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C. imager


Caulobacter crescentus is a kind of bacteria with many necessary for our project: C.crescentus has a special life cycle, including swarmed period when C.crescentus possesses flagellum in one pole and stalked period when bacteria cut up flagellum and develop an extremely strong polar adhesive envelope structure known as the holdfast which is composed of protein and polysaccharide. According to the research, when holdfast cling to a surface, the force on it reaches 68 N/mm2 high,which is regarded as the most strongest biological glue known to exist in nature and is three times strong as commercial 'super glue'. With the knowledge we have already known, if we are able to regulate the biosynthesis of flagellum and holdfast simultaneously with flourescent proteins controlled by light input, C.crescentus will stop swimming, develop holdfast to stay firmly and evenly on the plate with expressing flourescent proteins corresponding to light color simulation.

In order to realize the blueprint of our design, we have these works to do as following:

1. Figure out the exact proteins regulating the biosynthesis of flagellum and holdfast or keeping bacteria staying in a place relatively and then construct a circuit which contains controlling proteins triggered or inhibited by light signal.

2. Discover some methods to guide accomplished light sensing-imaging systems working in E. coli into C.crescentus.

3. Confirm the exact nutrition conditions for an even C.crescentus biofilm genesis with modeling work and lab tests.

Here, we are attempting to introduce the whole view of this amazing bacteria for you to be better understanding our project and its specialty.

Life Cycle and Nutritional Provide

The cyclic developmental program of Caulobacter crescentus starts with a stalked cell with a polar adhesive holdfast at the tip of the holdfast. The stalked cell firstly turns into S phase when it is time for DNA replication. At that time, the bacteria grow up into pre-divisional cells. Later the cell enters the G2 phase when the cell becomes incompetent for DNA replication and it keep growing until finally compartmentalizing into two cells, either of who contains stalk and flagellum in one pole. For the swarmer cell which possesses flagellum, the rotation of flagellum is activated and two pili are generated as well. The swarmer one enters G1 phase when its chromosome is different from the stalked one and it cannot reproduce itself. However, in G1 phase, the holdfast is formed predominantly in the swarmer cell stage and these swarmer cells reenter S phase like a cell differentiation process exactly simultaneously when rotating flagellum disappears and holdfast is synthesized. As the research says, the development of stalk and holdfast helps C.crescentus to live in some tough surroundings and enhance its ability to absorb phosphate passively when nutrition provide is limited and swimming using flagellum waste the energy that is original manuscript for necessary metabolism. Scientists found that Pst family correlate the length of stalk. As the hypothesis contains, if it is correct, stalk elongation may function to elevate single cell away from surface thus bacteria receive much high-level nutrient flux and if C.crescentus colonize with other organisms, stalk ensures bacteria to have greater access to nutrients comparing to other nearby surface species to be superior in competition and survival. Consequently, C.crescentus is able to survive withour flagellum and even much more stronger when containing holdfast.

In accordance with recent research, many kinds of protein are assistedly, antagonistically or stimulatively working for a distinct process during the life cycle of C.crescentus such as RodA and MreB are required for stalk synthesis and prevetion of ectopic pole formation, PodJ is an organelle development protin that differentailly localized and required for polar targeting on PleC development regulator,sigma-factor is also required for polar morphogensis and normal celldivision, BapE DNA endonuclease induces an apoptotic-like response to DNA damage whichis useful for future kill switch design and SpmX localizaion relates to stalk position not only working in C.crescentus, but in A.xcentricus and A.biprosthecum etc.

In the whole life cycle of C.crescentus, we mostly focus on the process of degradation of flagellum and biosynthesis of holdfast. Thus, we will discuss the pathway of the two parts dividedly and design a reasonable circuit containing protein involved the pathway controlled by light signals.


The concentration of c-di-GMP is varying, and for our experiment we will promote its expression to inhibit rotation of flagella. It will bind to DgrA and DgrB. The resulting complex will have two routes to go: one is the [c-di-GMP&DgrA] complex which will inhibit FliL, a protein bound to the membrane playing a key role in rotation of flagella. And the other route is that the DgrB will directly affect the rotation of the flagella.


Ref: A Cell Cycle and Nutritional Checkpoint Controlling Bacterial Surface Adhesion

In this paper, author describes a novel regulatory mechanism by which the C.c. bacterium integrates cell cycle and nutritional signals to control development of an adhesive envelop structure known as holdfast.

They discovered a novel inhibitor of holdfast development. HfiA, that is regulated downstream of lovK-lovR. They also discovered a bio-synthesis related gene named HfsJ. And the suppressing mutations in HfsJ attenuate the HfsJ-HfiA interaction.

These results support a model in which HfiA inhibits holdfast development via direct interaction with an enzyme required for holdfast biosynthesis

In conclusion, author says: We demonstrate that the predicted glycosyltransferase, HfsJ, is a required component of the holdfast development machinery and that residues at the C-terminus of HsfJ mediate a direct interaction with HfiA, leading to a post-translational inhibition of HfsJ.