/* ===========================================================
* jquery-wheelmenu.js v1 * =========================================================== * Copyright 2013 Pete Rojwongsuriya. * * * A small jQuery plugin that adds a beautiful * Path-like menu button to your website * * * ========================================================== */
var defaults = {
trigger: "click", animation: "fade", angle: [0,360], animationSpeed: "medium" };
$.fn.centerAround = function (button) {
var offset = button.offset(), width = button.outerWidth(), height = button.outerHeight(), buttonX = (offset.left - $(document).scrollLeft() ) + width / 2, buttonY = ( - $(document).scrollTop() ) + height / 2, objectOffset = this.offset(); this.css("position","fixed"); this.css("top", buttonY - (this.outerHeight() / 2) + "px"); this.css("left", buttonX - (this.outerWidth() / 2) + "px"); return this; } $.fn.flyIn = function (el, button, width, height, angle, step, radius, settings) { var d = 0; this.stop(true,true); this.each(function(index) { angle = (settings.angle[0] + (step * index)) * (Math.PI/180); var x = Math.round(width/2 + radius * Math.cos(angle) - $(this).find("a").outerWidth()/2), y = Math.round(height/2 + radius * Math.sin(angle) - $(this).find("a").outerHeight()/2); $(this).animateRotate(360).css({ position: 'absolute', opacity: 0, left: "50%", top: "50%", marginLeft: "-" + $(this).outerWidth() / 2, marginTop: "-" + $(this).outerHeight() / 2 }).delay(d).animate({ opacity:1, left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }, settings.animationSpeed[1]); d += settings.animationSpeed[0]; }); } $.fn.flyOut = function (el, button) { var d = 0; this.stop(true,true); $(this.get().reverse()).each(function() {
$(this).animateRotate(-360).delay(d).animate({ opacity:0, left: el.outerWidth() / 2 + "px",
top: el.outerHeight() / 2 + "px"
}, 150);
d += 15;
}).promise().done( function() {
el.removeClass("active").css("visibility", "hidden").hide(); button.removeClass("active") }); } $.fn.fadeInIcon = function (el, button, width, height, angle, step, radius, settings) { var d = 0; this.stop(true,true); this.each(function(index) { angle = (settings.angle[0] + (step * index)) * (Math.PI/180); var x = Math.round(width/2 + radius * Math.cos(angle) - $(this).find("a").outerWidth()/2), y = Math.round(height/2 + radius * Math.sin(angle) - $(this).find("a").outerHeight()/2); $(this).css({ position: 'absolute', left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px', opacity: 0 }).delay(d).animate({opacity:1}, settings.animationSpeed[1]); d += settings.animationSpeed[0]; }); } $.fn.fadeOutIcon = function (el, button) { var d = 0; this.stop(true,true); $(this.get().reverse()).each(function() {
$(this).delay(d).animate({opacity:0}, 150);
d += 15;
}).promise().done( function() {
el.removeClass("active").css("visibility", "hidden").hide(); button.removeClass("active") }); }
$.fn.hideIcon = function (button, settings) { var fields = this.find(".item"), el = this; switch (settings.animation) {
case 'fade': fields.fadeOutIcon(el, button) break; case 'fly': fields.flyOut(el, button) break; }
$.fn.showIcon = function (button, settings) { var el = this, zindex = '6'; if (settings.trigger == "hover") { var zindex = '3';
'z-index': zindex });{
position: 'absolute', 'z-index': '5', 'padding': '30px' // add safe zone for mouseover }).centerAround(button); el.addClass("wheel active").css("visibility", "visible").show();
if (el.attr('data-angle')) {
settings.angle = el.attr('data-angle') } settings = predefineAngle(settings);
var radius = el.width() / 2,
fields = el.find(".item"), container = el, width = container.innerWidth(), height = container.innerHeight(), angle = 0, step = (settings.angle[1] - settings.angle[0]) / fields.length; switch (settings.animation) { case 'fade': fields.fadeInIcon(el, button, width, height, angle, step, radius, settings) break; case 'fly': fields.flyIn(el, button, width, height, angle, step, radius, settings) break; }
$.fn.animateRotate = function(angle, duration, easing, complete) {
return this.each(function() { var $elem = $(this);
$({deg: 0}).animate({deg: angle}, { duration: duration, easing: easing, step: function(now) { $elem.css({ transform: 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)' }); }, complete: complete || $.noop }); }); };
function predefineAngle (settings) { var convert = false if ($.type(settings.angle) == "string") { try {
if (eval(settings.angle).length > 1) convert = true } catch(err) { convert = false }
if (convert == true) { settings.angle = JSON.parse(settings.angle); } else { switch (settings.angle) {
case 'N': settings.angle = [180,380] break; case 'NE': settings.angle = [270,380] break; case 'E': settings.angle = [270,470] break; case 'SE': settings.angle = [360,470] break; case 'S': settings.angle = [360,560] break; case 'SW': settings.angle = [90,200] break; case 'W': settings.angle = [90,290] break; case 'NW': settings.angle = [180,290] break; case 'all': settings.angle = [0,360] break; }
} return settings;
function predefineSpeed(settings) { if ($.type(settings.animationSpeed) == "string") {
switch (settings.animationSpeed) { case 'slow': settings.animationSpeed = [75,700] break; case 'medium': settings.animationSpeed = [50,500] break; case 'fast': settings.animationSpeed = [25,250] break; case 'instant': settings.animationSpeed = [0,0] break; } } return settings;
$.fn.wheelmenu = function(options){ var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); settings = predefineSpeed(settings); return this.each(function(){ var button = $(this) var el = $($(this).attr("href")); el.addClass("wheel"); button.css("opacity", 0).animate({ opacity: 1 }) if (settings.trigger == "hover") {
button.bind({ mouseenter: function() { el.showIcon(button, settings); } }); el.bind({ mouseleave: function() { el.hideIcon(button, settings); } }); } else { function() { if (el.css('visibility') == "visible") { el.hideIcon(button, settings); } else { el.showIcon(button, settings); } }); } }); }