Team:Gaston Day School


Revision as of 20:17, 4 September 2014 by Seanrice (Talk | contribs)

2014 GDS iGEM Team Members

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec viverra lorem at metus porta, non mattis quam fermentum. Aliquam elementum ligula arcu, quis pharetra leo dapibus vel. Nullam vulputate erat turpis, in molestie odio elementum sed. Fusce hendrerit suscipit magna, non tempor purus molestie sit amet. Duis eget lacus sit amet elit tristique facilisis ac sit amet ligula. Maecenas nec faucibus eros. In malesuada odio felis, feugiat posuere ipsum ultricies eget. Donec semper, arcu sit amet rhoncus suscipit, purus mauris varius justo, id dictum turpis lacus id nibh. Sed mollis, ipsum id euismod tincidunt, tortor eros fermentum velit, nec cursus mauris nunc sit amet quam. Integer pellentesque enim ligula. Morbi pretium ante in iaculis eleifend.Duis et orci id nibh blandit eleifend. Vivamus viverra tincidunt sagittis. Donec molestie commodo euismod. Curabitur iaculis condimentum pellentesque. Cras quis velit nibh. Duis vitae neque dignissim, viverra lacus a, mollis nibh. Sed eget felis massa. Ut laoreet molestie euismod. Fusce felis lorem, porta at enim ac, venenatis ullamcorper augue. Nam varius orci augue, pellentesque ultricies enim malesuada at. In tincidunt magna eget odio sagittis tempor. Vivamus a ultricies augue, non lobortis est. Cras ut arcu adipiscing, semper diam eu, venenatis lectus. Sed quis nisl purus. Fusce suscipit posuere commodo. Morbi mollis fermentum vehicula. Nam ipsum risus, rutrum vel porta sit amet, congue eget tellus. Curabitur pellentesque fermentum ullamcorper. Nam ligula ante, tristique at turpis sed, hendrerit viverra diam. Phasellus congue massa a turpis bibendum fringilla. Donec pretium vel ante a sagittis. Proin elementum nisl a massa imperdiet fringilla.

The rising cost of petroleum, coupled with the environmental concerns that go with its use, have led to a recent increase in biofuel research. With this research has come developments in using bacteria to produce biofuels such as isobutanol and ethanol. These alcohols are favored because they can easily be swapped into our current infrastructure of car and truck engines. At Gaston Day School, we have decided to launch a biofuel-focused project. To create the alcohols, we are developing alcohol-resistant strains of E. coli through artificial selection. Also, we are using PCR to amplify and ligate the genes GlmZ, GlmY, and IlmV, which are used in native alcohol production. The combination of these genes and the alcohol resistant strains are the first steps in our new biofuels project.

The rising cost of petroleum, coupled with the environmental concerns that go with its use, have led to a recent increase in biofuel research. With this research has come developments in using bacteria to produce biofuels such as isobutanol and ethanol. These alcohols are favored because they can easily be swapped into our current infrastructure of car and truck engines. At Gaston Day School, we have decided to launch a biofuel-focused project. To create the alcohols, we are developing alcohol-resistant strains of E. coli through artificial selection. Also, we are using PCR to amplify and ligate the genes GlmZ, GlmY, and IlmV, which are used in native alcohol production. The combination of these genes and the alcohol resistant strains are the first steps in our new biofuels project.