

Revision as of 01:31, 17 October 2014 by John han (Talk | contribs)


This is our time table:

2013.12Recruited Team members for 2014 iGEM in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
2014.1Elected the team leaders of the wetlab, drylab and human practice
2014.2~2014.3Researched the previous projects winning gold medals, especially software projects
2014.3Made the decision to set up a software team in SJTU
2014.3~2014.4Communicated our idea to the professors in our school and received approval to set up a software team
2014.4Applied and registered our team at iGEM Headquarters
2014.4~2014.6Judged final idea for the project
2014.7Started working for the project
2014.8.3~2014.8.7Four team members attended the Second iGEM Conference in National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)
2014.8.15~2014.8.17Three team members attended meetup of software teams in China in University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
2014.8.25Code changed from C# to Java.
2014.9.10"Easy BBK" database completed.
2014.9.25The assessment model for biobricks completed.


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