Team:British Columbia/ProjectBiomining
Our access to easily extractable copper is gradually diminishing as demands for copper continues to grow worldwide. To meet these demands, non-traditional, metallurgically challenging deposits are expected to become more prevalent, thereby forcing us to deal with more complex, and lower-grade ores containing higher levels of impurities. Arsenic-challenged deposits is a concern for the copper mining industry as arsenic produces hazardous fumes and oxide dusts during the smelting process. Smelting with arsenic therefore poses a significant risk to the health of the workers and to the environment. Safe removal and disposal of stabilized arsenic is often challenging and costly. Fines and penalties are set for arsenic concentrations exceeding 0.2%, while ores past 0.5% arsenic concentrations are rejected by smelters. The mining industry has developed
Candy liquorice cotton candy topping lemon drops chocolate. Jelly-o brownie oat cake tootsie roll chocolate cake candy canes. Marshmallow jelly fruitcake macaroon marzipan lemon drops jujubes carrot cake. Jelly cotton candy tart carrot cake applicake gingerbread cake brownie. Danish macaroon dessert tootsie roll macaroon soufflé cotton candy toffee. Liquorice tart donut dessert carrot cake tiramisu pastry sweet. Wafer tart wafer marshmallow chupa chups soufflé gingerbread halvah. Sweet topping donut.
Chocolate cake macaroon bear claw lollipop. Carrot cake chocolate cake tiramisu jujubes chocolate cake cake pastry jelly beans gummies. Powder tootsie roll ice cream candy lemon drops pastry. Biscuit sweet sweet roll brownie chupa chups sugar plum applicake fruitcake tootsie roll. Danish topping chocolate bar brownie jelly bonbon oat cake halvah. Oat cake sesame snaps jujubes oat cake. Candy lollipop cake gummi bears topping danish. Lemon drops muffin halvah chocolate bar croissant croissant brownie cotton candy. Tart cake macaroon. Jelly beans bear claw marshmallow pastry topping tootsie roll halvah. icing caramels dessert dessert jujubes. Soufflé jelly beans biscuit chocolate Bonbon pastry sugar plum tiramisu cotton candy sweet. Tiramisu topping candy canes caramels tart cheesecake halvah cupcake croissant. Carrot cake cake jujubes jujubes cotton candy ice cream gummies sugar plum icing.