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Home Our Polis Official Team Profile E. coli Troyhorse The DNA weapons of our Troyhorse Out the lab Safety Attributions
Out the lab...
Stand at a bioinformatics symposium
Introducing our project for the iGEM in the competition of pitch JWEF
Meeting with the Minister of Economy Luis Felipe Céspedes (Santiago, Chile)
Of course, there was a diffusion work in collaboration with the Universidad Mayor trying to give a message to the private companies and the government of the importance of the collaboration between the young enterprising sciences for promote the research  and technology development of the country.
In Chile, are low percentage of students that follows a scientific academic careers, possibly due a bad education in general about the science.

We decide to go to public schools for share with the children and near colligates how fascinating is to study the nature through the science and how can it help to make a better future, specially, as biotechnologists, we love to provide solutions through the biology. We ever ended this activities with a very good feeling, because the children showed great interest, doing questions like “How do you insert DNA into a bacteria?” or like “Are the transgenic food really mad?” and “Isn’t it go against the natural selection?”
Science fair at school Los Nogales (Santiago, Chile)
Talk to young high school El Sembrador (Santiago, Chile)
Stand of the scientific fair in Los Nogales school (Santiago, Chile)