BBa_I20260 (J23101-B0032-E0040-B0010-B0012) in the pSB3K3 vector.
Selection marker : Kanamycin
Promoter expected sequence : tttacagctagctcagtcctaggtattatgctagc
2012 BioBrick Kit location
- BBa_I20260: Plate 2, Well 17F
I followed iGEM Distribution Kit instructions to extract DNA from the Biobrick Plate 2, Well 17F (2012) and then Heat Shock transformation of E.coliFor successful Kanymycin plates I prepared glycerol stock and labbeled it G.22.
BBa_J23101 + BBa_E0240 (B0032-E0040-B0010-B0012), in the pSB1C3 vector.
Selection marker : Chloramphenicol
Promoter expected sequence : tttacagctagctcagtcctaggtattatgctagc
2014 Biobrick Kit locations
- BBa_K823005 (BBa_J23101 in pSB1C3): Plate 1, Well 20K
- BBa_E0240 (in pSB1C3): Plate 2, Well 24B
I followed iGEM Distribution Kit instructions to extract DNA from the Biobrick BBa_K823005 and BBa_E0240 and then Heat Shock transformation of E.coliFor successful Chloramphenicol plates, form single colonies I prepared liquid cultures overnight. I used 750uL of the liquid cultures for aglycerol stock . I used remaining 4,25 mL to make minipreps . I measured DNA content with the nanodrop.
Geneious version 7.0.6 created by Biomatters. Available from
Digestion analysis:
- - 5 ug plasmid
- - 5 ul FD Buffer
- - 2.5 uL SpeI + 2.5 uL PstI (BBa_K823005) / 2.5 uL XbeI + 2.5 uL PstI (BBa_E0240)
- - complete with H2O
(Final volume of 50 uL)
We made an eletrophoresis gel to check the fragments (the bands at around 876 bp for GFP and 2100 bp for the promoter + backbone)and then extract BBa_E0240 with Gel extraction kit. For the plasmid with the promoter I used a
PCR purification kit.
I introduced the GFP fragment to the Plasmid + backbone through ligation of the sticky ends SpeI and XbeI. Quantified DNA in two parts with nanodrop. The amount of vector:insert has been calculated with Promega calculator.
- 5X Ligase Reaction Buffer 4 μl
- Insert: Vector Molar Ratio 1:1, 1:3, 1:5
- Total DNA 0.01-0.1 μg
- T4 DNA Ligase 1 uL
- Autoclaved distilled water to 25uL
- Incubate at 22°C for 1h
- 16°C overnight
I transformed the ligation product following
Heat Shock transformation of E.coli.
I have put a single colony into a liquid culture with the appropriate antibiotic and the next day I prepared a
glycerol stock .
*BBa_J23115 was cloned using BBa_K823012 and therefore should have 2 missmatched basepairs.
BBa_J23115 + BBa_E0240 (B0032-E0040-B0010-B0012), in the pSB1C3 vector.
Selection marker : Chloramphenicol
Promoter expected sequence : tttatagctagctcagtcctaggtacaatgctagc (missmatched basepairs compared to real BBa_J23115 are underlined)
2014 Biobrick Kit locations
- BBa_K823012 (BBa_J23115 in pSB1C3): Plate 1, Well 22I
- BBa_E0240 (in pSB1C3): Plate 2, Well 24B
In order to prepare the third device we proceed exactly in the same way as for the Device 2, except we used BBa_K823012 instead of BBa_K823005