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Team Member


Guo Hao-tian

I am the Leader of iGEM team at Fudan University this year. And I am the main designer of the project, and the initiator of the iGEMpedia 1.0.


Grade: Junior


He Chen-xi

He Chenxi is one of the members in Fudan team for iGEM 2013. She is in charge of the construction related to ALeader-test based on different reporter proteins and plenty of promoters. By the same time, she quantitatively measures the fluorescence intensity of some E-coli samples together with Du Shuqi. Also, she is responsible of keeping track of our meetings.


Grade: Junior

Cai Yan-wei

Cai takes parts in both wet and dry lab of Fudan team. Once a green hand of genetic engineering, Cai is now skilled to manage the construction of mutant library of Aleader, the analysis and visualization procedure of expression data of our parts and the model-building of our project. The hard work and sleepless night this year bring him not only knowledge and skills but also cherished friendship. Enjoy iGEM!


Grade: Junior


Lou Ying-qi

She is one of the members in Fudan team for iGEM 2013. She takes charge of the construction works of designed plasmids and the experiments related to Csy4. At the same time, she is responsible for the measurements by using the flow cytometry. She also manages the further development of the iGEM encyclopedia. Email:

Grade: Junior


Hu Shi-zhen

Hu Shizhen is a member of our team鈥檚 wet lab. He did some construction work related to Leader-spinach. He is also the designer of fudan igem team, Photoshop and illustrator are his companions in endless midnight. Our logo, wiki pages, posters and T-shirts are his passionate work. Besides, he took the portrait photos of our team members and drew all the diagrammatic sketch of our project.


Grade: Junior


Li Xin-yi

LI Xinyi took part in the human practice project. She updated the iGEMcyclopedia entries and was the administrator of weibo and Renren page. She also did a little logistic work.

Grade: senior




Du Shu-qi

In our team, my primary duty is to quantitively measure the fluorescence intensity of every E-coli sample we genetically engineered by the fluorence microplate reader. It included determination of the measurement scheme, practice of the measurement and arrangement of the data. In addition, I was also responsible for the construction of plasmids concerning the CI repressor. Preparating for the iGEM was a trying yet rewarding course for me. Sometimes, I met with difficulties and would feel frustrated, but there were always hands ready to help me.

Grade: junior



Wei Wei

in charge of the human practice and financial affairs, decided to continue her study on France.

Grade: senior



Ni Jia-dong

Ni Jiadong is a team member of Fudan team for iGEM 2013. His major work is to construct plasmids those are related to ALeader to testify the function of Leader RNA on downstream translation. Also he constructed some plasmid containing aac sequence to solidify our conclusion and modelling of ALeader鈥檚 function.

Grade: junior



Ni Wen-wen

Ni Wenwen focused on the human practice part of the project. She helped promote the IGEM in the recruitment of association. She was also responsible for updating the word list of iGEMcyclopedia.

Grade: senior



Ni Zhe-yi

The more I study and explore , the more I reverence for nature and life. This wonderful summer vacation is a really memorable period of time to work with my teammates for a mutual goal.

"To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life", which Venter printed into the the genome of synthia, is what I also want to say.

Grade: sophomore


Luo Mei

Synthetic biology seems to be the 鈥榬ight鈥? way to study biology for someone like me who had a lot of fun dissecting clocks and radios. Life system is beyond a machine, but only when we know the machanical part of it can we understand how it transcends machine. As I have never done something like building mathematic modeling before, I learned a lot as a member of 2013 Fudan IGEM team, and really enjoyed my time with everyone.

Grade: senior




Ding Xiao-ming

Luo Ruo-yu

Wang Jun



Prof. Zhao Guoping, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Prof. Dongrong Chen and Prof. Alastair I.H. Murchie鈥檚 Lab锛?IBS Fudan University

Prof. Lu Daru, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Prof. Zhong Jiang, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Prof. Yang Ji, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Prof. Lv Hong, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Associate Prof. Yu Yao, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Associate Prof. Ding Yu, School of Life Science, Fudan University

Dr. Qi Lei, Center for system and Synthetic Biology, UCSF