Team:TU Delft-Leiden/Project/Brainstorm


Revision as of 17:51, 17 October 2014 by Anton (Talk | contribs)


Brainstorming sessions

Our project is a result of a long brainstorming process, whereby the ideas became more and more specific. The brainstorming meetings took place from the very beginning until early May. It was very important for our team to work on a topic that would satisfy every team member. In this way, there is more enthusiasm and energy in the team to work productive for the iGEM project.

iGEM teams have chosen a track. Tracks allow teams to focus towards a specific subject within synthetic biology. The competition is track-specific, so our team will compete against other teams in the same track.

iGEM teams have chosen to enter their projects into one of the following tracks:

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Foundational advance
  • Health and medicine
  • Information processing
  • Manufacturing
  • New application

This year, more tracks are added to the list:

  • Art and design
  • Community labs
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Measurement
  • Microfluidics
  • Policy and practices
  • Software

Our top eight ideas where:

1. Electron transporting bacteria (The Winner!)

2. Cheaper drug testing in sports

3. Recording images in a cell

4. Microbial Fibres

5. Desalination of water

6. Bacteria that can remove chewing from the streets/ degrading rubber

7. Post-translational modifications

8. Graphene producing bacteria

List of our other ideas

In the list of our ideas, there are no limits in creativity and our ideas can inspire future iGEM teams.

  • Tooth plaque removal
  • Bacteria that produce vitamins in intestine
  • Shrinks into grid
  • Sugar/fat digesting bacteria
  • Bacteria that can compare genomes and/or bacteria that kill viruses if needed
  • Window transparent bacteria/lens
  • Moisture mold eating bacteria
  • Sulphide removal from coal plant emission; multiple organisms; smog removal
  • Bacteria that produce hair
  • Air pollution treatment/smog reduction/detection
  • Paper making bacteria
  • Bacteria that can degrade lignocellulosic material completely
  • Bacteria that permanently remove hair
  • Microbes that produce rubber
  • Bacterial mirror (mirror structure mimicry)
  • Bacteria that produces mechanical energy
  • Bacteria that produce different genomes depending on input
  • Water repellent film production
  • A bin that breaks down/recycles kitchen waste
  • Bacterial pollen detector that you can hang outside like a thermometer
  • Artificial heart from bacteria (pacemaker) + device that measures nutrients in blood (suggests what to eat)
  • Microbes that changes a crystal structure (plastic, glass)
  • Using the logic gates inside the bacteria -preventing heart
  • Water filtration using plant chemical
  • Wools that dries faster and doesn’t shrink in the washing machine
  • Bandaid produced by bacteria that is better than normal bandaid
  • Using smog as nutrients for agriculture
  • Get rid of sensitive information (digital information) coupled to recycling bin
  • Desalination of ecosystem
  • Take up salt and use it for food production
  • Using fatty acids of other organisms to produce energy
  • Design other kinds of sugars
  • Alternative sweetener
  • Smart bacterial glue as adhesive to stick components to an another
  • Food produced by bacteria with nutrients for children with a deficiency
  • Use bacteria to change coal before it is burned to make it burn more efficiently/cleaner
  • Study the effects of sulphur on bacteria
  • Activated carbon
  • Use bacteria to degrade frying oil
  • Microbes that flavour water
  • Plastic soup clothing bactera

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