

Revision as of 22:44, 11 September 2014 by Lewismoffat (Talk | contribs)


* jsPlumb
* Title:jsPlumb 1.6.4
* Provides a way to visually connect elements on an HTML page, using SVG or VML.  
* This file contains the 'vanilla' adapter - having no external dependencies other than bundled libs.
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014 Simon Porritt (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL2 licenses.
(function() {

"use strict";

var _getDragManager = function(instance, isPlumbedComponent) { var k = instance[isPlumbedComponent ? "_internalKatavorio" : "_katavorio"], e = _getEventManager(instance);

if (!k) { k = new Katavorio( { bind:e.on,, getSize:jsPlumb.getSize, getPosition:function(el) { var o = jsPlumbAdapter.getOffset(el, instance); return [o.left,]; }, setPosition:function(el, xy) { = xy[0] + "px"; = xy[1] + "px"; }, addClass:jsPlumbAdapter.addClass, removeClass:jsPlumbAdapter.removeClass, intersects:Biltong.intersects, indexOf:jsPlumbUtil.indexOf, css:{ noSelect : instance.dragSelectClass, droppable:"jsplumb-droppable", draggable:"jsplumb-draggable", drag:"jsplumb-drag", selected:"jsplumb-drag-selected", active:"jsplumb-drag-active", hover:"jsplumb-drag-hover" } }); instance[isPlumbedComponent ? "_internalKatavorio" : "_katavorio"] = k; instance.bind("zoom", k.setZoom); } return k; };

var _getEventManager = function(instance) { var e = instance._mottle; if (!e) { e = instance._mottle = new Mottle(); } return e; };

var _animProps = function(o, p) { var _one = function(pName) { if (p[pName]) { if (jsPlumbUtil.isString(p[pName])) { var m = p[pName].match(/-=/) ? -1 : 1, v = p[pName].substring(2); return o[pName] + (m * v); } else return p[pName]; } else return o[pName]; }; return [ _one("left"), _one("top") ]; };

jsPlumb.extend(jsPlumbInstance.prototype, {

getDOMElement:function(el) { if (el == null) return null; // here we pluck the first entry if el was a list of entries. // this is not my favourite thing to do, but previous versions of // jsplumb supported jquery selectors, and it is possible a selector // will be passed in here. el = typeof el === "string" ? el : el.length != null ? el[0] : el; return typeof el === "string" ? document.getElementById(el) : el; }, getElementObject:function(el) { return el; }, removeElement : function(element) { _getDragManager(this).elementRemoved(element); _getEventManager(this).remove(element); }, // // this adapter supports a rudimentary animation function. no easing is supported. only // left/top properties are supported. property delta args are expected to be in the form // // +=x.xxxx // // or // // -=x.xxxx // doAnimate:function(el, properties, options) { options = options || {}; var o = jsPlumbAdapter.getOffset(el, this), ap = _animProps(o, properties), ldist = ap[0] - o.left, tdist = ap[1] -, d = options.duration || 250, step = 15, steps = d / step, linc = (step / d) * ldist, tinc = (step / d) * tdist, idx = 0, int = setInterval(function() { jsPlumbAdapter.setPosition(el, { left:o.left + (linc * (idx + 1)), + (tinc * (idx + 1)) }); if (options.step != null) options.step(); idx++; if (idx >= steps) { window.clearInterval(int); if (options.complete != null) options.complete(); } }, step); }, getSelector:function(ctx, spec) { var sel = null; if (arguments.length == 1) { sel = ctx.nodeType != null ? ctx : document.querySelectorAll(ctx); } else sel = ctx.querySelectorAll(spec);

return sel; }, // DRAG/DROP destroyDraggable:function(el) { _getDragManager(this).destroyDraggable(el); }, destroyDroppable:function(el) { _getDragManager(this).destroyDroppable(el); }, initDraggable : function(el, options, isPlumbedComponent) { _getDragManager(this, isPlumbedComponent).draggable(el, options); }, initDroppable : function(el, options, isPlumbedComponent) { _getDragManager(this, isPlumbedComponent).droppable(el, options); }, isAlreadyDraggable : function(el) { return el._katavorioDrag != null; }, isDragSupported : function(el, options) { return true; }, isDropSupported : function(el, options) { return true; }, getDragObject : function(eventArgs) { return eventArgs[0].drag.getDragElement(); }, getDragScope : function(el) { return el._katavorioDrag && el._katavorioDrag.scopes.join(" ") || ""; }, getDropEvent : function(args) { return args[0].e; }, getDropScope : function(el) { return el._katavorioDrop && el._katavorioDrop.scopes.join(" ") || ""; }, getUIPosition : function(eventArgs, zoom) { return { left:eventArgs[0].pos[0], top:eventArgs[0].pos[1] }; }, isDragFilterSupported:function() { return true; }, setDragFilter : function(el, filter) { if (el._katavorioDrag) { el._katavorioDrag.setFilter(filter); } }, setElementDraggable : function(el, draggable) { el = jsPlumb.getDOMElement(el); if (el._katavorioDrag) el._katavorioDrag.setEnabled(draggable); }, setDragScope : function(el, scope) { if (el._katavorioDrag) el._katavorioDrag.k.setDragScope(el, scope); }, dragEvents : { 'start':'start', 'stop':'stop', 'drag':'drag', 'step':'step', 'over':'over', 'out':'out', 'drop':'drop', 'complete':'complete' }, animEvents:{ 'step':"step", 'complete':'complete' }, stopDrag : function(el) { if (el._katavorioDrag) el._katavorioDrag.abort();


// MULTIPLE ELEMENT DRAG // these methods are unique to this adapter, because katavorio // supports dragging multiple elements. addToDragSelection:function(spec) { _getDragManager(this).select(spec); }, removeFromDragSelection:function(spec) { _getDragManager(this).deselect(spec); }, clearDragSelection:function() { _getDragManager(this).deselectAll(); }, // EVENTS trigger : function(el, event, originalEvent) { _getEventManager(this).trigger(el, event, originalEvent); }, getOriginalEvent : function(e) { return e; }, on : function(el, event, callback) { // TODO: here we would like to map the tap event if we know its // an internal bind to a click. we have to know its internal because only // then can we be sure that the UP event wont be consumed (tap is a synthesized // event from a mousedown followed by a mouseup). //event = { "click":"tap", "dblclick":"dbltap"}[event] || event; _getEventManager(this).on.apply(this, arguments); }, off : function(el, event, callback) { _getEventManager(this).off.apply(this, arguments); } });

var ready = function (f) { var _do = function() { if (/complete|loaded|interactive/.test(document.readyState) && typeof(document.body) != "1.6.4" && document.body != null) f(); else setTimeout(_do, 9); };



