Team:UCSF UCB/jessica
Jessica's Notes
Protocols and Procedures in Lab Notebook, Eric's Notebook
[ ] Chronicle attempts at alpha-inducible promoters cloning, link related tasks
[ ] link/update pictures, graphs, data (if possible/desirable)
[ ] add gel photos
Tuesday May 27, 2014
- Meet Kara, Derrick
Go around lab
Generally got set up for iGEM, lab work.
Wednesday May 28, 2014
- Meet Eric
I. PCR 13 alpha-inducible yeast promoters
- PRM2
- ASG7
- FUS2
- PCL2
- FUS3
- CLG1
- YDR124W
- HYM1
- PRM6
- PRM1
- ECM18
- PRM3
- SAG1
II. Transformation of E. coli with backbone plasmid
- Mach 1 cells with pHY4 plasmid
Thursday May 29, 2014
- Come in late due to dentist appointment
I. Gel Extraction of 5/28 PCR
Friday May 30, 2014
I. Mini-Prep E. coli cultures from 5/29 Transformation
- Extract plasmid backbone
II. Backbone Digestion
Monday June 2, 2014
Ianto returns
I. Ligation of pHY4 Backbone + promoters
II. PCR unsuccessful/low-yield promoters from 5/28
III. Gel Extract 6/02 Primers
Promoter Concentration FUS2 failed PCL2 84.35 YDR124W 134.3 PRM6 84.14 ECM18 91.99 PRM1 64.64
Tuesday June 3, 2014
I. PCR Yeast Promoters
- redo of 5/28 PCR due to low yield
II. Gel Extraction of PCR
Wednesday June 4, 2014
I. Mini-prep Backbone DNA + promoter
- transformation done previously
II. Digestion of plasmids in relation to 6/03 PCR (?)
Thursday June 5, 2014
I. Mini-prep Promoters from 6/02 PCR
II. Ligation of 6/03 Promoters
III. Transformation of E. coli with 6/05 Ligation DNA
IV. Transformation of Yeast with linearized promoters
- YTS18 strain
Friday June 6, 2014
I. Colony PCR of 6/05 E. coli transformation
Monday June 9, 2014
- First day of bootcamp
- Meet rest of iGEM: Eleanor, Sabrina, Robert, George, Jeffrey
- Sometime before here, decide to give up on FUS2 and FUS3
I. Mini-prep Colonies from 6/06 Colony PCR
II. Yeast Colony PCR of 6/05 Yeast Transformation
Tuesday June 10, 2014
I. Digestion of pHY4 + alpha promoter + GFP
Wednesday June 11, 2014
I. PCR Purification of 6/10 digestion
Promoter | Concentration |
PRM2 | 59.01 |
ASG7 | 89.23 |
PCL2 | 101.3 |
CLG1 | 93.58 |
YDR124W | 127.5 |
HYM1 | 16.55 |
PRM6 | 400.0 |
PRM1 | 19.4 |
ECM18 | 118.7 |
PRM3 | 87.11 |
SAG1 | 179.2 |
II. Gibson Assembly of pHY4 + alpha promoter (I.) and rtTA inserts (made by Derrick 6/10)
III. Transformation of E. coli with Gibson Assembly (II.) {Attempt 1}
- DH5alpha E. coli strain
- 6/12 Results: failed. Use higher efficiency cells?
Thursday June 12, 2014
I. Seamless Cloning Assembly reaction of alpha promoter + rtTA
II. Transformation of E. coli with Seamless Cloning (I.) {Attempt 1.2}
- Top 10 E. coli strain
Friday June 13, 2014
- did not come in - attending cousin's graduation
- NASA field trip
Monday June 16, 2014
- Lab meeting
- presentation on ongoing work
I. Colony PCR of 6/11 E. coli transformation
II. Yeast Colony PCR of 6/13 yeast transformations (done by ?)
Tuesday June 17, 2014
I. Colony PCR of failed yeast + alpha promoter + GFP from 6/16
II. Mini-prep of pHY4 + alpha promoter + rtTA E. coli successful colonies from 6/16 Colony PCR/ 6/11 Transformation
Promoter+rtTA | Concentration |
ECM18 1 | 308.3 |
ECM18 2 | 231.6 |
PCL2 1 | 162.7 |
PCL2 2 | 247.3 |
PRM6 1 | 248.1 |
PRM6 2 | 327.9 |
ASG7 1 | 351.7 |
ASG7 2 | 593.5 |
HYM1 1 | 221.7 |
HYM1 2 | 413.0 |
PRM2 1 | 324.3 |
PRM2 2 | 339.6 |
PRM3 1 | 351.5 |
PRM3 2 | 316.7 |
CLG1 1 | 289.0 |
CLG1 2 | 276.8 |
YDR124W 1 | 366.0 |
YDR124W 2 | 239.3 |
- sent to sequencing {Attempt 1}
- 6/18 Results: failed
Wednesday June 18, 2014
I. Transformation of yeast with alpha promoter + GFP (from 5/30 I.)
- yeast strains CB008 and CB008DB
II. Overnight cultures of yeast from (I.)
Thursday June 19, 2014
I. Culture colonies from 6/12 transformation (6/12 II.)
II. Glycerol stocks of successful yeast strains from 6/18 transformation
Friday June 20, 2014
I. Learned to use flow cytometer
- Characterization of alpha-inducible promoter + GFP in CB008 yeast
II. Mini-prep successful colonies from 6/19 cultures (6/19 I.)
- sent to sequencing {Attempt 2}
- 6/23 Results: failed, determined rtTA gene was incomplete
Monday June 23, 2014
- Lab meeting
- presentation on iGEM Parts Registry and Parts Submission
I. Digestion of some pHY4 + alpha promoters - GFP (redo of 6/10 Digestion)
II. Culture DH5alpha + pHY4 + HYM1 cells for mini-prep (runnning low)
III. Gel Extraction of Digestion (I.)
Promoter | Concentration |
ASG7 | 23.77 |
CLG1 | 16.59 |
HYM1 | 12.96 |
ECM18 | 21.39 |
PRM3 | 15.20 |
Tuesday June 24, 2014
I. PCR Purification of remaining pHY4 + alpha promoters - GFP (Digestion done by Derrick)
Promoter | Concentration |
PRM2 | 0.4510 |
YDR124W | 15.46 |
SAG1 | 12.10 |
PRM6 | 21.74 |
PRM1 | 4.186 |
PCL2 | 6.348 |
II. PCR of alpha promoter primer + rtTA with new rtTA RV primer
Wednesday June 25, 2014
I. Gel Check of 6/24 PCR - failed
II. Mini-prep of rtTA, other plasmids (transformed by Eric and Derrick 6/24)
Thursday June 26, 2014
I. PCR of alpha promoter primer + rtTA (Redo of 6/24 II.)
Friday June 27, 2014
I. Gel Check and PCR Purification of 6/26 PCR (6/26 I.)
Promoter | Concentration |
PRM2 | 107.0 |
ASG7 | 111.2 |
PCL2 | 96.49 |
CLG1 | 114.8 |
YDR124W | 90.53 |
HYM1 | 72.29 |
PRM6 | 99.83 |
PRM1 | 75.35 |
ECM18 | 18.81 |
SAG1 | 104.1 |
pTEF | 182.3 |
II. Digest Excess plasmid from (I.)
III. Gibson Assembly of primer + rtTA (I.) and pHY4 + promoter (6/23, 6/24) {Attempt 3}
IV. Transformation of E. coli with pHY4 + alpha promoter + rtTA {Attempt 3}
- use Mach 1 E. coli strain and Gibson Assembly (III.)
Monday June 30, 2014
- Lab meeting
- update on alpha promoters cloning
- continue to clone alpha-inducible promoters + rtTA with Sabrina
I. Gibson Assembly of rtTA + PRM2 (related to 6/27 III.)
II. Colony PCR of 6/27 E. coli transformation (6/27 IV.)
III. PCR of rtTA + ECM 18 primer (related to 6/26 I.)
Tuesday July 1, 2014
I. Gel Check and PCR Purification of 6/30 PCR of rtTA + ECM18
- rtTA+ECM18 Concentration: 173.9
II. Mini-prep of alpha promoter + rtTA from 6/30 Colony PCR (6/30 II.)
- Sent to sequencing {Attempt 3}
- 7/02 Results: all had CTATTCTCACTCTTTGGACCT interrupting stop codon or failed
Promoter | Colony | Concentration |
ASG7 | 1 | 203.0 |
2 | 282.9 | |
3 | 244.9 | |
PCL2 | 1 | 205.5 |
2 | 205.3 | |
3 | 305.3 | |
CLG1 | 1 | 155.5 |
2 | 187.0 | |
3 | 230.0 | |
YDR124W | 1 | 89.44 |
PRM6 | 1 | 246.4 |
2 | 17.32 | |
3 | 154.0 | |
PRM3 | 1 | 244.9 |
3 | 180.1 | |
SAG1 | 1 | 146.5 |
2 | 243.8 | |
3 | 137.8 |
III. Culture PRM1 + rtTA due to low cell count
IV. Yeast Colony PCR of CB008 + constitutive promoters + GFP (made previously by Jeffrey, Sabrina, George, Robert, Eleanor)
V. Gel Check and PCR Purification of (IV.)
Wednesday July 2, 2014
I. Yeast Colony PCR and Gel Check of CB008 + constitutive promoters + GFP (Attempt 2, redo of 7/01 IV.)
II. Colony PCR and Gel Check of 7/01 Mini-preps (7/01 II.)
III. Cultures of remaining pHY4 + alpha promoters + rtTA E. coli colonies from 6/27 transformation (6/27 IV.)
IV. Gibson Assembly of failed alpha promoters + rtTA {Attempt 4}
V. Transformation of E. coli with (IV.) {Attempt 4}
- Result: low or no yield on plates, possibly due to low backbone concentration
- PRM2 overgrown, sequencing contained GFP
Thursday July 3, 2014
I. Mini-prep of (7/02 III.) cultures
- Sent to sequencing {Attempt 4}
- 7/07 Results: all had CTATTCTCACTCTTTGGACCT interrupting stop codon or failed
II. Digestion and Gel Extraction of pHY4 + alpha promoter + GFP (Redo of 6/23 I. and 6/24 I.)
Monday July 7, 2014
- No lab meeting
I. Gel Check of alpha promoter + rtTA Colony PCR (done by Sabrina)
II. Linearization of HY86E3
- contains pTET + GFP
III. PCR Purification of (II.)
Tuesday July 8, 2014
I. PCR & PCR Purification of alpha promoter primer + rtTA (redo of 6/26)
Wednesday July 9, 2014
I. Gibson Assembly of pHY4 + alpha promoter + rtTA {Attempt 5}
- use backbone from 7/03 II.
- use rtTA insert from 6/08 I.
II. Transformation of E. coli with pHY4 + alpha promoter + rtTA {Attempt 5}
- 7/10 Results: failed negative control, GFP may still be present
Thursday July 10, 2014
- Attended Lim Lab meeting
- Work on lab meeting presentation - Parts Registry and Human Practices
I. Digestion of pHY4 + PRM1 + GFP and pHY4 + PRM2 + GFP (redo of 7/03 II.)
II. Colony PCR of 6/09 E. coli transformation (6/09 II.)
Friday Jul 11, 2014
- Work on presentation
- Continual edits to HP letters
I. Gel Check and mini-prep pHY4 + alpha promoter + rtTA plasmids from 6/10 II.
- Sent to sequencing {Attempt 5}
Promoter | Concentration | 7/14 Sequencing Results |
PRM1 | 73.71 | contains GFP |
PRM2 | 143.0 | contains GFP |
PRM3 | 65.07 | contains GFP |
PRM6 | 80.45 | contains GFP |
ECM18 | 143.0 | contains GFP |
SAG1 | 335.9 | contains GFP |
YDR124W | 50.44 | contains GFP |
CLG1 | 79.84 | contains GFP |
ASG7 | 36.22 | contains GFP |
HYM1 | 41.63 | contains GFP |
PCL2 | 162.3 | contains GFP |
- 7/14 Results: all contained GFP, backbone not properly digested
Monday July 14, 2014
- Lab meeting - meet Wendell officially for first time
- present on Parts Registry and Human Practices
- PTS47 mini-prep sequencing returned - contains CTATTCTCACTCTTTGGACCT
I. Gibson Assembly using previous backbone - ABANDONED
Tuesday July 15, 2014
- Meet Shuaixin
I. PCR of rtTA + alpha promoter primer homology
- use rtTA template from Jeffrey's successful transformation (7/14)
II. Set up cultures for Glycerol stocks of new yeast strains
yGEM37 CB008 pTEF1
yGEM39 CB008 pTEFm6
yGEM40 CB008 pTEFm7
yGEM41 CB008 pTEFm10
yGEM44 CB008DB pTEFm6
yGEM45 CB008DB pTEFm7
Wednesday July 16, 2014
- Kara gone
- PTS47 stock sequencing returned - contains CTATTCTCACTCTTTGGACCT sequence ):
I. Gel Extract of 7/15 PCR - done by Jeffrey+Sabrina - low concentrations, decide to rePCR
Promoter | Concentration |
PRM1 | TBA |
PRM2 | |
PRM3 | |
PRM6 | |
ECM18 | |
SAG1 | |
YDR124W | |
CLG1 | |
ASG7 | |
HYM1 | |
PCL2 | |
pTEFm3 |
II. Glycerol Stocks of yeast strains: pTET+GFP pTEF#+rtTA
- use cultures from 7/15 II.
yGEM37 CB008 pTEF1
yGEM3 9CB008 pTEFm6
yGEM40 CB008 pTEFm7
yGEM41 CB008 pTEFm10
yGEM44 CB008DB pTEFm6
yGEM45 CB008DB pTEFm7
Thursday July 17, 2014
- Kara, Sabrina gone
- Email Kara about progress
- Talk with Anasuya
- start this online lab journal
- Wiki pages for website - start updating/saving now, update along the way (papers, figures, schematics)
- understand biological basis of modeling goal - specific examples (specific disease - neuroinflammation)
- 4 slides with 4 potential examples
- analogue to alpha-inducible promoter + rtTA?
- Check if we're on track for medal requirements
- Quick-change? (methylated digest?multiple Quick-change)
- PTS47 stock sequencing rerun and returned - still contains CTATTCTCACTCTTTGGACCT sequence
I. PCR Purification of rtTA PCR Results:
Promoter | Concentration |
PRM1 | 102.2 |
PRM2 | 110.6 |
PRM3 | 135.5 |
PRM6 | 130.7 |
ECM18 | 136.8 |
SAG1 | 152.4 |
YDR124W | 78.89 |
CLG1 | 133.7 |
ASG7 | 68.15 |
HYM1 | 91.08 |
PCL2 | 86.63 |
pTEFm3 | 47.19 |
II. Gibson Assembly using inserts from 1. {Attempt 6}
III. Transformation: E. coli {Attempt 6}
- NEB5alpha E. coli
- 7/18 Results:
Plates with no colonies: PRM1, PRM3, ECM18, YDR124W, CLG1, ASG7, HYM1, PCL2, positive control, negative control
Plates with colonies: PRM2 (4), PRM6 (countless), SAG1 (25)
- Research examples of cell-cell community communication -> 4 slides with 4 examples
Friday Jul 18, 2014
- Kara & Sabrina gone
- Prepare for Monday's lab meeting
I. Colony PCR and culture successful colonies from 6/17 transformation (6/17 III.)
- cultured by Eleanor Sunday 7/20
- 3 cultures from PRM2, PRM6, and SAG1
II. Replate failed transformations {Attempt 6.2}
- set in drawer over weekend
- 7/21 Results: almost all did not grow any colonies
- PRM6 overgrown (similar to 6/17 transformation)
Monday July 21, 2014
- Lab meeting - RM S436a
I. Mini-prep 6/18 I. cultures
Promoter+rtTA | Concentration | 7/22 Results |
PRM2 | 225.0 | failed sequencing |
PRM6 | 491.5 | has 21 bp mutation?!?! |
SAG1 | 439.0 | has GFP (backbone not properly digested) |
II. Digestion and Gel Extraction of low-concentration backbones
pGEM | pHY4+Promoter | Concentration |
3 | PRM3 | |
6 | SAG1 | |
7 | YDR124W | |
10 | HYM1 | |
11 | PCL2 |
III. Seamless Cloning of alpha-inducible promoters+rtTA {Attempt 7}
Promoter | Insert | Backbone |
PRM1 | 7/17 I. | 6/10 I. |
PRM2 | 7/17 I. | 6/10 I. |
PRM3 | 7/17 I. | 7/21 II. |
PRM6 | 7/17 I. | 6/24 I. |
ECM18 | 7/17 I. | 6/23 I. |
SAG1 | 7/17 I. | 7/21 II. |
YDR124W | 7/17 I. | 7/21 II. |
CLG1 | 7/17 I. | 6/23 I. |
ASG7 | 7/17 I. | 6/23 I. |
HYM1 | 7/17 I. | 7/21 II. |
PCL2 | 7/17 I. | 7/21 II. |
IV. Transformation of E. coli with III. {Attempt 7}
- NEB5alpha strain
- Determine Exploratorium HP topic/activity plan
- Research examples of cell-cell community communication -> 4 slides with 4 examples
Tuesday July 22, 2014
- finalize Exploratorium activity
- explain University of Virginia collaboration
I. Colony PCR of 6/18 Transformation {Attempt 6.2}
- Abandoned due to poor Gel Photo, unlikely to contain desired gene
II. Culture pGEM colonies
- restock pGEM for future use
III. Transformation of E. coli with pGEM
- use pGEM4 (PRM6) and pGEM6 (SAG1)
Wednesday July 23, 2014
I. Mini-prep of cultures from 6/22 II.
- stored in Parts and Plasmids Box
pGEM# | Promoter | Concentration |
1 | PRM1 | 269.5 |
2 | PRM2 | 294.9 |
3 | PRM3 | 170.1 |
5 | ECM18 | 285.4 |
8 | CLG1 | 297.4 |
9 | ASG7 | 259.7 |
10 | HYM1 | 240.2 |
11 | PCL2 | 261.0 |
II. Digestion of pGEM plasmids
- remove GFP
- overnight digestion at 37 C
- Digestion of pGEMs
- use Xho1 and Not1 to remove GFP
- PCR rtTA with Xho1 and BamH1
- PCR Msn2 activating domain with BamH1 and Not1
Thursday July 24, 2014
I. Mini-prep of cultures from 6/22 III. Transformation
pGEM# | Promoter | Concentration 1 | Concentration 2 |
4 | PRM6 | 398.3 | 527.8 |
6 | SAG1 | 375.2 | 399.1 |
II. Gel Extraction of 7/23 II. Digestion
- done by Sabrina
pGEM# | Promoter | Concentration |
1 | PRM1 | |
2 | PRM2 | |
3 | PRM3 | |
4 | PRM6 | |
5 | ECM18 | |
6 | SAG1 | |
7 | YDR124W | |
8 | CLG1 | |
9 | ASG7 | |
10 | HYM1 | |
11 | PCL2 |
III. PCR and PCR Purification of rtTA and Msn2 inserts
- obtain rtTA with XhoI and BamHI cut sites
- obtain Msn2 with BamHI and NotI cut sites
Insert | Concentration |
rtTA | 153.4 |
Msn2 | 100.9 |
IV. Digestion of rtTA and Msn2
- use inserts from III.
- rtTA: XhoI and BamHI
- Msn2: BamHI and NotI
- overnight digestion at 37 C
Friday July 25, 2014
I. PCR Purification of 7/24 IV. Digestion
- done by Sabrina
II. Ligation for pHY4+alpha promoter+rtTA
- done by Sabrina
- use inserts from 7/25 I.
- use backbone from 7/24 II.
III. Transformation of E. coli with 7/25 II. plasmids
- done by Sabrina
- DH5alpha strain
- culture on Sunday
Monday July 28, 2014
I. Colony PCR of successful colonies from 7/25 III. Transformation
- Gel inconclusive, but seems as if most failed
- Pick new colonies to redo
Tuesday July 29, 2014
I. Colony PCR of 7/25 III. Transformation (redo of 7/28 I.)
- 1st gel ran off, inconclusive
- 2nd gel
Wednesday July 30, 2014
- worked on Exploratorium Human Practices
I. Colony PCR Gel Check of 7/25 I. (redo 3 of 7/29 I.)
II. Miniprep successful colonies from I. Colony PCR
- Sequencing Results 7/31
Promoter | Colony | Concentration | Sequencing |
PRM1 | 6 | 376.7 | Successful |
PRM2 | 1 | 356.8 | Successful |
PRM3 | 2 | 364.5 | Successful |
PRM6 | 4 | 377.5 | Failed |
ECM18 | 1 | 371.7 | Successful |
YDR124W | 5 | 328.4 | Successful |
CLG1 | 5 | 543.1 | Successful |
ASG7 | 4 | 348.8 | Successful |
HYM1 | 3 | 449.6 | Successful |
PCL2 | 6 | 444.4 | Failed |
Thursday July 31, 2014
- worked on Exploratorium Human Practices
- work on introduction for iGEM newsletter by Paris-Bethencourt
I. Colony PCR of unsuccessful AFRP+rtTA plates
- PRM6, SAG1, and PCL2 all failed
II. Linearization of successful plasmids from 7/30 II.
- Digested with PMEI for 2 hours at 37 degrees C
III. Ligation of pHY4+AFRP, rtTA, and Msn2 (redo of 7/25 II. for promoters from I.)
- negative control used PRM6 backbone
- ligated with T4 ligase overnight at 16 degrees C
Friday August 1, 2014
- Anasuya: various examples of how system will respond (up, down, stays, converge, diverge) depending on stimulus
- drop intermediate values when testing? Allow for more samples, less accuracy
I. Transformation of E. coli with pHY4+AFRP+rtTA plasmid
- use 7/31 III. ligations
- plated overnight at room temperature
II. Transformation of yeast with AFRP+rtTA
- use 7/31 II. linearized plasmids
- CB008 pTET+GFP and CB008DB pTET+GFP yeast strains
Monday August 4, 2014
- Lim Lab meeting
I. Colony PCR of E. coli Transformation (8/01 I.)
- PRM6, SAG1, PCL2 all successful
II. Colony PCR of Yeast Transformation (8/01 II.)
- CB008(DB) pTET+GFP AFRP+rtTA plates
- CB008 all successful except ECM18
- CB008DB all failed
III. Colony PCR of Yeast Transformation (redo of II.)
- CB008DB AFRP+rtTA, CB008 ECM18
- all failed
Tuesday August 5, 2014
- Work on iGEM Collaborations with Paris-Bettencourt
I. Colony PCR of Yeast Transformation (redo of 8/04 III.)
- CB008DB AFRP+rtTA, CB008 ECM18
- on hold, need more primers
II. Streak successful colonies from 8/04 II.
Wednesday August 6, 2014
- Exploratorium Presentation Practice
- Work on iGEM Collaborations with Paris-Bettencourt
I. Transformation of Yeast with AFRP + rtTA
- CB008 pTET+GFP, PRM6, ECM18, SAG1, PCL2 +rtTA (use Mini-prep of 8/01 I., [for ECM18, redo of 8/01 II.)
- CB008DB pTET+GFP with all 11 AFRP+rtTA (redo of 8/01 II.)
- 8/08 Results: all grew colonies except CB008 PRM6+rtTA
Thursday August 7, 2014
- Human Practices: Exploratorium After Night Event
- Super Science: the science behind superheroes
- Super Science: the science behind superheroes
I. Culture 8/05 II. streaks for glycerol stocks
Friday August 8, 2014
- send in iGEM newsletter information
I. Yeast Colony PCR of 8/06 I. Transformation
- all failed
II. Glycerol stocks of 8/05 II. yeast strains
- CB008 pTET+GFP PRM1, PRM2, PRM3, YDR124W, CLG1, ASG7, HYM1 + rtTA
III. Transformation of Yeast with pTET+mfalpha
- use strains: CB008 pTET+GFP, PRM1, PRM2, PRM3, YDR124W, CLG1, ASG7, HYM1+ rtTA
- 8/11 Results: all grew colonies
Week 10
Monday August 11, 2014
- lab meeting
- email Kara about upcoming class schedules, days you can't go in
- re-organize box
- brainstorm project titles
- Parts Registry - help Eleanor
- finish Santa Cruz poster by Wed. - help Ianto
I. Yeast Colony PCR of 8/06 I. Transformation (redo of 8/08 I.)
- all failed again
II. Yeast Colony PCR of 8/08 III. Transformation
- all successful except CLG1 and HYM1
Tuesday August 12, 2014
I. Yeast Colony PCR of 8/06 and 8/08 Transformation (redo of 8/11 I. and II.)
- CLG1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha successful; all others failed
II. Linearization of plasmids
- use PmeI
III. Start cultures for retransformation (8/13 II.)
Wednesday August 13, 2014
- Poster arrived!
I. Yeast Colony PCR
- check CB008 pTET+GFP HYM1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha
- colony 10 worked; culture made for glycerol stocks and transformation
II. Yeast Tranformation
- a. add pPCL2+RFP, pAGA+RFP, pPCL2+BFP to CB008 pTET+GFP AFRP+rtTA pTET+mfalpha
- b. add AFRP+rtTA to CB008 pTET+GFP: PRM6, ECM18, SAG1, PCL2
- suspend CB008DB pTET+GFP AFRP+rtTA transformations
- Results (Checked 8/18): b. all failed. BFP suspended due to lack of supplies. a. first Colony PCR failed, HYM1 failed, rest successful
III. Glycerol Stocks of CB008 pTET+GFP AFRP+rtTA pTET+mfalpha - PRM1, PRM2, PRM3, YDR124W, CLG1, ASG7
Thursday August 14, 2014
- Practice presentations 2-4PM
Friday August 15, 2014
- last official day of iGEM
- visit Santa Cruz for iGEM meet-up
Week 11
Monday August 18, 2014
- Kilobot workshop! no group meeting
- Sunday August 17: Jeffrey did Colony PCR for 8/13 II. Yeast Transformations
Successful yeast strains (Colony PCR'ed by Jeffrey)
yGEM Number | Characteristics |
105 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pPRM1-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pAGA1+mCherry::TRP |
106 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pPRM2-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pAGA1+mCherry::TRP |
107 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pPRM3-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pAGA1+mCherry::TRP |
111 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pYDR124W-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pAGA1+mCherry::TRP |
112 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pCLG1-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pAGA1+mCherry::TRP |
113 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pASG7-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pAGA1+mCherry::TRP |
116 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pPRM1-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pPCL2+mCherry::TRP |
117 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pPRM2-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pPCL2+mCherry::TRP |
118 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pPRM3-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pPCL2+mCherry::TRP |
122 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pYDR124W-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pPCL2+mCherry::TRP |
123 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pCLG1-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pPCL2+mCherry::TRP |
124 | CB008 pTET-GFP::LEU2 pASG7-rtTA::URA3 pTET-mfalpha::HIS pPCL2+mCherry::TRP |
I. Yeast Transformation
- redo of 8/13 II.
- Results (8/20): all failed, redo?
Tuesday August 19, 2014
- Kilobot workshop!
Wednesday August 20, 2014
- Kilobot workshop!
I. Yeast Transformation
- CB008 AFRP+rtTA pTET+GFP pTET+mfalpha add in pPCL2+BFP
- PRM1, PRM2, PRM3, YDR124W, CLG1, ASG7, HYM1
Thursday August 21, 2014
- Kilobot workshop!
I. Yeast Transformation
- CB008 pTET+GFP, add in AFRP+rtTA: SAG1 nd PCL2
- PRM6 and ECM18 suspended due to poor expression
Friday August 22, 2014
- Kilobot workshop!
Week 12
Monday August 25, 2014
- Results: Friday 8/22 Transformation failed
I. Make cultures for Yeast Transformation tomorrow
II. Linearize plasmids for Yeast Transformation
Culture | Added part |
CB008 pTET+GFP m3+rtTA | pTET+mfalpha |
CB008 pTET+GFP m6+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pAGA1+mCherry |
CB008 pTET+GFP | SAG1+rtTA |
CB008 pTET+GFP | PCL2+rtTA |
CB008 pTET+GFP PRM1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP PRM2+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP PRM3+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP YDR124W+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP CLG1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP ASG7+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP HYM1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+BFP |
CB008 pTET+GFP HYM1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pPCL2+mCherry |
CB008 pTET+GFP HYM1+rtTA pTET+mfalpha | pAGA1+mCherry |
Tuesday August 26, 2014
I. Yeast Transformation (redo of a lot of failed transformations II. E. coli Transformation (redo of 8/85, which failed due to plating on wrong antibiotic)
Thursday August 28, 2014
- First day of class at UC Berkeley
Week 13+
- 9/08/2014 - 10/29/2014 Came in on Mondays and Wednesdays to work on Kilobots modeling, iGEM details, reduced wet lab work.