
From 2014.igem.org

Revision as of 21:16, 30 January 2014 by Vinoo (Talk | contribs)

<a href="https://2014.igem.org/Judging/Evaluation_at_iGEM">


A note to iGEMers on Evaluation at iGEM


We have written a short statement for the 2014 season explaining a little more on evaluations at iGEM.

<a href="https://2014.igem.org/Judging/Transparency_at_iGEM">

A note on transparency, the judging process, and judge affiliations


There have been concerns on transparency in recent weeks, so we have written a statement to address some of the issues. We are also providing a list of judges in all regions.

Important Dates

Be sure to study the official iGEM <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Calendar_of_Events calendar">Calendar of Events </a> to find out the final dates for different judging requirements.

<a href="https://2014.igem.org/Judging/Awards">

Judging/Awards 2014 Awards


Awards at iGEM are divided into medals and special awards. All teams are eligible for a medal if they meet the 2014 medal criteria. We have updated the medal criteria this year, so please read over the new requirements for silver and gold medals.

While we can hand out medals to all teams, there is only one special award per Jamboree. Teams are competing with each other for special awards at iGEM. Please read over the <a href=" https://2014.igem.org/Judging/Awards"> Judging Awards</a> page for a detailed list of medal requirements and award details.

Judging Forms

Teams will be required to submit a judging form that outlines their accomplishments according to the <a href= "https://2014.igem.org/Judging/Judging_Criteria"> Judging Criteria </a>. Details on where/how/when to fill out this form will be provided as they are available.

Poster judging guidelines

It is important that your poster convey all of the information necessary without the need for verbal explanation. Please read over the <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Judging/Poster_Guidelines"> Poster Judging Guidelines </a> for more information on how we are assessing the posters.


To file an official complaint regarding iGEM 2014 judging you must send an email to complaints AT igem DOT org. Your email should include your real name, the real name of your school and team, and the real name and email address of your faculty advisor. Your email must also be copied to your faculty advisor. In your email please clearly state your complaint and what you hope will happen as a result of filing your official complaint. The iGEM judging committee will work diligently to respond to all complaints as quickly as possible. Complaints that are sent to other email addresses, or that do not include the requested information will be ignored. All decisions by the judges regarding complaints are final.

Information for Judges

Information for Judges page

The 2014 World Champinoship Jamboree <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Information_for_Judges">Information for Judges</a> page contains information on how to cast your ballot on teams, where the room locations can be found and where to find all the posters. This page will be updated closer to the 2014 World Championship Jamboree.

Judges Dashboard

Please login to your <a href=" https://igem.org/Judge_List.cgi?year=2014&region=All&division=igem">Judges Dashboards</a> to see the teams you have been assigned.

2013 Judging Handbook

We have re-written the judging handbook for 2013. Please see the new version <a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2013/d/d9/IGEM_2013_Judging_Handbook.pdf"> Judging Handbook</a> here.

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