5h

Aliquot and thaw in liquid nitrogen. Store at -80°C.

15.38 Transformation of Ligated pMAD and the Restricted hag/flank-Construct

Aim: produce cells that contain the ligated plasmid

Chemically competent cells from Daniel were transformed with the 20µl ligation-mix, 20µl of the cells were transformed with 1µl pMad uncut (control).
Protocol: see yesterday

15.39 PCR for Amplification of Hag-Flank-Construct in pet24d and Following Restriction

After plasmid prep pcr was run to amplify the hag-Flank-construct, afterwards it will be digested with SpeI to find a clone with pure pruduct (no tag but only SpeI restriction site).

PCR Mix Volume [µl]
Q5-Mastermix 88
Water 110
Primer 89 5,5
Primer 90 5,5
Template 1

Figure: gel foto after amplification of hag flank insert from 10 clones: all positive.
Whole insert has been digested for 1h with SpeI in a 20µl reaction mix
17.5µl insert, 2µl buffer and 1µl ligase

Figure: gel foto after restriction of the 2.2 kb fragment with spe I (expected sizes appear on the gel) no undigested bands= only fragments with the restriction site are in

13.48 Colony PCR after Transformation

Aim: find out which colonies contain the right plasmid

Dip in a colony on the trafo plate, streak it on a new plate and dip in the PCR Premix

[µl] Amount Ag Amount Cu
Q5-Mastermix 8 8
Water 10 10
TW 260 1 1
Primer 12 1 -
Primer 14 - 1
17.3 First Plate Reader Measurement with Bacillus Wildtype and Strain 186 (gfp)

Aim: Test for differences between the two strains and first check if experiment works at all


15.38 Transformation of Ligated pMAD and the Restricted hag/flank-Construct


15.40 Colony PCR with Colonies from 16.05.14

Aim: test the success of ligation from pMAD & Hag-Flank-Construct

A PCR ran with 5 picked clones from 16.05.14 and Primers Flo89 and 90 for amplification of inserted construct

  Attempt [µl]
Colony 1 colony
Q5-Mastermix 10
Water 8
Primer Flo89 1
Primer Flo90 1


Figure: Test if insert in pMad has the right size of about 2000 bp → not precise repeat on Monday

15.41 Innoculation of Colonies pMad plus hag-flank-Insert

Aim: grow cells that contain the mentioned plasmid and subsequently prep that plasmid for further work

Innoculate 5 clones in LB liquid and incubation over the weekend at room temperature


15.42 Test Restriction of pMad-hag-flank and Test PCR

Aim: determine whether the plasmid contains the right insert

Restriction: Concentration of plasmid after prep between 20 and 30 ng/µl

  Volume [µl]
Buffer / Water 27
Template 10
NcoI 0,5
BamHI 0,5


Figure: Testrestriction of pMad with hag flank insert did not bring a clear result (last band belongs to Flo)

  Amount [µl]
Q5-Mastermix 10
Primer 89 1
Primer 90 1
Template 1
Water 7


17.4 Bacillus Trafo with Nose Plasmids

Bacillus Trafo: rf. Diploma thesis from Dr. Felix Dempwolff
5µl DNA were added to 100µl cells, 30 min incubation at 37°C and plated on LB-Cm.


15.43 PCR to Amplify Cup 1 from Yeast gDNA

Aim: create the DNA fragment cup 1 (metallothionein to insert it into the flagellin (Gib-son assembly in pMad by cutting the plasmid with SpeI at the created restriction site)

  Amount [µl]
Q5-Mix 20
Primer 89 1
Primer 90 1
Template 1
Water 17
17.5 Bacillus Trafo with Nose Plasmids

No colonies → new trafo
New LB Cm plates for Bacillus (only 5µg/ml instead of 25µg/ml)


15.44 Restriction pMad with SpeI

Aim: Create a linearized plasmid for following gibson assembly with Cup1

  Volume [µl]
Buffer 2,5
Plasmid 20
SpeI 1
Water -

Concentration of plasmid after clean up only 7 ng/µl

15.45 Gibson Assembly of Restricted pMad-fla and cup 1 and Transformation into E.Coli XL1-Blue

Aim: create a flagellin that contains the metallothinein cup1

[µl] Control With Insert
Gibson Mix 15 15
Plasmid (7ng/µl) 5 5
Insert - 1
Water 1 -

A part of the aliquot was plated on LB-tet for inoculation of colonies for competent XL1-Blue.


17.6 MTA Bacillus Nose Ag

Tranformation from 20.5.14: one colony on the Ag Nose plate
Innoculate shaking culture in the morning together with the wildtype and the gfp strain (186) in LB liquid without antibiotics

Inocculate 96 well plate in the afternoon 15:00

Prepate Cu and Ag solutions to test different concentrations in MTA and see if the Ag nose responds to Ag and also if it is specific for Ag and does not respond to Cu

Ag and Cu in stock solution of 10 mM have been prepared
Added (Concentration): 11 mM, 100µM and 10µM
Cells: Ag Nose mutant, wildtype (AG GM) and gfp (186)

17.7 Overnight Restriction piGEM 002 and the Nose Plasmide for Ag/Cu

Aim: Linearize the plasmids with SpeI to built in the instability tags (25µl mix)

[µl] piGem 002 clone 7 Nose plasmid 003/004 Amount
Template ≈10µg 15 20 15
SpeI 1 1 1
CutSmart-Buffer 2,5 2,5 2,5
Water 6,5 1,5 6,5

Incubation at room temperature


17.7 Create Instability Tags for gfp in the Nose Plasmids

Aim: Gfp is a stable protein which would accumulate and wrong the results if not digested, instability tags of different strength cause the degradation and therefore cause quantitative results

First step: Linearize the following plasmids: piGEM 002 without promotor as well as the plasmids containing the Silver and copper promotor
Second step: PCR to anneal the oligos 20+21, 20+22 and 20+23

  Volume [µl]
Primer A 5
Primer B 5
Phusion 0,25
dNTPs 0,25
Buffer 5
Water 34,5
Cycle 3

Afterwards clean up with kit (all three mixes were carried out in a duplicate, 1 each was frozen away at minus 20)

Third step: Yeast transformation
9 Reactions (3 plasmids and 3 instability tags)

100 ng plasmid plus 1µl of primer mix were filled to 14µll and added to the yeast transformation mix and subsequently transformed into yeast.


15.46 Restriction of pMAD-fla with SpeI, Gibson-Assembly with cup1-1 and Transformation of E. coli DH5Alpha

Aim: insert cup1-1 into the hag/flank-construct

To insert the metallothionein gene cup1-1 into the hag/flank-construct the pMAD-fla was restricted with SpeI to linearize it.

Restriction Volume [µl]
pMAD-fla (330 ng/µl) 4
SpeI 1
CutSmart Buffer (10x) 1
H2O 6
Total Volume 10

The restriction was carried out at 37°C for 1h.
The restriction was cleaned with a DNA Gel Ex Kit (c = 40 ng/µl). 4µl (160 ng) of this restricted plasmid were mixed with 1µl of the cup1-1 fragment (9.6 ng/µl). These 5µl were inserted into the prepared 15µl Gibson-mix. The reaction was incubated at RT for 1 min and then at 50°C for 1h. An extra Gibson-reaction was carried out as a control with just the linearized pMAD without the cup1-1.
E. coli DH5Alpha cells were transformed with the Gibson reactions and plated out on LB-Amp. They were incubated at 37°C over night.

15.47 Colony-PCR of E. coli XLI-Blue pMAD-fla + cup1-1 from 21.05.14 and 23.05.14

Aim: check for correct insertion of cup1-1 into the hag/flank-construct

Since a Gibson-Assembly with the same aim was carried out last week, the colonies were checked by a colony PCR with the primers for cup1-1 iGEM-018 and iGEM-019. One colony was picked from the plate from 23rd May and three were taken from the plate from 21st May. The latter was contaminated with Bacillus colonies. For this reason E. coli was picked and streaked out onto a new plate on Friday the 23rd May. The consequence is a plate with just one clone, what is the reason, that only one colony was picked from this plate.

Mix Volume [µl]
E. coli XLI-Blue pMAD-fla+cup1-1 part of a colony
Primer iGEM-018 0,5
Primer iGEM-019 0,5
Q5-Mastermix 10
Water 9
Total Volume 20

A part of each colony was transferred onto a new LB-Amp plate, which was incubated at 37°C overnight.


13.49 PlasmidPprep from Yeast and Transformation of E. coli DH5Alpha

Aim: increase the amount of plasmid in E. coli for further experiments with the degradation tags

The gfp in piGEM002, piGEM002-Ag (and piGEM002-Cu was tagged with different degradation tags by yeast recombination. The plasmids have been prepped form yeast.

Clone Concentration (ng/µl)

E. coli DH5Alpha cells were transformed with 15µl of each prepped plasmid and plated out on LB-Amp. They were incubated at 37°C over night.

Gly-Stocks - Making of -stocks for long time storage of bacteria strains
For long time freezer storage of bacteria, they have to be treated with glycerin to prevent the crystallization and damaging of the cells. For this reason 2ml of LB with the respective antibiotic were inoculated with the bacteria which were to be stored and were incubated at 37°C overnight.

Strains that are to be stored:

  • E. coli XLI-Blue pMAD-fla (piGEM-005)
  • E. coli XLI-Blue pMa12-construct (piGEM-002)
  • E. coli XLI-Blue pMa12-Cu (piGEM-004)
  • E. coli XLI-Blue pMa12-Ag (piGEM-003)
  • E. coli BL21(DE3) pLysS


15.48 Restriction of pET24d-fla with SpeI and Gibson-Assembly with cup1-1

Aim: linearize pET24d-fla and insert cup1-1 into pET24d-fla

Since the colony-PCR (26.05.14) was negative and the Gibson-Assembly of linearized pMAD-fla with cup1-1 showed no results the pET24d-fla construct was linearized with SpeI.

Restriction Volume [µl]
pET24d-fla (98.8 ng/µl) 8
SpeI 1
CutSmart-Buffer (10x) 2
H2O 9
Total Volume 20

The restriction was incubated at 37°C for 1h.

The restriction mix was purified with the Gel Ex Kit. The yield was too low (c = 3.1 ng/µl) to use it for a Gibson-Assembly, so the rest of the pET24d-fla was restricted with SpeI.

Restriction Volume [µl]
pET24d-fla (98.8 ng/µl) 18,5
SpeI 1
CutSmart-Buffer (10x) 2,5
H2O 3
Total Volume 25

The restriction was incubated at 37°C for 1h.

The restriction mix was purified with the Gel Ex Kit (c = 20.1 ng/µl), which was enough for the Gibson-Assembly. 4µl (80 ng) of this restricted plasmid were mixed with 1 µl of the cup1-1 fragment (9.6 ng/µl). These 5 µl were inserted into the prepared 15µl Gibson-mix. The reaction was incubated at RT for 1 min and then at 50°C for 1 h. An extra Gibson-reaction was carried out as a control with just the linearized pET24d-fla without the cup1-1.

Competent E. coli XLI-Blue from Daniel were transformed with the whole Gibson-reactions. They were plated on LB-Kan an incubated at 37°C overnight.

13.50 Colony-PCR of the E. colis Containing the Degradation tagged Constructs

Aim: check for correct tagging of gfp with the respective degradation tag

The transformation with the tag-constructs were nearly in all cases successful except the pMa12-Ag-21. The transformation was repeated, the plate was incubated at 37°C over night.
Four colonies of every plate have been picked, transferred to new LB-Amp plates and were subsequently used for the colony-PCR. The Master Mix was portioned in aliquots of 20µl per PCR-cup and inoculated with the respective colony.

MasterMix for 33 reactions Volume [µl]
E. coli DH5Alpha with construct part of a colony
AG TW 260 16
AG TW 316 16
Q5-Mastermix 165
Water 133
Total Volume 330

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 5 min
2 95 20 sec
3 55 20 sec
4 72 20 sec
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite

Figures : Colony-PCR of E. coli with the degradation-tag constructs

The bands slightly higher than 200 bp indicated a positive clone. Positive constructs are available: 002-21, Cu-23, Ag-22 and Cu-22.

Gly-Stocks - Making of glycerin-stocks for long time storage of bacteria strains

1 ml of the bacteria which were inoculated yesterday (26.05.2014) were transferred to new, sterile 1.5 ml Eppendorf-cups. 600µl of 50% glycerin were added and the cells were frozen and stored at -80°C in the freezer.

18.1 Making competent E. coli XLI-Blue with RbC: Inoculating LB-Tet with E.Coli XL1-Blue as preculture

9 ml LB-Tetracycline (1:1000) were inoculated with E. coli XLI-Blue cells as a preculture. They were incubated at 37°C overnight.


18.2 Inoculating E.Coli XL1-Blue main culture

93 mL of LB-tet were added to 7 mL of preculture for inculation of main culture. The main culture was incubated at 37°C until an OD of 0,5.

18.3 Preparing Transformation Buffer TBF1 and TBF2
TBF1 recipe TBF2 recipe
for 50ml  
Kaliumacetat 0,15g
MnCl2 x 4H2O  
1M RbCl2 5 ml
1m CaCl2 0,5 ml
87% Glycerin 8,6 ml
A.dest 35,9 ml
autoclave or sterile filtration  
for 250 ml  
1M NaMOPS (pH7) 2,5 ml
1M CaCl2 x 2H2O 8,75 ml
1M RbCl2 2,5 ml
87% Glycerin 43,75 ml
A.dest 192,5 ml
adjust pH7  
store at 4°C in the dark  
sterile filtration  
18.4 Preparing E.Coli XL1-Blue
  • Grow 100ml E.coli culture to OD600=0,5
  • Put on ice for 10 min
  • Centrifuge 2x 50 ml for 10 min at 3000 rpm and 4°C
  • Wash pellets in 10 ml TFB1 (10 min; 3000 rpm; 4°C)
  • Resuspend pellets in 2ml TFB2
  • Pipett 200µl aliquots in precooled 1,5 ml tubes
  • store at  -80µC
15.49 Colony-PCR with transformed E. coli XLI-Blue including pet24d-Fla-Cup1-1

Aim: testing the squccess of insertion of cup1-1 into pet24d-fla

6 clones were picked from transformation plate and a colony PCR was ran with primers iGEM-018 & - 019. The result should be a band at 240 bp in case of a positive clone.

[µl] Mastermix Mix for PCR attempts
E. coli XLI-Blue pet24d-fla+cup1-1   part of a colony
Primer iGEM-018 3,5 -
Primer iGEM-019 3,5 -
Q5-Masterix 70 -
Water 63 -
Master-Mix - 20
Total Volume 140  

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 1 min
2 95 20 sec
3 55 20 sec
4 72 20 sec
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite
13.51 Colony-PCR of the E. colis Containing the Degradation Tagged Constructs

Aim: check for correct tagging of gfp with the respective degradation tag

The Colony-PCR was repeated with pMa12-Ag-21 after successful transformation.
Four colonies have been picked, transferred to new LB-Amp plates and were subsequently used for the colony-PCR.
The Master Mix was portioned in aliquots of 20 µl per PCR-cup and inoculated with the respective colony.

[µl] Master-Mix for attempts Mix for PCR attempt
E. coli DH5α with Ag21 - part of a colony
AG TW 260 2,5 -
AG TW 316 2,5 -
Q5-Mastermix 50 -
Water 45 -
Master-Mix - 20
Total Volume 100 20

Figure : Colony-PCR of E. coli containing the degradation-tag construct Ag-21

In an additional reaction the colony-PCRs of the negative clones (gel 28.05.14) were repeated with more picked clones per construct. This time 8 colonies of each negative construct were picked, transferred to another LB-Amp-plate and used for the PCR-reaction. Four times eight reactions were carried out, a master mix was prepared for 33 reactions.

[µl] Master-Mix for 33 reactions Mix for one PCR reaction
Part of a colony - 1
AG TW 260 8 0,25
AG TW 316 8 0,25
Q5-Mastermix 330 10
Water 315 9,5
Master-Mix - 20
Total Volume 660 20

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 5 min
2 95 20 sec
3 55 20 sec
4 72 20 sec
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite

Figures : Colony-PCR with E. coli containing the degradation-tag constructs

Positive clones could be obtained with the Ag-23 and the 002-22 constructs.

18.5 Transformation test with E.Coli XL1-Blue and pMAD (fla)

E.Coli XL1-Blue were transformed with 1µl pMAD (189 ng/µl). Another aliquod was transformed with pMAD-fla.
In comparison E.Coli DH5Alpha were transformed the same way.


18.5 Transformation Test with E.Coli XL1-Blue and pMAD (fla)

Every transformation was successful. The higher number of colonies on the pMAD-transformation plate shows a higher transformation efficiency compared with DH5Alpha.

18.6 Inoculation for Miniprep and Glycerin Storing of pMAD-fla

Aim: In order to save pMAD and pMAD-fla for further experiments and storage minipreps and glycerin stocks have to be inoculated

For minipreps 2x6ml of LB-Amp were inoculated with one colony from the pMAD XL1-Blue-Transformation plate. Additionally 3x6ml of LB-Amp were inoculated with one colony from the pMAD-fla XL1-Blue-Transformation plate.
Furthermore 2x 2 mL LB-Amp were inoculated with a clone from pMAD-fla XL1-Blue-Transformation plate for glycerin storage.
Every attempt was incubated at 37°C overnight.

13.52 Colony-PCR of the E. colis containing the degradation tagged constructs

Aim: check for correct tagging of gfp with the respective degradation tag

The Colony-PCR was repeated with 002-Cu21 and 002-23.
Four colonies have been picked, transferred to new LB-Amp plates and were subsequently used for the colony-PCR.
The Master Mix was portioned in aliquots of 20 µl per PCR-cup and inoculated with the respective colony.

[µl] Master-Mix for 18 attempts Mix for PCR attempt 002-23.1-8 Mix for PCR attempt 002-Cu21.1-8
E. coli DH5α with 002-23 - part of a colony -
E. coli DH5α with Cu21 - - part of a colony
AG TW 260 9 - -
AG TW 316 9 - -
Phusion 3,6 - -
Q5-Buffer 5x 72 - -
dNTP-Mix 5 - -
Water 261,4 - -
Master-Mix - 20 20
Total Volume 360 20 20

Step Temperature °C Time
1 95 5 min
2 95 20 sec
3 55 20 sec
4 72 20 sec
5 Go To 2 35x
6 72 5min
7 4 Infinite
15.53 Inoculation of Minipreps from Nose-Tag-Plasmids

Aim: miniprep for isolation of plasmids in order to transform them into bacillus for plate reader assays

6 mL LB-Amp were inoculated with different colonies cotaining the following plasmid-constructs:

  • 002-21
  • 002-22
  • 002-Cu-23
  • 002-Ag-23
  • 002-Cu-22
  • 002-Ag-22

Incubation Overnight at 37°C


18.7 Miniprep of E.Coli XL1-Blue with pMAD and pMAD-fla
Plasmid Concentration after prep (ng/µL)
pMAD 114 & 108
pMAD-fla (iGEM-005) 114, 128 & 142

Plasmids were frozen away at -20°C

13.54 Minipreps from Nose-Tag-Plasmids
Plasmid Concentration after prep (ng/µl)
002-21 368
002-22 401
002-Cu-22 425
002-Cu-23 427
002-Ag-22 806
002-Cu-23 402
13.55 Inoculation of Minipreps with Ag-21

The positive clone 3 from the colony PCR (28.05.14) was used to inoculate 6 ml LB-Amp for a miniprep in order to receive the plasmid for transforming it into Bacillus subtilis.
Incubation at room temperature over the weekend.

15.49 Inoculation of pMAD-fla-cup1-1 for Miniprep

Aim: inoculation for miniprep in order to receive plasmid for bacillus-trafo

6 mL LB-Amp were inoculated with the positive clone 1 from the Gibson assembly with cup1-1 transformed into E.Coli XL1-Blue from 26.05.14. After miniprep the plasmid can be transformed into Bacillus Subtilis.
Incubation at room temperature over the weekend.

13.54 Transformation of Bacillus with Plasmids

Aim: Create Bacillus strains with the following plasmids:

  • BS piGEM002 + DT22
  • BS piGEM 011 (002 AG + DT22)
  • BS piGEM 012 (002 AG + DT23)
  • BS piGEM 014 (002 Cu + DT22)
  • BS piGEM 002 (Nose)
  • BS piGEM 003 (Nose Ag)
  • BS piGEM 004 (Nose Cu)
13.55 Colony-PCR of the E. colis Containing the Degradation Tagged Constructs

Aim: check for correct tagging of gfp with the respective degradation tag

Phusion and Q5 Buffer did not work out so the PCR was repeated with Q5 Mastermix.
PCR performed with 002-Cu21 and 002-23
Result: Positive clones for both Tags have subsequently been inoculated in LB-Amp and incubated at room temperature over the weekend.