Waq is a Masters student at Warwick following an Undergraduate degree at the same uni. He is studying under supervisor Miriam Gifford investigating the plant immune response. He was mainly involved in the experimental side of the project and entertainment, wearing inappropriate clothes in the harshly air-conditioned computer lab and his questionable drawing skills. | |
Leo is studying Biochemistry at Warwick, not straying far from his home town of Coventry. He was key to sponsorship, always keeping us stocked with free gloves. | |
Chris is studying Physics at Warwick and was our honorary computer scientist taking the wiki by storm. He was also a major part in our data analysis and was driven almost insane by biologists and their "continuous lack of enough repeats and far too many abbreviations". | |
Iva has ventured furthest from home, coming from Bulgaria and is studying Engineering at Warwick looking to specialise into biomedical engineering post uni. She took a shine to the lab work deeming everything "so adorable" and kept a meticulous lab book where you could find anything and everything experiment related. She was infinitely helpful, coming in at weekends and staying late every evening in order to complete the tasks at hand and studying for her exams alongside. | |
Hassan is a Mathematician at Warwick and inadvertently found himself leader of the team and resident travel agent. He also took a firm hand in organising and keeping on top of the team while developing models for many of the parts in the meantime. Unfortunately developing an allergic reaction to a tree he had come "very close to touching" outside the lab he refused to dine al fresco with the rest of the team on the (rare) hot summer days. | |
After briefly lapsing his strong vegan beliefs and accepting the use of fetal bovine serum and calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase in the lab he took charge of the measurement study and put his controversial views to good use at the forefront of our human practice ventures. He spurned interesting and heated debates about the project and its applications as well as its environmental impacts. | |
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