

Revision as of 20:37, 21 September 2014 by Lauralaa (Talk | contribs)


We wanted to make synthetic biology known in Finland. Many activities. Fun.

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Our Vision

Synthetic biology in Finland. How to tell about science to a general crowd. Science for business, business for science, us in the middle. Brian.

All the difficulties in biotechnology startups.

Starting Up

We took part in Summer of Startups, a startup incubator by Aalto University. We met a lot of other small startups and people interested in them. We found out how to pitch synthetic biology to people that know nothing about it. It just needed a sympathetic mascot and explaining how a bioreactor is a work place for him.

The program included two different occasions where we pitched our startup idea. There was pitching night, where we competed in pitching with all the other teams. Then there was Demo Day, a massive event with hundreds of people where we presented ourselves and run a booth for the whole evening, getting people excited about us and synthetic biolocgy.

[Picture of the booth]

[More stuff, maybe explanation of all the difficulties as a SynBio startup]



We also made iGEM Wiki Quickifier., a tool to upload content to a particular team wiki without using the cumbersome wiki interface. It allows you to write all the pages as proper HTML and add template tags while uploading, so that they don't come in the way of writing actual content. It's work in progress and changing it to upload to other wikis than ours is not implemented, but if you know a bit of Python, it's easily done.

All of the code and installation instructions are available at the project's GitHub page.

Something Else

Lorpem iepsem Kalavale. Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi lähteäni laulamahan, saa'ani sanelemahan, sukuvirttä suoltamahan, lajivirttä laulamahan. Sanat suussani sulavat, puhe'et putoelevat, kielelleni kerkiävät, hampahilleni hajoovat.

Veli kulta, veikkoseni, kaunis kasvinkumppalini! Lähe nyt kanssa laulamahan, saa kera sanelemahan yhtehen yhyttyämme, kahta'alta käytyämme! Harvoin yhtehen yhymme, saamme toinen toisihimme näillä raukoilla rajoilla, poloisilla Pohjan mailla.

Social Media

Our own website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr. Links.

Events and Meetings

We met many people.

Finding Partners

Finding the right people and teaching them what iGEM means.

The Extras

Flappy Coli

We also made a silly game called Flappy Coli, where you are guiding a genetically modified pink bacteria through an iGEM-maze. It grows it's flagellum when you get farther and if you are good enough, it might grow more flagella!

All of the code is available at the project's GitHub page.

Here you can see a screenshot from the game.
