Team:GES NCSU Raleigh NC/Modeling


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North Carolina State University Genetic Engineering & Society Center iGEM Team

We are working with Antony Evans of the Glowing Plant Project to explore what it means to act responsibly with respect to genetic engineering. Specifically, we propose an iterative concept mapping framework to assess the values that people associate with responsibly releasing genetically engineered plants beyond the laboratory.

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Check Out Our Concept Map

[|NCSU Concept Map]

Concept Map and Evaluation Tool

[|NCSU Evaluation App]

Future Directions

In future iterations we plan to adjust the way scores are generated for users. In addition, we are creating a simple online interface that will replace the Google spreadsheets version of the tool. Importantly, we intend to incorporate an uncertainty score into our evaluation tool. As there are many types of uncertainty, we are still in the process of considering how best to incorporate this score.