

Revision as of 22:41, 11 September 2014 by Lewismoffat (Talk | contribs)


* jsPlumb
* Title:jsPlumb 1.6.4
* Provides a way to visually connect elements on an HTML page, using SVG or VML.  
* This file contains the core code.
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014 Simon Porritt (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL2 licenses.
(function() {

"use strict";

   var _ju = jsPlumbUtil,
   	_getOffset = function(el, _instance, relativeToRoot) {
           return jsPlumbAdapter.getOffset(el, _instance, relativeToRoot);

/** * creates a timestamp, using milliseconds since 1970, but as a string. */ _timestamp = function() { return "" + (new Date()).getTime(); },

// helper method to update the hover style whenever it, or paintStyle, changes. // we use paintStyle as the foundation and merge hoverPaintStyle over the // top. _updateHoverStyle = function(component) { if (component._jsPlumb.paintStyle && component._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle) { var mergedHoverStyle = {}; jsPlumb.extend(mergedHoverStyle, component._jsPlumb.paintStyle); jsPlumb.extend(mergedHoverStyle, component._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle); delete component._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle; // we want the fillStyle of paintStyle to override a gradient, if possible. if (mergedHoverStyle.gradient && component._jsPlumb.paintStyle.fillStyle) delete mergedHoverStyle.gradient; component._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle = mergedHoverStyle; } }, events = [ "click", "dblclick", "mouseenter", "mouseout", "mousemove", "mousedown", "mouseup", "contextmenu" ], eventFilters = { "mouseout":"mouseleave", "mouseexit":"mouseleave" }, _updateAttachedElements = function(component, state, timestamp, sourceElement) { var affectedElements = component.getAttachedElements(); if (affectedElements) { for (var i = 0, j = affectedElements.length; i < j; i++) { if (!sourceElement || sourceElement != affectedElements[i]) affectedElements[i].setHover(state, true, timestamp); // tell the attached elements not to inform their own attached elements. } } }, _splitType = function(t) { return t == null ? null : t.split(" "); }, _applyTypes = function(component, params, doNotRepaint) { if (component.getDefaultType) { var td = component.getTypeDescriptor();

var o = _ju.merge({}, component.getDefaultType()); for (var i = 0, j = component._jsPlumb.types.length; i < j; i++) o = _ju.merge(o, component._jsPlumb.instance.getType(component._jsPlumb.types[i], td), [ "cssClass" ]);

if (params) { o = _ju.populate(o, params); }

component.applyType(o, doNotRepaint); if (!doNotRepaint) component.repaint(); } },

// ------------------------------ BEGIN jsPlumbUIComponent --------------------------------------------

jsPlumbUIComponent = window.jsPlumbUIComponent = function(params) {

jsPlumbUtil.EventGenerator.apply(this, arguments);

var self = this, a = arguments, idPrefix = self.idPrefix, id = idPrefix + (new Date()).getTime();

this._jsPlumb = { instance: params._jsPlumb, parameters:params.parameters || {}, paintStyle:null, hoverPaintStyle:null, paintStyleInUse:null, hover:false, beforeDetach:params.beforeDetach, beforeDrop:params.beforeDrop, overlayPlacements : [], hoverClass: params.hoverClass || params._jsPlumb.Defaults.HoverClass, types:[] };

this.getId = function() { return id; };

// all components can generate events

if ( { for (var i in self.bind(i,[i]); }

// all components get this clone function. // TODO issue 116 showed a problem with this - it seems 'a' that is in // the clone function's scope is shared by all invocations of it, the classic // JS closure problem. for now, jsPlumb does a version of this inline where // it used to call clone. but it would be nice to find some time to look // further at this. this.clone = function() { var o = {};//new Object(); this.constructor.apply(o, a); return o; }.bind(this);

// user can supply a beforeDetach callback, which will be executed before a detach // is performed; returning false prevents the detach. this.isDetachAllowed = function(connection) { var r = true; if (this._jsPlumb.beforeDetach) { try { r = this._jsPlumb.beforeDetach(connection); } catch (e) { _ju.log("jsPlumb: beforeDetach callback failed", e); } } return r; };

// user can supply a beforeDrop callback, which will be executed before a dropped // connection is confirmed. user can return false to reject connection. this.isDropAllowed = function(sourceId, targetId, scope, connection, dropEndpoint, source, target) { var r = this._jsPlumb.instance.checkCondition("beforeDrop", { sourceId:sourceId, targetId:targetId, scope:scope, connection:connection, dropEndpoint:dropEndpoint, source:source, target:target }); if (this._jsPlumb.beforeDrop) { try { r = this._jsPlumb.beforeDrop({ sourceId:sourceId, targetId:targetId, scope:scope, connection:connection, dropEndpoint:dropEndpoint, source:source, target:target }); } catch (e) { _ju.log("jsPlumb: beforeDrop callback failed", e); } } return r; };

var boundListeners = [], bindAListener = function(obj, type, fn) { boundListeners.push([obj, type, fn]); obj.bind(type, fn); }, domListeners = [],

           	bindOne = function(o, c, evt, override) {

var filteredEvent = eventFilters[evt] || evt, fn = function(ee) { if (override && override(ee) === false) return;, c, ee); }; domListeners.push([o, evt, fn, c]); c._jsPlumb.instance.on(o, evt, fn); }, unbindOne = function(o, evt, fn, c) { var filteredEvent = eventFilters[evt] || evt;, evt, fn); };

// sets the component associated with listener events. for instance, an overlay delegates // its events back to a connector. but if the connector is swapped on the underlying connection, // then this component must be changed. This is called by setConnector in the Connection class. this.setListenerComponent = function(c) { for (var i = 0; i < domListeners.length; i++) domListeners[i][3] = c; };

           this.bindListeners = function(obj, _self, _hoverFunction) {
               bindAListener(obj, "click", function(ep, e) {"click", _self, e); });             
            	bindAListener(obj, "dblclick", function(ep, e) {"dblclick", _self, e); });
               bindAListener(obj, "contextmenu", function(ep, e) {"contextmenu", _self, e); });
               bindAListener(obj, "mouseleave", function(ep, e) {
                   if (_self.isHover()) {
             "mouseleave", _self, e);
               bindAListener(obj, "mouseenter", function(ep, e) {
                   if (!_self.isHover()) {
             "mouseenter", _self, e);
               bindAListener(obj, "mousedown", function(ep, e) {"mousedown", _self, e); });
               bindAListener(obj, "mouseup", function(ep, e) {"mouseup", _self, e); });
           this.unbindListeners = function() {
           	for (var i = 0; i < boundListeners.length; i++) {
           		var o = boundListeners[i];
           		o[0].unbind(o[1], o[2]);
           	boundListeners = null;

this.attachListeners = function(o, c, overrides) { overrides = overrides || {}; for (var i = 0, j = events.length; i < j; i++) { bindOne(o, c, events[i], overrides[events[i]]); } }; this.detachListeners = function() { for (var i = 0; i < domListeners.length; i++) { unbindOne(domListeners[i][0], domListeners[i][1], domListeners[i][2], domListeners[i][3]); } domListeners = null; };

this.reattachListenersForElement = function(o) { if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 0, j = events.length; i < j; i++) unbindOne(o, events[i]); for (i = 1, j = arguments.length; i < j; i++) this.attachListeners(o, arguments[i]); } }; };

var _removeTypeCssHelper = function(component, typeIndex) { var typeId = component._jsPlumb.types[typeIndex], type = component._jsPlumb.instance.getType(typeId, component.getTypeDescriptor());

if (type != null) {

if (type.cssClass && component.canvas) component._jsPlumb.instance.removeClass(component.canvas, type.cssClass); } };

jsPlumbUtil.extend(jsPlumbUIComponent, jsPlumbUtil.EventGenerator, {

getParameter : function(name) { return this._jsPlumb.parameters[name]; },

setParameter : function(name, value) { this._jsPlumb.parameters[name] = value; },

getParameters : function() { return this._jsPlumb.parameters; },

setParameters : function(p) { this._jsPlumb.parameters = p; },

addClass : function(clazz) { jsPlumbAdapter.addClass(this.canvas, clazz); },

removeClass : function(clazz) { jsPlumbAdapter.removeClass(this.canvas, clazz); },

setType : function(typeId, params, doNotRepaint) { this.clearTypes(); this._jsPlumb.types = _splitType(typeId) || []; _applyTypes(this, params, doNotRepaint); },

getType : function() { return this._jsPlumb.types; },

reapplyTypes : function(params, doNotRepaint) { _applyTypes(this, params, doNotRepaint); },

hasType : function(typeId) { return jsPlumbUtil.indexOf(this._jsPlumb.types, typeId) != -1; },

addType : function(typeId, params, doNotRepaint) { var t = _splitType(typeId), _cont = false; if (t != null) { for (var i = 0, j = t.length; i < j; i++) { if (!this.hasType(t[i])) { this._jsPlumb.types.push(t[i]); _cont = true; } } if (_cont) _applyTypes(this, params, doNotRepaint); } },

removeType : function(typeId, doNotRepaint) { var t = _splitType(typeId), _cont = false, _one = function(tt) { var idx = _ju.indexOf(this._jsPlumb.types, tt); if (idx != -1) { // remove css class if necessary _removeTypeCssHelper(this, idx); this._jsPlumb.types.splice(idx, 1); return true; } return false; }.bind(this);

if (t != null) { for (var i = 0,j = t.length; i < j; i++) { _cont = _one(t[i]) || _cont; } if (_cont) _applyTypes(this, null, doNotRepaint); } }, clearTypes : function(doNotRepaint) { var i = this._jsPlumb.types.length; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { _removeTypeCssHelper(this, 0); this._jsPlumb.types.splice(0, 1); } _applyTypes(this, {}, doNotRepaint); },

toggleType : function(typeId, params, doNotRepaint) { var t = _splitType(typeId); if (t != null) { for (var i = 0, j = t.length; i < j; i++) { var idx = jsPlumbUtil.indexOf(this._jsPlumb.types, t[i]); if (idx != -1) { _removeTypeCssHelper(this, idx); this._jsPlumb.types.splice(idx, 1); } else this._jsPlumb.types.push(t[i]); }

_applyTypes(this, params, doNotRepaint); } }, applyType : function(t, doNotRepaint) { this.setPaintStyle(t.paintStyle, doNotRepaint); this.setHoverPaintStyle(t.hoverPaintStyle, doNotRepaint); if (t.parameters){ for (var i in t.parameters) this.setParameter(i, t.parameters[i]); } }, setPaintStyle : function(style, doNotRepaint) { // this._jsPlumb.paintStyle = jsPlumb.extend({}, style); // TODO figure out if we want components to clone paintStyle so as not to share it. this._jsPlumb.paintStyle = style; this._jsPlumb.paintStyleInUse = this._jsPlumb.paintStyle; _updateHoverStyle(this); if (!doNotRepaint) this.repaint(); }, getPaintStyle : function() { return this._jsPlumb.paintStyle; }, setHoverPaintStyle : function(style, doNotRepaint) { //this._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle = jsPlumb.extend({}, style); // TODO figure out if we want components to clone paintStyle so as not to share it. this._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle = style; _updateHoverStyle(this); if (!doNotRepaint) this.repaint(); }, getHoverPaintStyle : function() { return this._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle; }, cleanup:function() { this.unbindListeners(); this.detachListeners(); }, destroy:function() { this.cleanupListeners(); this.clone = null; this._jsPlumb = null; },

isHover : function() { return this._jsPlumb.hover; },

setHover : function(hover, ignoreAttachedElements, timestamp) { // while dragging, we ignore these events. this keeps the UI from flashing and // swishing and whatevering. if (this._jsPlumb && !this._jsPlumb.instance.currentlyDragging && !this._jsPlumb.instance.isHoverSuspended()) {

this._jsPlumb.hover = hover;

                   if (this.canvas != null) {
                       if (this._jsPlumb.instance.hoverClass != null) {
                       	var method = hover ? "addClass" : "removeClass";

this._jsPlumb.instance[method](this.canvas, this._jsPlumb.instance.hoverClass);

                       if (this._jsPlumb.hoverClass != null) {

this._jsPlumb.instance[method](this.canvas, this._jsPlumb.hoverClass);


if (this._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle != null) { this._jsPlumb.paintStyleInUse = hover ? this._jsPlumb.hoverPaintStyle : this._jsPlumb.paintStyle; if (!this._jsPlumb.instance.isSuspendDrawing()) { timestamp = timestamp || _timestamp(); this.repaint({timestamp:timestamp, recalc:false}); } } // get the list of other affected elements, if supported by this component. // for a connection, its the endpoints. for an endpoint, its the connections! surprise. if (this.getAttachedElements && !ignoreAttachedElements) _updateAttachedElements(this, hover, _timestamp(), this); } } });

// ------------------------------ END jsPlumbUIComponent --------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------ BEGIN OverlayCapablejsPlumbUIComponent --------------------------------------------

var _internalLabelOverlayId = "__label", // helper to get the index of some overlay _getOverlayIndex = function(component, id) { var idx = -1; for (var i = 0, j = component._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i < j; i++) { if (id === component._jsPlumb.overlays[i].id) { idx = i; break; } } return idx; }, // this is a shortcut helper method to let people add a label as // overlay. _makeLabelOverlay = function(component, params) {

var _params = { cssClass:params.cssClass, labelStyle : component.labelStyle, id:_internalLabelOverlayId, component:component, _jsPlumb:component._jsPlumb.instance // TODO not necessary, since the instance can be accessed through the component. }, mergedParams = jsPlumb.extend(_params, params);

return new jsPlumb.Overlays[component._jsPlumb.instance.getRenderMode()].Label( mergedParams ); }, _processOverlay = function(component, o) { var _newOverlay = null; if (_ju.isArray(o)) { // this is for the shorthand ["Arrow", { width:50 }] syntax // there's also a three arg version: // ["Arrow", { width:50 }, {location:0.7}] // which merges the 3rd arg into the 2nd. var type = o[0], // make a copy of the object so as not to mess up anyone else's reference... p = jsPlumb.extend({component:component, _jsPlumb:component._jsPlumb.instance}, o[1]); if (o.length == 3) jsPlumb.extend(p, o[2]); _newOverlay = new jsPlumb.Overlays[component._jsPlumb.instance.getRenderMode()][type](p); } else if (o.constructor == String) { _newOverlay = new jsPlumb.Overlays[component._jsPlumb.instance.getRenderMode()][o]({component:component, _jsPlumb:component._jsPlumb.instance}); } else { _newOverlay = o; }

component._jsPlumb.overlays.push(_newOverlay); }, _calculateOverlaysToAdd = function(component, params) { var defaultKeys = component.defaultOverlayKeys || [], o = params.overlays, checkKey = function(k) { return component._jsPlumb.instance.Defaults[k] || jsPlumb.Defaults[k] || []; };

if (!o) o = [];

for (var i = 0, j = defaultKeys.length; i < j; i++) o.unshift.apply(o, checkKey(defaultKeys[i]));

return o; }, OverlayCapableJsPlumbUIComponent = window.OverlayCapableJsPlumbUIComponent = function(params) {

jsPlumbUIComponent.apply(this, arguments); this._jsPlumb.overlays = [];

var _overlays = _calculateOverlaysToAdd(this, params); if (_overlays) { for (var i = 0, j = _overlays.length; i < j; i++) { _processOverlay(this, _overlays[i]); } }

if (params.label) { var loc = params.labelLocation || this.defaultLabelLocation || 0.5, labelStyle = params.labelStyle || this._jsPlumb.instance.Defaults.LabelStyle;

this._jsPlumb.overlays.push(_makeLabelOverlay(this, { label:params.label, location:loc, labelStyle:labelStyle })); }

this.setListenerComponent = function(c) { if (this._jsPlumb) { for (var i = 0; i < this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i++) this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].setListenerComponent(c); } }; };

jsPlumbUtil.extend(OverlayCapableJsPlumbUIComponent, jsPlumbUIComponent, { applyType : function(t, doNotRepaint) { this.removeAllOverlays(doNotRepaint); if (t.overlays) { for (var i = 0, j = t.overlays.length; i < j; i++) this.addOverlay(t.overlays[i], true); } }, setHover : function(hover, ignoreAttachedElements, timestamp) { if (this._jsPlumb && !this._jsPlumb.instance.isConnectionBeingDragged()) { for (var i = 0, j = this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i < j; i++) { this._jsPlumb.overlays[i][hover ? "addClass":"removeClass"](this._jsPlumb.instance.hoverClass); } }

           addOverlay : function(overlay, doNotRepaint) { 

_processOverlay(this, overlay); if (!doNotRepaint) this.repaint(); }, getOverlay : function(id) { var idx = _getOverlayIndex(this, id); return idx >= 0 ? this._jsPlumb.overlays[idx] : null; }, getOverlays : function() { return this._jsPlumb.overlays; }, hideOverlay : function(id) { var o = this.getOverlay(id); if (o) o.hide(); }, hideOverlays : function() { for (var i = 0, j = this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i < j; i++) this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].hide(); }, showOverlay : function(id) { var o = this.getOverlay(id); if (o); }, showOverlays : function() { for (var i = 0, j = this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i < j; i++) this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].show(); }, removeAllOverlays : function(doNotRepaint) { for (var i = 0, j = this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i < j; i++) { if (this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].cleanup) this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].cleanup(); }

this._jsPlumb.overlays.splice(0, this._jsPlumb.overlays.length); this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions = null; if (!doNotRepaint) this.repaint(); }, removeOverlay : function(overlayId) { var idx = _getOverlayIndex(this, overlayId); if (idx != -1) { var o = this._jsPlumb.overlays[idx]; if (o.cleanup) o.cleanup(); this._jsPlumb.overlays.splice(idx, 1); if (this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions) delete this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions[overlayId]; } }, removeOverlays : function() { for (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i++) this.removeOverlay(arguments[i]); }, moveParent:function(newParent) { if (this.bgCanvas) { this.bgCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.bgCanvas); newParent.appendChild(this.bgCanvas); }

this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas); newParent.appendChild(this.canvas);

for (var i = 0; i < this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i++) { if (this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].isAppendedAtTopLevel) { this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].canvas); newParent.appendChild(this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].canvas); } } }, getLabel : function() { var lo = this.getOverlay(_internalLabelOverlayId); return lo != null ? lo.getLabel() : null; }, getLabelOverlay : function() { return this.getOverlay(_internalLabelOverlayId); }, setLabel : function(l) { var lo = this.getOverlay(_internalLabelOverlayId); if (!lo) { var params = l.constructor == String || l.constructor == Function ? { label:l } : l; lo = _makeLabelOverlay(this, params); this._jsPlumb.overlays.push(lo); } else { if (l.constructor == String || l.constructor == Function) lo.setLabel(l); else { if (l.label) lo.setLabel(l.label); if (l.location) lo.setLocation(l.location); } }

if (!this._jsPlumb.instance.isSuspendDrawing()) this.repaint(); }, cleanup:function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._jsPlumb.overlays.length; i++) { this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].cleanup(); this._jsPlumb.overlays[i].destroy(); } this._jsPlumb.overlays.splice(0); this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions = null; }, setVisible:function(v) { this[v ? "showOverlays" : "hideOverlays"](); }, setAbsoluteOverlayPosition:function(overlay, xy) { this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions = this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions || {}; this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions[] = xy; }, getAbsoluteOverlayPosition:function(overlay) { return this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions ? this._jsPlumb.overlayPositions[] : null; } });

// ------------------------------ END OverlayCapablejsPlumbUIComponent --------------------------------------------

var _jsPlumbInstanceIndex = 0, getInstanceIndex = function() { var i = _jsPlumbInstanceIndex + 1; _jsPlumbInstanceIndex++; return i; };

var jsPlumbInstance = window.jsPlumbInstance = function(_defaults) {

this.Defaults = { Anchor : "BottomCenter", Anchors : [ null, null ], ConnectionsDetachable : true, ConnectionOverlays : [ ], Connector : "Bezier", Container : null, DoNotThrowErrors:false, DragOptions : { }, DropOptions : { }, Endpoint : "Dot", EndpointOverlays : [ ], Endpoints : [ null, null ], EndpointStyle : { fillStyle : "#456" }, EndpointStyles : [ null, null ], EndpointHoverStyle : null, EndpointHoverStyles : [ null, null ], HoverPaintStyle : null, LabelStyle : { color : "black" }, LogEnabled : false, Overlays : [ ], MaxConnections : 1, PaintStyle : { lineWidth : 8, strokeStyle : "#456" }, ReattachConnections:false, RenderMode : "svg", Scope : "jsPlumb_DefaultScope" }; if (_defaults) jsPlumb.extend(this.Defaults, _defaults);

this.logEnabled = this.Defaults.LogEnabled; this._connectionTypes = {}; this._endpointTypes = {};


var _currentInstance = this, _instanceIndex = getInstanceIndex(), _bb = _currentInstance.bind, _initialDefaults = {}, _zoom = 1, _info = function(el) { var _el = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(el); return { el:_el, id:(jsPlumbUtil.isString(el) && _el == null) ? el : _getId(_el) }; };

this.getInstanceIndex = function() { return _instanceIndex; };

       	this.setZoom = function(z, repaintEverything) {
       		if (!jsPlumbUtil.oldIE) {

_zoom = z;"zoom", _zoom); if (repaintEverything) _currentInstance.repaintEverything(); } return !jsPlumbUtil.oldIE;

       	this.getZoom = function() { return _zoom; };

for (var i in this.Defaults) _initialDefaults[i] = this.Defaults[i];

var _container; this.setContainer = function(c) { c = this.getDOMElement(c); { conn.moveParent(c); }); this.selectEndpoints().each(function(ep) { ep.moveParent(c); }); _container = c; }; this.getContainer = function() { return _container; };

this.bind = function(event, fn) { if ("ready" === event && initialized) fn(); else _bb.apply(_currentInstance,[event, fn]); };

_currentInstance.importDefaults = function(d) { for (var i in d) { _currentInstance.Defaults[i] = d[i]; } if (d.Container) this.setContainer(d.Container);

return _currentInstance; };

_currentInstance.restoreDefaults = function() { _currentInstance.Defaults = jsPlumb.extend({}, _initialDefaults); return _currentInstance; };

var log = null, resizeTimer = null, initialized = false, // TODO remove from window scope connections = [], // map of element id -> endpoint lists. an element can have an arbitrary // number of endpoints on it, and not all of them have to be connected // to anything. endpointsByElement = {}, endpointsByUUID = {}, offsets = {}, offsetTimestamps = {}, floatingConnections = {}, draggableStates = {}, connectionBeingDragged = false, sizes = [], _suspendDrawing = false, _suspendedAt = null, DEFAULT_SCOPE = this.Defaults.Scope, renderMode = null, // will be set in init() _curIdStamp = 1, _idstamp = function() { return "" + _curIdStamp++; },

// // appends an element to some other element, which is calculated as follows: // // 1. if Container exists, use that element. // 2. if the 'parent' parameter exists, use that. // 3. otherwise just use the root element (for DOM usage, the document body). // // _appendElement = function(el, parent) { if (_container) _container.appendChild(el); else if (!parent) _currentInstance.appendToRoot(el); else jsPlumb.getDOMElement(parent).appendChild(el); },

// // YUI, for some reason, put the result of a Y.all call into an object that contains // a '_nodes' array, instead of handing back an array-like object like the other // libraries do. // _convertYUICollection = function(c) { return c._nodes ? c._nodes : c; },

// // Draws an endpoint and its connections. this is the main entry point into drawing connections as well // as endpoints, since jsPlumb is endpoint-centric under the hood. // // @param element element to draw (of type library specific element object) // @param ui UI object from current library's event system. optional. // @param timestamp timestamp for this paint cycle. used to speed things up a little by cutting down the amount of offset calculations we do. // @param clearEdits defaults to false; indicates that mouse edits for connectors should be cleared /// _draw = function(element, ui, timestamp, clearEdits) {

// TODO is it correct to filter by headless at this top level? how would a headless adapter ever repaint? if (!jsPlumbAdapter.headless && !_suspendDrawing) { var id = _getId(element), repaintEls = _currentInstance.dragManager.getElementsForDraggable(id);

if (timestamp == null) timestamp = _timestamp();

// update the offset of everything _before_ we try to draw anything. var o = _updateOffset( { elId : id, offset : ui, recalc : false, timestamp : timestamp });

if (repaintEls) { for (var i in repaintEls) { // TODO this seems to cause a lag, but we provide the offset, so in theory it // should not. is the timestamp failing? _updateOffset( { elId : repaintEls[i].id, offset : { left:o.o.left + repaintEls[i].offset.left, + repaintEls[i] }, recalc : false, timestamp : timestamp }); } }

_currentInstance.anchorManager.redraw(id, ui, timestamp, null, clearEdits);

if (repaintEls) { for (var j in repaintEls) { _currentInstance.anchorManager.redraw(repaintEls[j].id, ui, timestamp, repaintEls[j].offset, clearEdits, true); } } } },

// // executes the given function against the given element if the first // argument is an object, or the list of elements, if the first argument // is a list. the function passed in takes (element, elementId) as // arguments. // _elementProxy = function(element, fn) { var retVal = null, el, id, del; if (_ju.isArray(element)) { retVal = []; for ( var i = 0, j = element.length; i < j; i++) { el = _currentInstance.getElementObject(element[i]); del = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(el); id = _currentInstance.getAttribute(del, "id"); //retVal.push(fn(el, id)); // append return values to what we will return retVal.push(fn.apply(_currentInstance, [del, id])); // append return values to what we will return } } else { el = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(element); id = _currentInstance.getId(el); retVal = fn.apply(_currentInstance, [el, id]); } return retVal; },

// // gets an Endpoint by uuid. // _getEndpoint = function(uuid) { return endpointsByUUID[uuid]; },

/** * inits a draggable if it's not already initialised. * TODO: somehow abstract this to the adapter, because the concept of "draggable" has no * place on the server. */ _initDraggableIfNecessary = function(element, isDraggable, dragOptions) { // TODO move to DragManager? if (!jsPlumbAdapter.headless) { var _draggable = isDraggable == null ? false : isDraggable; if (_draggable) { if (jsPlumb.isDragSupported(element, _currentInstance) && !jsPlumb.isAlreadyDraggable(element, _currentInstance)) { var options = dragOptions || _currentInstance.Defaults.DragOptions; options = jsPlumb.extend( {}, options); // make a copy. var dragEvent = jsPlumb.dragEvents.drag, stopEvent = jsPlumb.dragEvents.stop, startEvent = jsPlumb.dragEvents.start, ancestorOffset = null, _del = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(element), _ancestor = _currentInstance.dragManager.getDragAncestor(_del), _noOffset = {left:0, top:0}, _ancestorOffset = _noOffset, _started = false;

options[startEvent] = _ju.wrap(options[startEvent], function() { _ancestorOffset = _ancestor != null ? jsPlumbAdapter.getOffset(_ancestor, _currentInstance) : _noOffset; _currentInstance.setHoverSuspended(true);{source:element}).addClass(_currentInstance.elementDraggingClass + " " + _currentInstance.sourceElementDraggingClass, true);{target:element}).addClass(_currentInstance.elementDraggingClass + " " + _currentInstance.targetElementDraggingClass, true); _currentInstance.setConnectionBeingDragged(true); if (options.canDrag) return dragOptions.canDrag(); }, false);

options[dragEvent] = _ju.wrap(options[dragEvent], function() { // TODO: here we could actually use getDragObject, and then compute it ourselves, // since every adapter does the same thing. but i'm not sure why YUI's getDragObject // differs from getUIPosition so much var ui = _currentInstance.getUIPosition(arguments, _currentInstance.getZoom()); // adjust by ancestor offset if there is one: this is for the case that a draggable // is contained inside some other element that is not the Container. ui.left += _ancestorOffset.left; +=; _draw(element, ui, null, true); if (_started) _currentInstance.addClass(element, "jsPlumb_dragged"); _started = true; }); options[stopEvent] = _ju.wrap(options[stopEvent], function() { var ui = _currentInstance.getUIPosition(arguments, _currentInstance.getZoom(), true); _draw(element, ui); _started = false; _currentInstance.removeClass(element, "jsPlumb_dragged"); _currentInstance.setHoverSuspended(false);{source:element}).removeClass(_currentInstance.elementDraggingClass + " " + _currentInstance.sourceElementDraggingClass, true);{target:element}).removeClass(_currentInstance.elementDraggingClass + " " + _currentInstance.targetElementDraggingClass, true); _currentInstance.setConnectionBeingDragged(false); _currentInstance.dragManager.dragEnded(element); }); var elId = _getId(element); // need ID draggableStates[elId] = true; var draggable = draggableStates[elId]; options.disabled = draggable == null ? false : !draggable; _currentInstance.initDraggable(element, options, false); _currentInstance.dragManager.register(element); } } } },

/* * prepares a final params object that can be passed to _newConnection, taking into account defaults, events, etc. */ _prepareConnectionParams = function(params, referenceParams) { var _p = jsPlumb.extend( { }, params); if (referenceParams) jsPlumb.extend(_p, referenceParams);

// hotwire endpoints passed as source or target to sourceEndpoint/targetEndpoint, respectively. if (_p.source) { if (_p.source.endpoint) _p.sourceEndpoint = _p.source; else _p.source = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(_p.source); } if ( { if ( _p.targetEndpoint =; else = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(; }

// test for endpoint uuids to connect if (params.uuids) { _p.sourceEndpoint = _getEndpoint(params.uuids[0]); _p.targetEndpoint = _getEndpoint(params.uuids[1]); }

// now ensure that if we do have Endpoints already, they're not full. // source: if (_p.sourceEndpoint && _p.sourceEndpoint.isFull()) { _ju.log(_currentInstance, "could not add connection; source endpoint is full"); return; }

// target: if (_p.targetEndpoint && _p.targetEndpoint.isFull()) { _ju.log(_currentInstance, "could not add connection; target endpoint is full"); return; }

// if source endpoint mandates connection type and nothing specified in our params, use it. if (!_p.type && _p.sourceEndpoint) _p.type = _p.sourceEndpoint.connectionType;

// copy in any connectorOverlays that were specified on the source endpoint. // it doesnt copy target endpoint overlays. i'm not sure if we want it to or not. if (_p.sourceEndpoint && _p.sourceEndpoint.connectorOverlays) { _p.overlays = _p.overlays || []; for (var i = 0, j = _p.sourceEndpoint.connectorOverlays.length; i < j; i++) { _p.overlays.push(_p.sourceEndpoint.connectorOverlays[i]); } }

           // pointer events
           if (!_p["pointer-events"] && _p.sourceEndpoint && _p.sourceEndpoint.connectorPointerEvents)
               _p["pointer-events"] = _p.sourceEndpoint.connectorPointerEvents;
           var _mergeOverrides = function(def, values) {
           	var m = jsPlumb.extend({}, def);
           	for (var i in values) {
           		if (values[i]) m[i] = values[i];
           	return m;
           var _addEndpoint = function(el, def, idx) {
           	return _currentInstance.addEndpoint(el, _mergeOverrides(tep.def, {
           		anchor:_p.anchors ? _p.anchors[idx] : _p.anchor,
           		endpoint:_p.endpoints ? _p.endpoints[idx] : _p.endpoint,
           		paintStyle:_p.endpointStyles ? _p.endpointStyles[idx] : _p.endpointStyle,
           		hoverPaintStyle:_p.endpointHoverStyles ? _p.endpointHoverStyles[idx] : _p.endpointHoverStyle

// if there's a target specified (which of course there should be), and there is no // target endpoint specified, and 'newConnection' was not set to true, then we check to // see if a prior call to makeTarget has provided us with the specs for the target endpoint, and // we use those if so. additionally, if the makeTarget call was specified with 'uniqueEndpoint' set // to true, then if that target endpoint has already been created, we re-use it.

var tid, tep, existingUniqueEndpoint, newEndpoint;

// TODO: this code can be refactored to be a little dry. if ( && ! && !_p.targetEndpoint && !_p.newConnection) { tid = _getId(; tep = this.targetEndpointDefinitions[tid];

if (tep) {

// if target not enabled, return. if (!tep.enabled) return;

// TODO this is dubious. i think it is there so that the endpoint can subsequently // be dragged (ie it kicks off the draggable registration). but it is dubious. tep.isTarget = true;

// check for max connections?? newEndpoint = tep.endpoint != null && tep.endpoint._jsPlumb ? tep.endpoint : _addEndpoint(, tep.def, 1); if (tep.uniqueEndpoint) tep.endpoint = newEndpoint; _p.targetEndpoint = newEndpoint; // TODO test options to makeTarget to see if we should do this? newEndpoint._doNotDeleteOnDetach = false; // reset. newEndpoint._deleteOnDetach = true; } }

// same thing, but for source. if (_p.source && !_p.source.endpoint && !_p.sourceEndpoint && !_p.newConnection) { tid = _getId(_p.source); tep = this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[tid];

if (tep) { // if source not enabled, return. if (!tep.enabled) return;

newEndpoint = tep.endpoint != null && tep.endpoint._jsPlumb ? tep.endpoint : _addEndpoint(_p.source, tep.def, 0); if (tep.uniqueEndpoint) tep.endpoint = newEndpoint; _p.sourceEndpoint = newEndpoint; // TODO test options to makeSource to see if we should do this? newEndpoint._doNotDeleteOnDetach = false; // reset. newEndpoint._deleteOnDetach = true; } }

return _p; }.bind(_currentInstance),

_newConnection = function(params) { var connectionFunc = _currentInstance.Defaults.ConnectionType || _currentInstance.getDefaultConnectionType(), endpointFunc = _currentInstance.Defaults.EndpointType || jsPlumb.Endpoint;

params._jsPlumb = _currentInstance;

           params.newConnection = _newConnection;
           params.newEndpoint = _newEndpoint;
           params.endpointsByUUID = endpointsByUUID;             
           params.endpointsByElement = endpointsByElement;  
           params.finaliseConnection = _finaliseConnection;

var con = new connectionFunc(params); = "con_" + _idstamp(); _eventFireProxy("click", "click", con); _eventFireProxy("dblclick", "dblclick", con);

           _eventFireProxy("contextmenu", "contextmenu", con);
           // if the connection is draggable, then maybe we need to tell the target endpoint to init the
           // dragging code. it won't run again if it already configured to be draggable.
           if (con.isDetachable()) {

return con; },

// // adds the connection to the backing model, fires an event if necessary and then redraws // _finaliseConnection = function(jpc, params, originalEvent, doInformAnchorManager) {

           params = params || {};

// add to list of connections (by scope).

           if (!jpc.suspendedEndpoint)


// turn off isTemporarySource on the source endpoint (only viable on first draw) jpc.endpoints[0].isTemporarySource = false;

           // always inform the anchor manager
           // except that if jpc has a suspended endpoint it's not true to say the
           // connection is new; it has just (possibly) moved. the question is whether
           // to make that call here or in the anchor manager.  i think perhaps here.
           if (jpc.suspendedEndpoint == null || doInformAnchorManager)

// force a paint _draw(jpc.source);

// fire an event if (!params.doNotFireConnectionEvent && params.fireEvent !== false) {

var eventArgs = { connection:jpc, source : jpc.source, target :, sourceId : jpc.sourceId, targetId : jpc.targetId, sourceEndpoint : jpc.endpoints[0], targetEndpoint : jpc.endpoints[1] };"connection", eventArgs, originalEvent); } },

_eventFireProxy = function(event, proxyEvent, obj) { obj.bind(event, function(originalObject, originalEvent) {, obj, originalEvent); }); },

/* factory method to prepare a new endpoint. this should always be used instead of creating Endpoints manually, since this method attaches event listeners and an id. */ _newEndpoint = function(params) { var endpointFunc = _currentInstance.Defaults.EndpointType || jsPlumb.Endpoint; var _p = jsPlumb.extend({}, params); _p._jsPlumb = _currentInstance;

               _p.newConnection = _newConnection;
               _p.newEndpoint = _newEndpoint;                
               _p.endpointsByUUID = endpointsByUUID;             
               _p.endpointsByElement = endpointsByElement;  
               _p.finaliseConnection = _finaliseConnection;
               _p.fireDetachEvent = fireDetachEvent;
               _p.fireMoveEvent = fireMoveEvent;
               _p.floatingConnections = floatingConnections;
               _p.elementId = _getId(_p.source);                

var ep = new endpointFunc(_p); = "ep_" + _idstamp(); _eventFireProxy("click", "endpointClick", ep); _eventFireProxy("dblclick", "endpointDblClick", ep); _eventFireProxy("contextmenu", "contextmenu", ep); if (!jsPlumbAdapter.headless) _currentInstance.dragManager.endpointAdded(_p.source); return ep; },

/* * performs the given function operation on all the connections found * for the given element id; this means we find all the endpoints for * the given element, and then for each endpoint find the connectors * connected to it. then we pass each connection in to the given * function. */ _operation = function(elId, func, endpointFunc) { var endpoints = endpointsByElement[elId]; if (endpoints && endpoints.length) { for ( var i = 0, ii = endpoints.length; i < ii; i++) { for ( var j = 0, jj = endpoints[i].connections.length; j < jj; j++) { var retVal = func(endpoints[i].connections[j]); // if the function passed in returns true, we exit. // most functions return false. if (retVal) return; } if (endpointFunc) endpointFunc(endpoints[i]); } } },

_setDraggable = function(element, draggable) { return _elementProxy(element, function(el, id) { draggableStates[id] = draggable; if (this.isDragSupported(el)) { this.setElementDraggable(el, draggable); } }); }, /* * private method to do the business of hiding/showing. * * @param el * either Id of the element in question or a library specific * object for the element. * @param state * String specifying a value for the css 'display' property * ('block' or 'none'). */ _setVisible = function(el, state, alsoChangeEndpoints) { state = state === "block"; var endpointFunc = null; if (alsoChangeEndpoints) { if (state) endpointFunc = function(ep) { ep.setVisible(true, true, true); }; else endpointFunc = function(ep) { ep.setVisible(false, true, true); }; } var info = _info(el); _operation(, function(jpc) { if (state && alsoChangeEndpoints) { // this test is necessary because this functionality is new, and i wanted to maintain backwards compatibility. // this block will only set a connection to be visible if the other endpoint in the connection is also visible. var oidx = jpc.sourceId === ? 1 : 0; if (jpc.endpoints[oidx].isVisible()) jpc.setVisible(true); } else // the default behaviour for show, and what always happens for hide, is to just set the visibility without getting clever. jpc.setVisible(state); }, endpointFunc); }, /* * toggles the draggable state of the given element(s). * el is either an id, or an element object, or a list of ids/element objects. */ _toggleDraggable = function(el) { return _elementProxy(el, function(el, elId) { var state = draggableStates[elId] == null ? false : draggableStates[elId]; state = !state; draggableStates[elId] = state; this.setDraggable(el, state); return state; }); }, /** * private method to do the business of toggling hiding/showing. */ _toggleVisible = function(elId, changeEndpoints) { var endpointFunc = null; if (changeEndpoints) { endpointFunc = function(ep) { var state = ep.isVisible(); ep.setVisible(!state); }; } _operation(elId, function(jpc) { var state = jpc.isVisible(); jpc.setVisible(!state); }, endpointFunc); // todo this should call _elementProxy, and pass in the // _operation(elId, f) call as a function. cos _toggleDraggable does // that. }, /** * updates the offset and size for a given element, and stores the * values. if 'offset' is not null we use that (it would have been * passed in from a drag call) because it's faster; but if it is null, * or if 'recalc' is true in order to force a recalculation, we get the current values. */ _updateOffset = this.updateOffset = function(params) { var timestamp = params.timestamp, recalc = params.recalc, offset = params.offset, elId = params.elId, s; if (_suspendDrawing && !timestamp) timestamp = _suspendedAt; if (!recalc) { if (timestamp && timestamp === offsetTimestamps[elId]) { return {o:params.offset || offsets[elId], s:sizes[elId]}; } } if (recalc || !offset) { // if forced repaint or no offset available, we recalculate. // get the current size and offset, and store them s = document.getElementById(elId); if (s != null) { sizes[elId] = _currentInstance.getSize(s); offsets[elId] = _getOffset(s, _currentInstance); offsetTimestamps[elId] = timestamp; } } else { offsets[elId] = offset;

               if (sizes[elId] == null) {
                   s = document.getElementById(elId);
                   if (s != null) sizes[elId] = _currentInstance.getSize(s);
               offsetTimestamps[elId] = timestamp;

if(offsets[elId] && !offsets[elId].right) { offsets[elId].right = offsets[elId].left + sizes[elId][0]; offsets[elId].bottom = offsets[elId].top + sizes[elId][1]; offsets[elId].width = sizes[elId][0]; offsets[elId].height = sizes[elId][1]; offsets[elId].centerx = offsets[elId].left + (offsets[elId].width / 2); offsets[elId].centery = offsets[elId].top + (offsets[elId].height / 2); } return {o:offsets[elId], s:sizes[elId]}; },

// TODO comparison performance _getCachedData = function(elId) { var o = offsets[elId]; if (!o)

               return _updateOffset({elId:elId});


               return {o:o, s:sizes[elId]};


/** * gets an id for the given element, creating and setting one if * necessary. the id is of the form * * jsPlumb_<instance index>_<index in instance> * * where "index in instance" is a monotonically increasing integer that starts at 0, * for each instance. this method is used not only to assign ids to elements that do not * have them but also to connections and endpoints. */ _getId = function(element, uuid, doNotCreateIfNotFound) { if (jsPlumbUtil.isString(element)) return element; if (element == null) return null; var id = _currentInstance.getAttribute(element, "id"); if (!id || id === "undefined") { // check if fixed uuid parameter is given if (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] !== undefined) id = uuid; else if (arguments.length == 1 || (arguments.length == 3 && !arguments[2])) id = "jsPlumb_" + _instanceIndex + "_" + _idstamp();

               if (!doNotCreateIfNotFound) _currentInstance.setAttribute(element, "id", id);

} return id; };

this.setConnectionBeingDragged = function(v) { connectionBeingDragged = v; }; this.isConnectionBeingDragged = function() { return connectionBeingDragged; };

this.connectorClass = "_jsPlumb_connector"; this.hoverClass = "_jsPlumb_hover"; this.endpointClass = "_jsPlumb_endpoint"; this.endpointConnectedClass = "_jsPlumb_endpoint_connected"; this.endpointFullClass = "_jsPlumb_endpoint_full"; this.endpointDropAllowedClass = "_jsPlumb_endpoint_drop_allowed"; this.endpointDropForbiddenClass = "_jsPlumb_endpoint_drop_forbidden"; this.overlayClass = "_jsPlumb_overlay"; this.draggingClass = "_jsPlumb_dragging"; this.elementDraggingClass = "_jsPlumb_element_dragging"; this.sourceElementDraggingClass = "_jsPlumb_source_element_dragging"; this.targetElementDraggingClass = "_jsPlumb_target_element_dragging"; this.endpointAnchorClassPrefix = "_jsPlumb_endpoint_anchor"; this.hoverSourceClass = "_jsPlumb_source_hover"; this.hoverTargetClass = "_jsPlumb_target_hover"; this.dragSelectClass = "_jsPlumb_drag_select";

this.Anchors = {}; this.Connectors = { "svg":{}, "vml":{} }; this.Endpoints = { "svg":{}, "vml":{} }; this.Overlays = { "svg":{}, "vml":{}}; this.ConnectorRenderers = {}; this.SVG = "svg"; this.VML = "vml";

// --------------------------- jsPLumbInstance public API ---------------------------------------------------------

this.addEndpoint = function(el, params, referenceParams) { referenceParams = referenceParams || {}; var p = jsPlumb.extend({}, referenceParams); jsPlumb.extend(p, params); p.endpoint = p.endpoint || _currentInstance.Defaults.Endpoint; p.paintStyle = p.paintStyle || _currentInstance.Defaults.EndpointStyle;

           // YUI wrapper

el = _convertYUICollection(el);

var results = [], inputs = (_ju.isArray(el) || (el.length != null && !_ju.isString(el))) ? el : [ el ];

for (var i = 0, j = inputs.length; i < j; i++) { var _el = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(inputs[i]), id = _getId(_el); p.source = _el;


               _updateOffset({ elId : id, timestamp:_suspendedAt });

var e = _newEndpoint(p); if (p.parentAnchor) e.parentAnchor = p.parentAnchor; _ju.addToList(endpointsByElement, id, e); var myOffset = offsets[id], myWH = sizes[id], anchorLoc = e.anchor.compute( { xy : [ myOffset.left, ], wh : myWH, element : e, timestamp:_suspendedAt }), endpointPaintParams = { anchorLoc : anchorLoc, timestamp:_suspendedAt };

if (_suspendDrawing) endpointPaintParams.recalc = false; if (!_suspendDrawing) e.paint(endpointPaintParams);

results.push(e); e._doNotDeleteOnDetach = true; // mark this as being added via addEndpoint. }

return results.length == 1 ? results[0] : results; };

this.addEndpoints = function(el, endpoints, referenceParams) { var results = []; for ( var i = 0, j = endpoints.length; i < j; i++) { var e = _currentInstance.addEndpoint(el, endpoints[i], referenceParams); if (_ju.isArray(e)) Array.prototype.push.apply(results, e); else results.push(e); } return results; };

this.animate = function(el, properties, options) { options = options || {}; var ele = this.getElementObject(el), del = this.getDOMElement(el), id = _getId(del), stepFunction = jsPlumb.animEvents.step, completeFunction = jsPlumb.animEvents.complete;

options[stepFunction] = _ju.wrap(options[stepFunction], function() { _currentInstance.repaint(id); });

// onComplete repaints, just to make sure everything looks good at the end of the animation. options[completeFunction] = _ju.wrap(options[completeFunction], function() { _currentInstance.repaint(id); });

_currentInstance.doAnimate(ele, properties, options); };

/** * checks for a listener for the given condition, executing it if found, passing in the given value. * condition listeners would have been attached using "bind" (which is, you could argue, now overloaded, since * firing click events etc is a bit different to what this does). i thought about adding a "bindCondition" * or something, but decided against it, for the sake of simplicity. jsPlumb will never fire one of these * condition events anyway. */ this.checkCondition = function(conditionName, value) { var l = _currentInstance.getListener(conditionName), r = true;

if (l && l.length > 0) { try { for (var i = 0, j = l.length; i < j; i++) { r = r && l[i](value); } } catch (e) { _ju.log(_currentInstance, "cannot check condition [" + conditionName + "]" + e); } } return r; };

/** * checks a condition asynchronously: fires the event handler and passes the handler * a 'proceed' function and a 'stop' function. The handler MUST execute one or other * of these once it has made up its mind. * * Note that although this reads the listener list for the given condition, it * does not loop through and hit each listener, because that, with asynchronous * callbacks, would be messy. so it uses only the first listener registered. */ this.checkASyncCondition = function(conditionName, value, proceed, stop) { var l = _currentInstance.getListener(conditionName);

if (l && l.length > 0) { try { l[0](value, proceed, stop); } catch (e) { _ju.log(_currentInstance, "cannot asynchronously check condition [" + conditionName + "]" + e); } } };

this.connect = function(params, referenceParams) { // prepare a final set of parameters to create connection with var _p = _prepareConnectionParams(params, referenceParams), jpc; // TODO probably a nicer return value if the connection was not made. _prepareConnectionParams // will return null (and log something) if either endpoint was full. what would be nicer is to // create a dedicated 'error' object. if (_p) { _ensureContainer(_p.source); // create the connection. it is not yet registered jpc = _newConnection(_p); // now add it the model, fire an event, and redraw _finaliseConnection(jpc, _p); } return jpc; };

var stTypes = [ { el:"source", elId:"sourceId", epDefs:"sourceEndpointDefinitions" }, { el:"target", elId:"targetId", epDefs:"targetEndpointDefinitions" } ];

var _set = function(c, el, idx, doNotRepaint) { var ep, _st = stTypes[idx], cId = c[_st.elId], cEl = c[_st.el], sid, sep, oldEndpoint = c.endpoints[idx];

var evtParams = { index:idx, originalSourceId:idx === 0 ? cId : c.sourceId, newSourceId:c.sourceId, originalTargetId:idx == 1 ? cId : c.targetId, newTargetId:c.targetId, connection:c };

if (el.constructor == jsPlumb.Endpoint) { // TODO here match the current endpoint class; users can change it { ep = el; ep.addConnection(c); } else { sid = _getId(el); sep = this[_st.epDefs][sid];

if (sid === c[_st.elId]) ep = null; // dont change source/target if the element is already the one given. else if (sep) { if (!sep.enabled) return; ep = sep.endpoint != null && sep.endpoint._jsPlumb ? sep.endpoint : this.addEndpoint(el, sep.def); if (sep.uniqueEndpoint) sep.endpoint = ep; ep._doNotDeleteOnDetach = false; ep._deleteOnDetach = true; ep.addConnection(c); } else { ep = c.makeEndpoint(idx === 0, el, sid); ep._doNotDeleteOnDetach = false; ep._deleteOnDetach = true; } }

if (ep != null) { oldEndpoint.detachFromConnection(c); c.endpoints[idx] = ep; c[_st.el] = ep.element; c[_st.elId] = ep.elementId; evtParams[idx === 0 ? "newSourceId" : "newTargetId"] = ep.elementId;


if (!doNotRepaint) c.repaint(); }

return evtParams;


this.setSource = function(connection, el, doNotRepaint) { var p = _set(connection, el, 0, doNotRepaint); this.anchorManager.sourceChanged(p.originalSourceId, p.newSourceId, connection); }; this.setTarget = function(connection, el, doNotRepaint) { var p = _set(connection, el, 1, doNotRepaint); this.anchorManager.updateOtherEndpoint(p.originalSourceId, p.originalTargetId, p.newTargetId, connection); };

this.deleteEndpoint = function(object, doNotRepaintAfterwards) { var _is = _currentInstance.setSuspendDrawing(true); var endpoint = (typeof object == "string") ? endpointsByUUID[object] : object; if (endpoint) { _currentInstance.deleteObject({ endpoint:endpoint }); } if(!_is) _currentInstance.setSuspendDrawing(false, doNotRepaintAfterwards); return _currentInstance; };

this.deleteEveryEndpoint = function() { var _is = _currentInstance.setSuspendDrawing(true); for ( var id in endpointsByElement) { var endpoints = endpointsByElement[id]; if (endpoints && endpoints.length) { for ( var i = 0, j = endpoints.length; i < j; i++) { _currentInstance.deleteEndpoint(endpoints[i], true); } } } endpointsByElement = {}; endpointsByUUID = {}; _currentInstance.anchorManager.reset(); _currentInstance.dragManager.reset(); if(!_is) _currentInstance.setSuspendDrawing(false); return _currentInstance; };

var fireDetachEvent = function(jpc, doFireEvent, originalEvent) {

           // may have been given a connection, or in special cases, an object
           var connType =  _currentInstance.Defaults.ConnectionType || _currentInstance.getDefaultConnectionType(),
               argIsConnection = jpc.constructor == connType,
               params = argIsConnection ? {

source : jpc.source, target :, sourceId : jpc.sourceId, targetId : jpc.targetId, sourceEndpoint : jpc.endpoints[0], targetEndpoint : jpc.endpoints[1]

               } : jpc;

if (doFireEvent)"connectionDetached", params, originalEvent);



var fireMoveEvent = function(params, evt) {"connectionMoved", params, evt); };

this.unregisterEndpoint = function(endpoint) { //if (endpoint._jsPlumb == null) return; if (endpoint._jsPlumb.uuid) endpointsByUUID[endpoint._jsPlumb.uuid] = null; _currentInstance.anchorManager.deleteEndpoint(endpoint); // TODO at least replace this with a removeWithFunction call. for (var e in endpointsByElement) { var endpoints = endpointsByElement[e]; if (endpoints) { var newEndpoints = []; for (var i = 0, j = endpoints.length; i < j; i++) if (endpoints[i] != endpoint) newEndpoints.push(endpoints[i]);

endpointsByElement[e] = newEndpoints; } if(endpointsByElement[e].length <1){ delete endpointsByElement[e]; } } };

this.detach = function() {

           if (arguments.length === 0) return;
           var connType =  _currentInstance.Defaults.ConnectionType || _currentInstance.getDefaultConnectionType(),
               firstArgIsConnection = arguments[0].constructor == connType,
               params = arguments.length == 2 ? firstArgIsConnection ? (arguments[1] || {}) : arguments[0] : arguments[0],
               fireEvent = (params.fireEvent !== false),
               forceDetach = params.forceDetach,
               conn = firstArgIsConnection ? arguments[0] : params.connection;

if (conn) {

                   if (forceDetach || jsPlumbUtil.functionChain(true, false, [
                           [ conn.endpoints[0], "isDetachAllowed", [ conn ] ],    
                           [ conn.endpoints[1], "isDetachAllowed", [ conn ] ],
                           [ conn, "isDetachAllowed", [ conn ] ],
                           [ _currentInstance, "checkCondition", [ "beforeDetach", conn ] ] ])) {
                       conn.endpoints[0].detach(conn, false, true, fireEvent); 
               else {

var _p = jsPlumb.extend( {}, params); // a backwards compatibility hack: source should be thought of as 'params' in this case. // test for endpoint uuids to detach if (_p.uuids) { _getEndpoint(_p.uuids[0]).detachFrom(_getEndpoint(_p.uuids[1]), fireEvent); } else if (_p.sourceEndpoint && _p.targetEndpoint) { _p.sourceEndpoint.detachFrom(_p.targetEndpoint); } else { var sourceId = _getId(_currentInstance.getDOMElement(_p.source)), targetId = _getId(_currentInstance.getDOMElement(; _operation(sourceId, function(jpc) { if ((jpc.sourceId == sourceId && jpc.targetId == targetId) || (jpc.targetId == sourceId && jpc.sourceId == targetId)) { if (_currentInstance.checkCondition("beforeDetach", jpc)) {

                                   jpc.endpoints[0].detach(jpc, false, true, fireEvent);

} } }); } } };

this.detachAllConnections = function(el, params) {

           params = params || {};
           el = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(el);

var id = _getId(el),

               endpoints = endpointsByElement[id];

if (endpoints && endpoints.length) { for ( var i = 0, j = endpoints.length; i < j; i++) { endpoints[i].detachAll(params.fireEvent !== false); } } return _currentInstance; };

this.detachEveryConnection = function(params) {

           params = params || {};
           _currentInstance.doWhileSuspended(function() {

for ( var id in endpointsByElement) { var endpoints = endpointsByElement[id]; if (endpoints && endpoints.length) { for ( var i = 0, j = endpoints.length; i < j; i++) { endpoints[i].detachAll(params.fireEvent !== false); } } } connections.splice(0); }); return _currentInstance; };

/// not public. but of course its exposed. how to change this. this.deleteObject = function(params) { var result = { endpoints : {}, connections : {}, endpointCount:0, connectionCount:0 }, fireEvent = params.fireEvent !== false, deleteAttachedObjects = params.deleteAttachedObjects !== false;

var unravelConnection = function(connection) { if(connection != null && result.connections[] == null) { if (connection._jsPlumb != null) connection.setHover(false); result.connections[] = connection; result.connectionCount++; if (deleteAttachedObjects) { for (var j = 0; j < connection.endpoints.length; j++) { if (connection.endpoints[j]._deleteOnDetach) unravelEndpoint(connection.endpoints[j]); } } } }; var unravelEndpoint = function(endpoint) { if(endpoint != null && result.endpoints[] == null) { if (endpoint._jsPlumb != null) endpoint.setHover(false); result.endpoints[] = endpoint; result.endpointCount++;

if (deleteAttachedObjects) { for (var i = 0; i < endpoint.connections.length; i++) { var c = endpoint.connections[i]; unravelConnection(c); } } } };

if (params.connection) unravelConnection(params.connection); else unravelEndpoint(params.endpoint);

// loop through connections for (var i in result.connections) { var c = result.connections[i]; if (c._jsPlumb) { jsPlumbUtil.removeWithFunction(connections, function(_c) { return ==; }); fireDetachEvent(c, fireEvent, params.originalEvent);

c.endpoints[0].detachFromConnection(c); c.endpoints[1].detachFromConnection(c); // sp was ere c.cleanup(); c.destroy(); } }

// loop through endpoints for (var j in result.endpoints) { var e = result.endpoints[j]; if (e._jsPlumb) { _currentInstance.unregisterEndpoint(e); // FIRE some endpoint deleted event? e.cleanup(); e.destroy(); } }

return result; };

this.draggable = function(el, options) { var i,j,ele; // allows for array or jquery/mootools selector if (typeof el == 'object' && el.length) { for (i = 0, j = el.length; i < j; i++) { ele = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(el[i]); if (ele) _initDraggableIfNecessary(ele, true, options); } } // allows for YUI selector else if (el._nodes) { // TODO this is YUI specific; really the logic should be forced // into the library adapters (for jquery and mootools aswell) for (i = 0, j = el._nodes.length; i < j; i++) { ele = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(el._nodes[i]); if (ele) _initDraggableIfNecessary(ele, true, options); } } else { ele = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(el); if (ele) _initDraggableIfNecessary(ele, true, options); } return _currentInstance; };

// helpers for select/selectEndpoints var _setOperation = function(list, func, args, selector) { for (var i = 0, j = list.length; i < j; i++) { list[i][func].apply(list[i], args); } return selector(list); }, _getOperation = function(list, func, args) { var out = []; for (var i = 0, j = list.length; i < j; i++) { out.push([ list[i][func].apply(list[i], args), list[i] ]); } return out; }, setter = function(list, func, selector) { return function() { return _setOperation(list, func, arguments, selector); }; }, getter = function(list, func) { return function() { return _getOperation(list, func, arguments); }; }, prepareList = function(input, doNotGetIds) { var r = []; if (input) { if (typeof input == 'string') { if (input === "*") return input; r.push(input); } else { if (doNotGetIds) r = input; else { if (input.length) { //input = _currentInstance.getElementObject(input); for (var i = 0, j = input.length; i < j; i++) r.push(_info(input[i]).id); } else r.push(_info(input).id); } } } return r; }, filterList = function(list, value, missingIsFalse) { if (list === "*") return true; return list.length > 0 ? jsPlumbUtil.indexOf(list, value) != -1 : !missingIsFalse; };

// get some connections, specifying source/target/scope this.getConnections = function(options, flat) { if (!options) { options = {}; } else if (options.constructor == String) { options = { "scope": options }; } var scope = options.scope || _currentInstance.getDefaultScope(), scopes = prepareList(scope, true), sources = prepareList(options.source), targets = prepareList(, results = (!flat && scopes.length > 1) ? {} : [], _addOne = function(scope, obj) { if (!flat && scopes.length > 1) { var ss = results[scope]; if (ss == null) { ss = results[scope] = []; } ss.push(obj); } else results.push(obj); };

for ( var j = 0, jj = connections.length; j < jj; j++) { var c = connections[j]; if (filterList(scopes, c.scope) && filterList(sources, c.sourceId) && filterList(targets, c.targetId)) _addOne(c.scope, c); }

return results; };

var _curryEach = function(list, executor) { return function(f) { for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++) { f(list[i]); } return executor(list); }; }, _curryGet = function(list) { return function(idx) { return list[idx]; }; };

var _makeCommonSelectHandler = function(list, executor) {

           var out = {

each:_curryEach(list, executor), get:_curryGet(list)

               setters = ["setHover", "removeAllOverlays", "setLabel", "addClass", "addOverlay", "removeOverlay", 
                          "removeOverlays", "showOverlay", "hideOverlay", "showOverlays", "hideOverlays", "setPaintStyle",
                          "setHoverPaintStyle", "setSuspendEvents", "setParameter", "setParameters", "setVisible", 
                          "repaint", "addType", "toggleType", "removeType", "removeClass", "setType", "bind", "unbind" ],
               getters = ["getLabel", "getOverlay", "isHover", "getParameter", "getParameters", "getPaintStyle",
                          "getHoverPaintStyle", "isVisible", "hasType", "getType", "isSuspendEvents" ],
               i, ii;
           for (i = 0, ii = setters.length; i < ii; i++)
               out[setters[i]] = setter(list, setters[i], executor);
           for (i = 0, ii = getters.length; i < ii; i++)
               out[getters[i]] = getter(list, getters[i]);       
           return out;


var _makeConnectionSelectHandler = function(list) { var common = _makeCommonSelectHandler(list, _makeConnectionSelectHandler); return jsPlumb.extend(common, { // setters setDetachable:setter(list, "setDetachable", _makeConnectionSelectHandler), setReattach:setter(list, "setReattach", _makeConnectionSelectHandler), setConnector:setter(list, "setConnector", _makeConnectionSelectHandler), detach:function() { for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++) _currentInstance.detach(list[i]); }, // getters isDetachable:getter(list, "isDetachable"), isReattach:getter(list, "isReattach") }); };

var _makeEndpointSelectHandler = function(list) { var common = _makeCommonSelectHandler(list, _makeEndpointSelectHandler); return jsPlumb.extend(common, { setEnabled:setter(list, "setEnabled", _makeEndpointSelectHandler), setAnchor:setter(list, "setAnchor", _makeEndpointSelectHandler), isEnabled:getter(list, "isEnabled"), detachAll:function() { for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++) list[i].detachAll(); }, "remove":function() { for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++) _currentInstance.deleteObject({endpoint:list[i]}); } }); }; = function(params) { params = params || {}; params.scope = params.scope || "*"; return _makeConnectionSelectHandler(params.connections || _currentInstance.getConnections(params, true)); };

this.selectEndpoints = function(params) { params = params || {}; params.scope = params.scope || "*"; var noElementFilters = !params.element && !params.source && !, elements = noElementFilters ? "*" : prepareList(params.element), sources = noElementFilters ? "*" : prepareList(params.source), targets = noElementFilters ? "*" : prepareList(, scopes = prepareList(params.scope, true);

var ep = [];

for (var el in endpointsByElement) { var either = filterList(elements, el, true), source = filterList(sources, el, true), sourceMatchExact = sources != "*", target = filterList(targets, el, true), targetMatchExact = targets != "*";

// if they requested 'either' then just match scope. otherwise if they requested 'source' (not as a wildcard) then we have to match only endpoints that have isSource set to to true, and the same thing with isTarget. if ( either || source || target ) { inner: for (var i = 0, ii = endpointsByElement[el].length; i < ii; i++) { var _ep = endpointsByElement[el][i]; if (filterList(scopes, _ep.scope, true)) {

var noMatchSource = (sourceMatchExact && sources.length > 0 && !_ep.isSource), noMatchTarget = (targetMatchExact && targets.length > 0 && !_ep.isTarget);

if (noMatchSource || noMatchTarget) continue inner;

ep.push(_ep); } } } }

return _makeEndpointSelectHandler(ep); };

// get all connections managed by the instance of jsplumb. this.getAllConnections = function() { return connections; }; this.getDefaultScope = function() { return DEFAULT_SCOPE; }; // get an endpoint by uuid. this.getEndpoint = _getEndpoint; // get endpoints for some element. this.getEndpoints = function(el) { return endpointsByElement[_info(el).id]; }; // gets the default endpoint type. used when subclassing. see wiki. this.getDefaultEndpointType = function() { return jsPlumb.Endpoint; }; // gets the default connection type. used when subclassing. see wiki. this.getDefaultConnectionType = function() { return jsPlumb.Connection; }; /* * Gets an element's id, creating one if necessary. really only exposed * for the lib-specific functionality to access; would be better to pass * the current instance into the lib-specific code (even though this is * a static call. i just don't want to expose it to the public API). */ this.getId = _getId; this.getOffset = function(id) { var o = offsets[id]; return _updateOffset({elId:id}); };

this.appendElement = _appendElement;

var _hoverSuspended = false; this.isHoverSuspended = function() { return _hoverSuspended; }; this.setHoverSuspended = function(s) { _hoverSuspended = s; };

var _isAvailable = function(m) { return function() { return jsPlumbAdapter.isRenderModeAvailable(m); }; };

this.isSVGAvailable = _isAvailable("svg"); this.isVMLAvailable = _isAvailable("vml");

// set an element's connections to be hidden this.hide = function(el, changeEndpoints) { _setVisible(el, "none", changeEndpoints); return _currentInstance; };

// exposed for other objects to use to get a unique id. this.idstamp = _idstamp;

this.connectorsInitialized = false; var connectorTypes = [], rendererTypes = ["svg", "vml"]; this.registerConnectorType = function(connector, name) { connectorTypes.push([connector, name]); };

// ensure that, if the current container exists, it is a DOM element and not a selector. // if it does not exist and `candidate` is supplied, the offset parent of that element will be set as the Container. // this is used to do a better default behaviour for the case that the user has not set a container: // addEndpoint, makeSource, makeTarget and connect all call this method with the offsetParent of the // element in question (for connect it is the source element). So if no container is set, it is inferred // to be the offsetParent of the first element the user tries to connect. var _ensureContainer = function(candidate) { if (!_container && candidate) { var can = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(candidate); if (can.offsetParent) _container = can.offsetParent; } };

var _getContainerFromDefaults = function() { if (_currentInstance.Defaults.Container) _container = _currentInstance.getDOMElement(_currentInstance.Defaults.Container); };

/** * callback from the current library to tell us to prepare ourselves (attach * mouse listeners etc; can't do that until the library has provided a bind method) */ this.init = function() { var _oneType = function(renderer, name, fn) { jsPlumb.Connectors[renderer][name] = function() { fn.apply(this, arguments); jsPlumb.ConnectorRenderers[renderer].apply(this, arguments); }; jsPlumbUtil.extend(jsPlumb.Connectors[renderer][name], [ fn, jsPlumb.ConnectorRenderers[renderer]]); };

if (!jsPlumb.connectorsInitialized) { for (var i = 0; i < connectorTypes.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < rendererTypes.length; j++) { _oneType(rendererTypes[j], connectorTypes[i][1], connectorTypes[i][0]); }

} jsPlumb.connectorsInitialized = true; }

if (!initialized) { _getContainerFromDefaults();

               _currentInstance.anchorManager = new jsPlumb.AnchorManager({jsPlumbInstance:_currentInstance});                

_currentInstance.setRenderMode(_currentInstance.Defaults.RenderMode); // calling the method forces the capability logic to be run. initialized = true;"ready", _currentInstance); } }.bind(this);

this.log = log; this.jsPlumbUIComponent = jsPlumbUIComponent;

/* * Creates an anchor with the given params. * * * Returns: The newly created Anchor. * Throws: an error if a named anchor was not found. */ this.makeAnchor = function() { var pp, _a = function(t, p) { if (jsPlumb.Anchors[t]) return new jsPlumb.Anchors[t](p); if (!_currentInstance.Defaults.DoNotThrowErrors) throw { msg:"jsPlumb: unknown anchor type '" + t + "'" }; }; if (arguments.length === 0) return null; var specimen = arguments[0], elementId = arguments[1], jsPlumbInstance = arguments[2], newAnchor = null; // if it appears to be an anchor already... if (specimen.compute && specimen.getOrientation) return specimen; //TODO hazy here about whether it should be added or is already added somehow. // is it the name of an anchor type? else if (typeof specimen == "string") { newAnchor = _a(arguments[0], {elementId:elementId, jsPlumbInstance:_currentInstance}); } // is it an array? it will be one of: // an array of [spec, params] - this defines a single anchor, which may be dynamic, but has parameters. // an array of arrays - this defines some dynamic anchors // an array of numbers - this defines a single anchor. else if (_ju.isArray(specimen)) { if (_ju.isArray(specimen[0]) || _ju.isString(specimen[0])) { // if [spec, params] format if (specimen.length == 2 && _ju.isObject(specimen[1])) { // if first arg is a string, its a named anchor with params if (_ju.isString(specimen[0])) { pp = jsPlumb.extend({elementId:elementId, jsPlumbInstance:_currentInstance}, specimen[1]); newAnchor = _a(specimen[0], pp); } // otherwise first arg is array, second is params. we treat as a dynamic anchor, which is fine // even if the first arg has only one entry. you could argue all anchors should be implicitly dynamic in fact. else { pp = jsPlumb.extend({elementId:elementId, jsPlumbInstance:_currentInstance, anchors:specimen[0]}, specimen[1]); newAnchor = new jsPlumb.DynamicAnchor(pp); } } else newAnchor = new jsPlumb.DynamicAnchor({anchors:specimen, selector:null, elementId:elementId, jsPlumbInstance:jsPlumbInstance});

} else { var anchorParams = { x:specimen[0], y:specimen[1], orientation : (specimen.length >= 4) ? [ specimen[2], specimen[3] ] : [0,0], offsets : (specimen.length >= 6) ? [ specimen[4], specimen[5] ] : [ 0, 0 ], elementId:elementId,

                       cssClass:specimen.length == 7 ? specimen[6] : null

}; newAnchor = new jsPlumb.Anchor(anchorParams); newAnchor.clone = function() { return new jsPlumb.Anchor(anchorParams); }; } }

if (! = "anchor_" + _idstamp(); return newAnchor; };

/** * makes a list of anchors from the given list of types or coords, eg * ["TopCenter", "RightMiddle", "BottomCenter", [0, 1, -1, -1] ] */ this.makeAnchors = function(types, elementId, jsPlumbInstance) { var r = []; for ( var i = 0, ii = types.length; i < ii; i++) { if (typeof types[i] == "string") r.push(jsPlumb.Anchors[types[i]]({elementId:elementId, jsPlumbInstance:jsPlumbInstance})); else if (_ju.isArray(types[i])) r.push(_currentInstance.makeAnchor(types[i], elementId, jsPlumbInstance)); } return r; };

/** * Makes a dynamic anchor from the given list of anchors (which may be in shorthand notation as strings or dimension arrays, or Anchor * objects themselves) and the given, optional, anchorSelector function (jsPlumb uses a default if this is not provided; most people will * not need to provide this - i think). */ this.makeDynamicAnchor = function(anchors, anchorSelector) { return new jsPlumb.DynamicAnchor({anchors:anchors, selector:anchorSelector, elementId:null, jsPlumbInstance:_currentInstance}); };

// --------------------- makeSource/makeTarget ----------------------------------------------

this.targetEndpointDefinitions = {}; var _setEndpointPaintStylesAndAnchor = function(ep, epIndex, _instance) { ep.paintStyle = ep.paintStyle || _instance.Defaults.EndpointStyles[epIndex] || _instance.Defaults.EndpointStyle;

ep.hoverPaintStyle = ep.hoverPaintStyle || _instance.Defaults.EndpointHoverStyles[epIndex] || _instance.Defaults.EndpointHoverStyle;

ep.anchor = ep.anchor || _instance.Defaults.Anchors[epIndex] || _instance.Defaults.Anchor;

ep.endpoint = ep.endpoint || _instance.Defaults.Endpoints[epIndex] || _instance.Defaults.Endpoint; };

// TODO put all the source stuff inside one parent, keyed by id. this.sourceEndpointDefinitions = {};

var selectorFilter = function(evt, _el, selector, _instance, negate) {

               var t = || evt.srcElement, ok = false, 
                   sel = _instance.getSelector(_el, selector);
               for (var j = 0; j < sel.length; j++) {
                   if (sel[j] == t) {
                       ok = true;
               return negate ? !ok : ok;


// see API docs this.makeTarget = function(el, params, referenceParams) {

// put jsplumb ref into params without altering the params passed in var p = jsPlumb.extend({_jsPlumb:this}, referenceParams); jsPlumb.extend(p, params);

// calculate appropriate paint styles and anchor from the params given _setEndpointPaintStylesAndAnchor(p, 1, this);

var targetScope = p.scope || _currentInstance.Defaults.Scope, deleteEndpointsOnDetach = !(p.deleteEndpointsOnDetach === false), maxConnections = p.maxConnections || -1, onMaxConnections = p.onMaxConnections,

_doOne = function(el) {

// get the element's id and store the endpoint definition for it. jsPlumb.connect calls will look for one of these, // and use the endpoint definition if found. // decode the info for this element (id and element) var elInfo = _info(el), elid =, proxyComponent = new jsPlumbUIComponent(p), dropOptions = jsPlumb.extend({}, p.dropOptions || {});


// store the definitions keyed against the element id. // TODO why not just store inside the element itself? this.targetEndpointDefinitions[elid] = { def:p, uniqueEndpoint:p.uniqueEndpoint, maxConnections:maxConnections, enabled:true };

var _drop = function() { this.currentlyDragging = false; var originalEvent = this.getDropEvent(arguments), targetCount ={target:elid}).length, draggable = this.getDOMElement(this.getDragObject(arguments)), id = this.getAttribute(draggable, "dragId"), scope = this.getAttribute(draggable, "originalScope"), jpc = floatingConnections[id];

if (jpc == null) return;

var idx = jpc.endpoints[0].isFloating() ? 0 : 1, // this is not necessarily correct. if the source is being dragged, // then the source endpoint is actually the currently suspended endpoint. source = jpc.endpoints[0], _endpoint = p.endpoint ? jsPlumb.extend({}, p.endpoint) : {}, def = this.targetEndpointDefinitions[elid];

if (!def.enabled || def.maxConnections > 0 && targetCount >= def.maxConnections){ if (onMaxConnections) { // TODO here we still have the id of the floating element, not the // actual target. onMaxConnections({ element:elInfo.el, connection:jpc }, originalEvent); } return false; }

// unlock the source anchor to allow it to refresh its position if necessary source.anchor.locked = false;

// restore the original scope if necessary (issue 57) if (scope) this.setDragScope(draggable, scope);

// if no suspendedEndpoint and not pending, it is likely there was a drop on two // elements that are on top of each other. abort. if (jpc.suspendedEndpoint == null && !jpc.pending) return false;

// check if drop is allowed here. // if the source is being dragged then in fact // the source and target ids to pass into the drop interceptor are // source - elid // target - jpc's targetId // // otherwise the ids are // source - jpc.sourceId // target - elid // var _continue = proxyComponent.isDropAllowed(idx === 0 ? elid : jpc.sourceId, idx === 0 ? jpc.targetId : elid, jpc.scope, jpc, null, idx === 0 ? elInfo.el : jpc.source, idx === 0 ? : elInfo.el);

// reinstate any suspended endpoint; this just puts the connection back into // a state in which it will report sensible values if someone asks it about // its target. we're going to throw this connection away shortly so it doesnt matter // if we manipulate it a bit. if (jpc.suspendedEndpoint) { jpc[idx ? "targetId" : "sourceId"] = jpc.suspendedEndpoint.elementId; jpc[idx ? "target" : "source"] = jpc.suspendedEndpoint.element; jpc.endpoints[idx] = jpc.suspendedEndpoint;

// TODO this and the normal endpoint drop should // be refactored to share more of the common code. var suspendedElement = jpc.suspendedEndpoint.getElement(), suspendedElementId = jpc.suspendedEndpoint.elementId; fireMoveEvent({ index:idx, originalSourceId:idx === 0 ? suspendedElementId : jpc.sourceId, newSourceId:idx === 0 ? elid : jpc.sourceId, originalTargetId:idx == 1 ? suspendedElementId : jpc.targetId, newTargetId:idx == 1 ? elid : jpc.targetId, connection:jpc }, originalEvent); }

if (_continue) { // make a new Endpoint for the target, or get it from the cache if uniqueEndpoint

                           // is set.

var _el = this.getElementObject(elInfo.el), newEndpoint = def.endpoint;

                           // if no cached endpoint, or there was one but it has been cleaned up
                           // (ie. detached), then create a new one.
                           if (newEndpoint == null || newEndpoint._jsPlumb == null)
                               newEndpoint = this.addEndpoint(_el, p);

if (p.uniqueEndpoint) def.endpoint = newEndpoint; // may of course just store what it just pulled out. that's ok. // TODO test options to makeTarget to see if we should do this? newEndpoint._doNotDeleteOnDetach = false; // reset. newEndpoint._deleteOnDetach = true;

// if connection is detachable, init the new endpoint to be draggable, to support that happening. if (jpc.isDetachable()) newEndpoint.initDraggable();

// if the anchor has a 'positionFinder' set, then delegate to that function to find // out where to locate the anchor. if (newEndpoint.anchor.positionFinder != null) { var dropPosition = this.getUIPosition(arguments, this.getZoom()), elPosition = _getOffset(_el, this), elSize = this.getSize(_el), ap = newEndpoint.anchor.positionFinder(dropPosition, elPosition, elSize, newEndpoint.anchor.constructorParams); newEndpoint.anchor.x = ap[0]; newEndpoint.anchor.y = ap[1]; // now figure an orientation for it..kind of hard to know what to do actually. probably the best thing i can do is to // support specifying an orientation in the anchor's spec. if one is not supplied then i will make the orientation // be what will cause the most natural link to the source: it will be pointing at the source, but it needs to be // specified in one axis only, and so how to make that choice? i think i will use whichever axis is the one in which // the target is furthest away from the source. }

// change the target endpoint and target element information. really this should be // done on a method on connection jpc[idx ? "target" : "source"] = newEndpoint.element; jpc[idx ? "targetId" : "sourceId"] = newEndpoint.elementId; jpc.endpoints[idx].detachFromConnection(jpc); if (jpc.endpoints[idx]._deleteOnDetach) jpc.endpoints[idx].deleteAfterDragStop = true; // tell this endpoint to delet itself after drag stop. // set new endpoint, and configure the settings for endpoints to delete on detach newEndpoint.addConnection(jpc); jpc.endpoints[idx] = newEndpoint; jpc.deleteEndpointsOnDetach = deleteEndpointsOnDetach;

// inform the anchor manager to update its target endpoint for this connection. // TODO refactor to make this a single method. if (idx == 1) this.anchorManager.updateOtherEndpoint(jpc.sourceId, jpc.suspendedElementId, jpc.targetId, jpc); else this.anchorManager.sourceChanged(jpc.suspendedEndpoint.elementId, jpc.sourceId, jpc);

_finaliseConnection(jpc, null, originalEvent); jpc.pending = false;

} // if not allowed to drop... else { // TODO this code is identical (pretty much) to what happens when a connection // dragged from a normal endpoint is in this situation. refactor. // is this an existing connection, and will we reattach? if (jpc.suspendedEndpoint) { if (jpc.isReattach()) { jpc.setHover(false); jpc.floatingAnchorIndex = null; jpc.suspendedEndpoint.addConnection(jpc); this.repaint(source.elementId); } else jpc.deleteConnectionNow = true; } } }.bind(this);

// wrap drop events as needed and initialise droppable var dropEvent = jsPlumb.dragEvents.drop; dropOptions.scope = dropOptions.scope || targetScope; dropOptions[dropEvent] = _ju.wrap(dropOptions[dropEvent], _drop); // vanilla jsplumb only if (p.allowLoopback === false) { dropOptions.canDrop = function(_drag) { var de = _drag.getDragElement()._jsPlumbRelatedElement; return de != elInfo.el; }; } this.initDroppable(this.getElementObject(elInfo.el), dropOptions, true); }.bind(this);

// YUI collection fix el = _convertYUICollection(el); // make an array if only given one element var inputs = el.length && el.constructor != String ? el : [ el ];

// register each one in the list. for (var i = 0, ii = inputs.length; i < ii; i++) { _doOne(inputs[i]); }

return this; };

// see api docs this.unmakeTarget = function(el, doNotClearArrays) { var info = _info(el);

jsPlumb.destroyDroppable(info.el); // TODO this is not an exhaustive unmake of a target, since it does not remove the droppable stuff from // the element. the effect will be to prevent it from behaving as a target, but it's not completely purged. if (!doNotClearArrays) { delete this.targetEndpointDefinitions[]; }

return this; };

// see api docs this.makeSource = function(el, params, referenceParams) { var p = jsPlumb.extend({}, referenceParams); jsPlumb.extend(p, params); _setEndpointPaintStylesAndAnchor(p, 0, this); var maxConnections = p.maxConnections || 1, onMaxConnections = p.onMaxConnections, _doOne = function(elInfo) { // get the element's id and store the endpoint definition for it. jsPlumb.connect calls will look for one of these, // and use the endpoint definition if found. var elid =, _el = this.getElementObject(elInfo.el), _del = this.getDOMElement(_el), parentElement = function() { return p.parent == null ? null : p.parent === "parent" ? elInfo.el.parentNode : _currentInstance.getDOMElement(p.parent); }, idToRegisterAgainst = p.parent != null ? this.getId(parentElement()) : elid;


this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[idToRegisterAgainst] = { def:p, uniqueEndpoint:p.uniqueEndpoint, maxConnections:maxConnections, enabled:true }; var stopEvent = jsPlumb.dragEvents.stop, dragEvent = jsPlumb.dragEvents.drag, dragOptions = jsPlumb.extend({ }, p.dragOptions || {}), existingDrag = dragOptions.drag, existingStop = dragOptions.stop, ep = null, endpointAddedButNoDragYet = false;

// set scope if its not set in dragOptions but was passed in in params dragOptions.scope = dragOptions.scope || p.scope;

dragOptions[dragEvent] = _ju.wrap(dragOptions[dragEvent], function() { if (existingDrag) existingDrag.apply(this, arguments); endpointAddedButNoDragYet = false; });

dragOptions[stopEvent] = _ju.wrap(dragOptions[stopEvent], function() {

if (existingStop) existingStop.apply(this, arguments); this.currentlyDragging = false; if (ep._jsPlumb != null) { // if not cleaned up...

// reset the anchor to the anchor that was initially provided. the one we were using to drag // the connection was just a placeholder that was located at the place the user pressed the // mouse button to initiate the drag. var anchorDef = p.anchor || this.Defaults.Anchor, oldAnchor = ep.anchor, oldConnection = ep.connections[0], newAnchor = this.makeAnchor(anchorDef, elid, this), _el = ep.element;

// if the anchor has a 'positionFinder' set, then delegate to that function to find // out where to locate the anchor. issue 117. if (newAnchor.positionFinder != null) { var elPosition = _getOffset(_el, this), elSize = this.getSize(_el), dropPosition = { left:elPosition.left + (oldAnchor.x * elSize[0]), + (oldAnchor.y * elSize[1]) }, ap = newAnchor.positionFinder(dropPosition, elPosition, elSize, newAnchor.constructorParams);

newAnchor.x = ap[0]; newAnchor.y = ap[1]; }

ep.setAnchor(newAnchor, true);

if (p.parent) { var parent = parentElement(); if (parent) { var potentialParent = p.container || _container; ep.setElement(parent, potentialParent); } }

ep.repaint(); this.repaint(ep.elementId); this.repaint(oldConnection.targetId); } }.bind(this));

// when the user presses the mouse, add an Endpoint, if we are enabled. var mouseDownListener = function(e) { var evt = this.getOriginalEvent(e); var def = this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[idToRegisterAgainst]; elid = this.getId(this.getDOMElement(_el)); // elid might have changed since this method was called to configure the element.

// if disabled, return. if (!def.enabled) return;

// if a filter was given, run it, and return if it says no. if (p.filter) { var r = jsPlumbUtil.isString(p.filter) ? selectorFilter(evt, _el, p.filter, this, p.filterExclude) : p.filter(evt, _el); if (r === false) return; }

// if maxConnections reached var sourceCount ={source:idToRegisterAgainst}).length; if (def.maxConnections >= 0 && (def.uniqueEndpoint && sourceCount >= def.maxConnections)) { if (onMaxConnections) { onMaxConnections({ element:_el, maxConnections:maxConnections }, e); } return false; }

// find the position on the element at which the mouse was pressed; this is where the endpoint // will be located. var elxy = jsPlumbAdapter.getPositionOnElement(evt, _del, _zoom), pelxy = elxy; // for mootools/YUI..this parent stuff should be deprecated. if (p.parent) { pelxy = jsPlumbAdapter.getPositionOnElement(evt, parentElement(), _zoom); }

// we need to override the anchor in here, and force 'isSource', but we don't want to mess with // the params passed in, because after a connection is established we're going to reset the endpoint // to have the anchor we were given. var tempEndpointParams = {}; jsPlumb.extend(tempEndpointParams, p); tempEndpointParams.isTemporarySource = true; tempEndpointParams.anchor = [ elxy[0], elxy[1] , 0,0]; tempEndpointParams.parentAnchor = [ pelxy[0], pelxy[1], 0, 0 ]; tempEndpointParams.dragOptions = dragOptions; ep = this.addEndpoint(elid, tempEndpointParams); endpointAddedButNoDragYet = true; ep.endpointWillMoveTo = p.parent ? parentElement() : null; // TODO test options to makeSource to see if we should do this? ep._doNotDeleteOnDetach = false; // reset. ep._deleteOnDetach = true;

var _delTempEndpoint = function() { // this mouseup event is fired only if no dragging occurred, by jquery and yui, but for mootools // it is fired even if dragging has occurred, in which case we would blow away a perfectly // legitimate endpoint, were it not for this check. the flag is set after adding an // endpoint and cleared in a drag listener we set in the dragOptions above. if(endpointAddedButNoDragYet) { endpointAddedButNoDragYet = false; _currentInstance.deleteEndpoint(ep); } };

_currentInstance.registerListener(ep.canvas, "mouseup", _delTempEndpoint); _currentInstance.registerListener(_el, "mouseup", _delTempEndpoint);

// and then trigger its mousedown event, which will kick off a drag, which will start dragging // a new connection from this endpoint. _currentInstance.trigger(ep.canvas, "mousedown", e);



// register this on jsPlumb so that it can be cleared by a reset. this.registerListener(_el, "mousedown", mouseDownListener); this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[idToRegisterAgainst].trigger = mouseDownListener;

// lastly, if a filter was provided, set it as a dragFilter on the element, // to prevent the element drag function from kicking in when we want to // drag a new connection if (p.filter && jsPlumbUtil.isString(p.filter)) { _currentInstance.setDragFilter(_el, p.filter); } }.bind(this);

el = _convertYUICollection(el);

var inputs = el.length && el.constructor != String ? el : [ el ]; for (var i = 0, ii = inputs.length; i < ii; i++) { _doOne(_info(inputs[i])); }

return this; };

// see api docs this.unmakeSource = function(el, doNotClearArrays) { var info = _info(el), mouseDownListener = this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[].trigger;

if (mouseDownListener) _currentInstance.unregisterListener(info.el, "mousedown", mouseDownListener);

if (!doNotClearArrays) { delete this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[]; }

return this; };

// see api docs this.unmakeEverySource = function() { for (var i in this.sourceEndpointDefinitions) _currentInstance.unmakeSource(i, true);

this.sourceEndpointDefinitions = {}; return this; };

// see api docs this.unmakeEveryTarget = function() { for (var i in this.targetEndpointDefinitions) _currentInstance.unmakeTarget(i, true);

this.targetEndpointDefinitions = {}; return this; };

// does the work of setting a source enabled or disabled. var _setEnabled = function(type, el, state, toggle) { var a = type == "source" ? this.sourceEndpointDefinitions : this.targetEndpointDefinitions; el = _convertYUICollection(el);

if (_ju.isString(el)) a[el].enabled = toggle ? !a[el].enabled : state; else if (el.length) { for (var i = 0, ii = el.length; i < ii; i++) { var info = _info(el[i]); if (a[]) a[].enabled = toggle ? !a[].enabled : state; } } // otherwise a DOM element else { var id = _info(el).id; a[id].enabled = toggle ? !a[id].enabled : state; } return this; }.bind(this);

var _first = function(el, fn) { el = _convertYUICollection(el); if (_ju.isString(el) || !el.length) return fn.apply(this, [ el ]); else if (el.length) return fn.apply(this, [ el[0] ]);


this.toggleSourceEnabled = function(el) { _setEnabled("source", el, null, true); return this.isSourceEnabled(el); };

this.setSourceEnabled = function(el, state) { return _setEnabled("source", el, state); }; this.isSource = function(el) { return _first(el, function(_el) { return this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[_info(_el).id] != null; }); }; this.isSourceEnabled = function(el) { return _first(el, function(_el) { var sep = this.sourceEndpointDefinitions[_info(_el).id]; return sep && sep.enabled === true; }); };

this.toggleTargetEnabled = function(el) { _setEnabled("target", el, null, true); return this.isTargetEnabled(el); };

this.isTarget = function(el) { return _first(el, function(_el) { return this.targetEndpointDefinitions[_info(_el).id] != null; }); }; this.isTargetEnabled = function(el) { return _first(el, function(_el) { var tep = this.targetEndpointDefinitions[_info(_el).id]; return tep && tep.enabled === true; }); }; this.setTargetEnabled = function(el, state) { return _setEnabled("target", el, state); };

// --------------------- end makeSource/makeTarget ----------------------------------------------

this.ready = function(fn) { _currentInstance.bind("ready", fn); };

// repaint some element's endpoints and connections this.repaint = function(el, ui, timestamp) { // support both lists... if (typeof el == 'object' && el.length) for ( var i = 0, ii = el.length; i < ii; i++) { _draw(el[i], ui, timestamp); } else // ...and single strings. _draw(el, ui, timestamp);

return _currentInstance; };

// repaint every endpoint and connection. this.repaintEverything = function(clearEdits) { // TODO this timestamp causes continuous anchors to not repaint properly. // fix this. do not just take out the timestamp. it runs a lot faster with // the timestamp included. //var timestamp = null; var timestamp = _timestamp(); for ( var elId in endpointsByElement) { _draw(elId, null, timestamp, clearEdits); } return this; };

this.removeAllEndpoints = function(el, recurse) {

           var _one = function(_el) {
               var info = _info(_el),
                   ebe = endpointsByElement[],
                   i, ii;
               if (ebe) {
                   for ( i = 0, ii = ebe.length; i < ii; i++) 
               delete endpointsByElement[];
               if (recurse) {
                   if (info.el && info.el.nodeType != 3 && info.el.nodeType != 8 ) {
                       for ( i = 0, ii = info.el.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {

return this; };

       * Remove the given element, including cleaning up all endpoints registered for it.
       * This is exposed in the public API but also used internally by jsPlumb when removing the
       * element associated with a connection drag.
       this.remove = function(el, doNotRepaint) {
       	var info = _info(el);        	
           _currentInstance.doWhileSuspended(function() {
           	_currentInstance.removeAllEndpoints(, true);
           	delete floatingConnections[];     
           }, doNotRepaint === false);
           if (info.el) _currentInstance.removeElement(info.el);

return _currentInstance;


var _registeredListeners = {}, _unbindRegisteredListeners = function() { for (var i in _registeredListeners) { for (var j = 0, jj = _registeredListeners[i].length; j < jj; j++) { var info = _registeredListeners[i][j];, info.event, info.listener); } } _registeredListeners = {}; };

       // internal register listener method.  gives us a hook to clean things up
       // with if the user calls jsPlumb.reset.
       this.registerListener = function(el, type, listener) {
           _currentInstance.on(el, type, listener);
           jsPlumbUtil.addToList(_registeredListeners, type, {el:el, event:type, listener:listener});
       this.unregisterListener = function(el, type, listener) {, type, listener);
       	jsPlumbUtil.removeWithFunction(_registeredListeners, function(rl) {
       		return rl.type == type && rl.listener == listener;

this.reset = function() { _currentInstance.deleteEveryEndpoint(); _currentInstance.unbind(); this.targetEndpointDefinitions = {}; this.sourceEndpointDefinitions = {}; connections.splice(0); _unbindRegisteredListeners(); _currentInstance.anchorManager.reset(); if (!jsPlumbAdapter.headless) _currentInstance.dragManager.reset(); };

this.setDefaultScope = function(scope) { DEFAULT_SCOPE = scope; return _currentInstance; };

// sets whether or not some element should be currently draggable. this.setDraggable = _setDraggable;

// sets the id of some element, changing whatever we need to to keep track. this.setId = function(el, newId, doNotSetAttribute) { // var id;

if (jsPlumbUtil.isString(el)) { id = el; } else { el = this.getDOMElement(el); id = this.getId(el); }

var sConns = this.getConnections({source:id, scope:'*'}, true), tConns = this.getConnections({target:id, scope:'*'}, true);

newId = "" + newId;

if (!doNotSetAttribute) { el = this.getDOMElement(id); this.setAttribute(el, "id", newId); } else el = this.getDOMElement(newId);

endpointsByElement[newId] = endpointsByElement[id] || []; for (var i = 0, ii = endpointsByElement[newId].length; i < ii; i++) { endpointsByElement[newId][i].setElementId(newId); endpointsByElement[newId][i].setReferenceElement(el); } delete endpointsByElement[id];

this.anchorManager.changeId(id, newId); if (this.dragManager) this.dragManager.changeId(id, newId);

var _conns = function(list, epIdx, type) { for (var i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; i++) { list[i].endpoints[epIdx].setElementId(newId); list[i].endpoints[epIdx].setReferenceElement(el); list[i][type + "Id"] = newId; list[i][type] = el; } }; _conns(sConns, 0, "source"); _conns(tConns, 1, "target");

this.repaint(newId); };

this.setDebugLog = function(debugLog) { log = debugLog; };

this.setSuspendDrawing = function(val, repaintAfterwards) { var curVal = _suspendDrawing; _suspendDrawing = val; if (val) _suspendedAt = new Date().getTime(); else _suspendedAt = null; if (repaintAfterwards) this.repaintEverything(); return curVal; };

       // returns whether or not drawing is currently suspended.

this.isSuspendDrawing = function() { return _suspendDrawing; };

       // return timestamp for when drawing was suspended.
       this.getSuspendedAt = function() { return _suspendedAt; };
       this.doWhileSuspended = function(fn, doNotRepaintAfterwards) {
       	var _wasSuspended = this.isSuspendDrawing();
       	if (!_wasSuspended)

this.setSuspendDrawing(true); try { fn(); } catch (e) { _ju.log("Function run while suspended failed", e); } if (!_wasSuspended) this.setSuspendDrawing(false, !doNotRepaintAfterwards); };

this.getOffset = function(elId) { return offsets[elId]; }; this.getCachedData = _getCachedData; this.timestamp = _timestamp; this.setRenderMode = function(mode) { if (mode !== jsPlumb.SVG && mode !== jsPlumb.VML) throw new TypeError("Render mode [" + mode + "] not supported"); renderMode = jsPlumbAdapter.setRenderMode(mode); return renderMode; }; this.getRenderMode = function() { return renderMode; }; = function(el, changeEndpoints) { _setVisible(el, "block", changeEndpoints); return _currentInstance; };

// TODO: update this method to return the current state. this.toggleVisible = _toggleVisible; this.toggleDraggable = _toggleDraggable; this.addListener = this.bind;

if (!jsPlumbAdapter.headless) { _currentInstance.dragManager = jsPlumbAdapter.getDragManager(_currentInstance); _currentInstance.recalculateOffsets = _currentInstance.dragManager.updateOffsets; } };

   jsPlumbUtil.extend(jsPlumbInstance, jsPlumbUtil.EventGenerator, {
   	setAttribute : function(el, a, v) {
   		this.setAttribute(el, a, v);
   	getAttribute : function(el, a) {
   		return this.getAttribute(jsPlumb.getDOMElement(el), a);
   	registerConnectionType : function(id, type) {
   		this._connectionTypes[id] = jsPlumb.extend({}, type);
   	registerConnectionTypes : function(types) {
   		for (var i in types)
   			this._connectionTypes[i] = jsPlumb.extend({}, types[i]);
   	registerEndpointType : function(id, type) {
   		this._endpointTypes[id] = jsPlumb.extend({}, type);
   	registerEndpointTypes : function(types) {
   		for (var i in types)
   			this._endpointTypes[i] = jsPlumb.extend({}, types[i]);
   	getType : function(id, typeDescriptor) {
   		return typeDescriptor ===  "connection" ? this._connectionTypes[id] : this._endpointTypes[id];
   	setIdChanged : function(oldId, newId) {
   		this.setId(oldId, newId, true);
   	// set parent: change the parent for some node and update all the registrations we need to.
   	setParent : function(el, newParent) {
   		var _el = this.getElementObject(el),
   			_dom = this.getDOMElement(_el),
   			_id = this.getId(_dom),
   			_pel = this.getElementObject(newParent),
   			_pdom = this.getDOMElement(_pel),
   			_pid = this.getId(_pdom);
   		this.dragManager.setParent(_el, _id, _pel, _pid);

/** * gets the size for the element, in an array : [ width, height ]. */ getSize : function(el) { return [ el.offsetWidth, el.offsetHeight ]; }, getWidth : function(el) { return el.offsetWidth; }, getHeight : function(el) { return el.offsetHeight; }, extend : function(o1, o2, names) { var i; if (names) { for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) o1[names[i]] = o2[names[i]]; } else for (i in o2) o1[i] = o2[i]; return o1; }

   }, jsPlumbAdapter);

// --------------------- static instance + AMD registration -------------------------------------------

// create static instance and assign to window if window exists. var jsPlumb = new jsPlumbInstance(); // register on window if defined (lets us run on server) if (typeof window != 'undefined') window.jsPlumb = jsPlumb; // add 'getInstance' method to static instance jsPlumb.getInstance = function(_defaults) { var j = new jsPlumbInstance(_defaults); j.init(); return j; }; // maybe register static instance as an AMD module, and getInstance method too. if ( typeof define === "function") { define( "jsplumb", [], function () { return jsPlumb; } ); define( "jsplumbinstance", [], function () { return jsPlumb.getInstance(); } ); }

// CommonJS 

if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {

     exports.jsPlumb = jsPlumb;

// --------------------- end static instance + AMD registration -------------------------------------------
