Revision as of 09:41, 25 July 2014 by GinnyRutten (Talk | contribs)
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Meet the Team
- Jim H
- Jim A
- Gos The genius who never grew up.
- Anton
- Bernado Chilean _
- Matt, le magnifique
- Babara
- Angelina, la jolie Informatik genie, library nerf, she unlocks, codes and decodes Poly's little (relative!) genome. But let those glasses not misguide you: party Angie hides behind them!
- Fergus (or Fergie, the disappearing engineer) in style, if you please Makes his own bow ties, is an Arduino Master and has a very cool lunchbox.
- Ginny
- Guy, the plant lover Grows everything (and more)in his student room to the dismay of his bedders. Is comparable to Mary Poppins by the content of his pockets. Finds everything beautiful and is the sponsorship leader (no one can mange to say ever say no to his excessively sweet requests)
- Hugh Documentation! Physicist by trade, Hugh helps us keep the Wiki up to date. Runner and fish lover.
- Miha, the lab guru and super chef. This Slovenian Master of Chillin' keeps us going in hunger and in stress with his humour and delicatessens.
- Salil
- Trang-Anh Mysterious international girl.
- Will, the wizard Now, this boy is simply crazy.
- Theo
The Bosses
His thoughts go faster than light though no one quite knows what he does in life. He's got an office in most departments. On a sabbatical year at the moment to plan and prepare the ultra-secret 'breakthrough'... and comes in his spare time to speak to us some words of wisdom. (What could his project be!?)
Our Super-Visioners
Project advisor support