Microfluidics Platform
To optimize DNA synthesis using our De Novo Synthesis BioBrick, a microfluidics platform is being developed. It is unrealistic to have a lab worker pipetting for hours upon hours to produce large DNA sequences. This greatly aids in that by simplifying and automating the process.
This robotic arm is the first scaled down version of our automated system. This device was constructed in order to facilitate element timing using our in house TdT. The robotic arm, powered with Arduino, would lower the microfuge tube into the appropriate water baths for the experimental time periods. In house pumps, made from stepper motors, would pump in and out the correct solutions in the correct sequence. This device can deliver volumes as low as 10μls, making the robotic arm more a "macroscale" device.
In order to maximize the consumption of our in house TdT, a microfluidic device would be a more ideal platform for automation. The microfluidics platform has not yet been completed and is still in progress. We are hoping to prototype out a 10x scale version from a 3D print before pursuing soft lithography.