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Team SUSTC-Shenzhen


Elements of the endeavor.


Plasmid amplification I for plasmid pX330 & EGFP

2014/7/17 Prepare the necessary materials


  • Amp LB medium 8* tubes (4* for pX330, 4* for EGFP)
  • Amp Agar plates 8* plates (4* for pX330, 4* for EGFP)


  1. Pick up a monoclone (an isolated large colony) on the plate with yellow pipette tip (DO NOT touch the agar, pick up the top part of clone, not the edge)
  2. Drop the pipette tip directly into the tube which contains 2ml LB medium with antibiotics.
  3. At the same time, pick up some of the bacteria on the same clone with inoculating loop, and transfer it on another agar plate containing corresponding antibiotics.(to reserve this monoclone). Do the corresponding Mark!
    Totally, we pick up 4 monoclones for each of the three plasmids!
  1. Incubate LB medium tubes, 200rmp, 37C, 12~16 hour
  2. For the agar plates, incubate in 37C, 12~16 hour, when growing into a large colony, reserve in 4C.

Maintained by the iGEM team SUSTC-Shenzhen.

Licensed under CC BY 4.0.