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Risk evaluation of the e. Coli bacteria modified with genes of fluorescence


The implementation of every innovative issue is that it always requires studies and regulations that guarantee that this one will be safe for either to the environment or everyone who will be exposed. It is important to remember that human activity does not have zero risk and the synthetic organisms are not the exception.

Regarding experts in the area of biosecurity of the biotechnology and the scientific measuring tools and risk mitigation the iGEM Zamorano team made intensive studies to demonstrate the implementation of the E. zamofordi is capable of detecting copper in the water is safe and it complies with all the international standards of biosecurity.

That is why a risk evaluation is a scientific measure that allows the identification of new dangers, it means, that may be as a result of the genetic modification and that they do not exist in the conventional organism. To this, there are a series of steps that allow an investigation to measure the type of risk that represents the fact that the new organism exists in the environment.

“The importance of this study lays in the tools that science and technology provide to the researcher to mitigate the possible new risks in an organism”.