Team:Evry/Interlab Study/08-29-2014
Construction n°1: PSB1C3 with I20260
Selected colonies PCR products from the 28/08/2014 were purified with the NucleoSpin kit (Macherey Nagel). DNA was quantify by Nanodrop 2000.
- Colony n°2: 30.7 ng/µl and A260/280 1.92
- Colony n°4: 52.3 ng/µl and A260/280 1.75
- Colony n°7: 26.1 ng/µL and A260/280 1.72
Samples were send to sequencing. N° 26DJ96, 26DJ97, 26DJ98, 26DJ99, 26EA00 and 26EA01.
Construction n°2: PSB1C3 with J23101-E1010
Construction n°3: PSB1C3 with K823012-E1010
Constructions with other promoters
Transformation in DH5 alpha chemocompetent E. coli as doing on 21th August, with ampicilline LB agar plates
Incubation overnight at 37°C.
Aug 29