Team:Missouri Miners/Team


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Team:Missouri Miners -

Missouri Miners Team

Offical iGEM Team Profile

Executive Board

Emily Puelo


Hannah Frye

Vice President
"I joined iGEM my freshman year because it seemed like a good way to learn more about biological research and to get involved with a group of students with similar interests. My involvement in iGEM has helped me to grow as a leader and as a team member. Working with the iGEM team at Missouri S&T has provided invaluable lessons that will help me to further advance my career as a scientist."

Katherine Nelson

Public Relations Officer
Biological Sciences
"I joined iGEM my sophomore year of college hoping to get more involved in lab work on campus. My freshman year I did not do to well in some of my classes and I had not joined many clubs on campus. I had been interested in working in a lab where I could interact with my fellow students and I was interested in many of the ideas from past iGEM projects. I joined to get more hands on experience in labs and to learn more about the field of biology. After joining the public relations committee I became more involved with outreach events and teaching students about synthetic biology. After the first moth that I joined I realized that I was much more passionate about teaching and talking then I was about lab work. I am a now a senior in Biological Sciences with a minor in Chemistry and Psychology and the PR officer of iGEM. I could not have asked for a better experience in working with others and putting on outreach events. "

Nocona Sanders

Physics/Applied Math
"I joined iGEM because I've always had an interest in biology. As an incoming freshman, it was a hard decision for me to choose a degree path because I wanted to study so many things. Even though I ended up going with physics and math, I still wanted to fuel my passion for biology. However it wasn't until the end of my freshman year that I heard about iGEM. The team's PR committee put on a program at TJ called "Play With DNA." It involved extracting DNA from bananas and seeing the chains it created. I had a vague idea of what synthetic biology was before that event, but I understood it a lot more clearly after that discussion. After that program, I started going to iGEM meetings, learning about synthetic biology, and getting involved. That's kept going until today."

Kelsey Crossen

Biological Sciences
"I switched my major to Biological Sciences after my freshman year and I joined iGEM because I thought genetic engineering work sounded really cool. My future goals include going to grad school and having a career doing research, so having lab experience through iGEM was something that I really wanted to get involved in."

Matthew Lindner

Web Master
Computer Science
"I first heard of iGem through my roommate. He told me about some of the research the team was doing, and I was blown away. I started going to weekly meetings to learn more about their projects. I stuck around because I wanted to learn how a Computer Science student could help a synthetic biology group."

Kira Buckowing

Lab Manager
Biochemical Engineering
"Basically I joined iGEM because I thought it was interesting and I saw application possibilities for what we do. I have always liked genetics and being able to do something applicable with such made me really want to get involved. I like all the possibilities available and all that teams have been able to do or will be able to do in the future - it is really just amazing to me. I would like for things like what iGEM teams do to become more common place in the future and actually get more implemented than they are now, and I really care about the organization as a whole because of this and want it to be the best thing that it can be - both on our campus and worldwide."

Edna Armstrong

Safety Liaison
Biological Sciences
idk quote or something work with me guys

Levi Palmer

Former Lab Manager
Chemical Engineering
"In high school biology, we learned about a chemical called Sonic Hedgehog. It's a growth factor that helps stem cells differentiate and become mature cell types (e.g. skin, muscle, blood cells). When I learned that we could control what stem cells became, I was hooked on biology. I continued to feed this fascination over the next few years by reading anything I could get on biology. In a book of scientific articles, I found one on gene therapy, which is replacing "faulty" genes with healthy ones. For me, this was the start of thinking about modifying DNA to fix problems or even to make completely new phenotypes.

I went to 5 booths at Minerama, one of them was iGEM. When I looked up 'Synthetic Biology,' I knew it was the field for me. It was a place where, in time, I could actually do DNA modification myself. Plus, the project they were working on sounded really neat; a microbial blood glucose sensor for diabetic patients. I went to the meeting and really felt welcomed by the team, unlike some other teams I visited. So I stuck around, visited the lab, talked to the workers, saw how much they cared about their work, and quickly fell in love with SynBio."

Communications & Publications Committee

Caitlin Brocker

Chemical Engineering

Ricky Fowler

Chemical Engineering

Aaron Jankelow

Chemical Engineering
"I joined iGEM because I thought it sounded interesting and useful."

Harriet Lumula

Biological Sciences

John Seaton

Chemical Engineering
"Junior in chemical engineering at Missouri S&T, born and raised in St. Louis. I joined iGEM because I want to get laboratory experience and to learn more about biology than I currently do in my curriculum. I would like to one day get a graduate degree in biomedical engineering, tissue engineering, biomaterials, etc, something where I can work on the human body in some fashion, such as designing prosthetic limbs. Outside of school I like to play soccer, ski, cook, and lots more. I am a member of the Communications & Publications team."

Stephanie Soendker

Ceramic Engineering
"I joined iGEM because I was interested in the medical applications of synthetic biology. It is a dream of mine to work in health care and develop technologies that increases patient recovery. Synthetic Biology is a very creative way of solving some of medicine's greatest challenges. That is why I joined the team."

Shelby Wagner

Chemical Engineering

Jiehua Wei

"I joined iGEM because I would like to discover the positive aspects of synthetic biology and be proficient in the lab works."

Christopher Wideman

Petroleum Engineering
"My major is PE. I joined because iGEM has the potential to solve some of the world’s greatest problems."

Fundraising Committee

Zachary Addison


Ari Ginsparg

Biological Sciences

Lisa Gutgesell

Biological Sciences

Avery Hohenstein

Chemical Engineering
"I joined because there is no other design team like it, and it is a very unique and good group of people. Also, i enjoy working with chemistry and biology. My major is Chemical Engineering."

Kyle Laberta

Ceramic Engineering

Natalie Holste

Biological Sciences
"I joined iGEM because synthetically manipulating cells to do something specific is something I have always been interested in and want to pursue in research after college."

Public Relations Committee

Delaney DeJanes

Biological Sciences

Samantha Friederich

Biological Sciences
"I joined iGEM for the real world experience. So many things involve team work, this gives me an opportunity to work on a team for a specific project."

Kelsey Haile

Biological Sciences

Austin Hall

Environmental Engineering

Jessica Hamlett

"I joined iGEM because I think synthetic biology is awesome and I wanted to get more involved on campus."

Hannah Kim

Biological Sciences
"I joined iGEM a year ago inspired by microbiology class, where I learned that bacteria are freaking amazing! How they can be genetically modified as we design it to help and make a better world in an environmental friendly way. "

Molly Kramer

Chemical Engineering

Margaret Pitzer

Chemical Engineering

Jordan Sanders

Chemical Engineering
"The reason I joined iGEM is that I was interested in genetic engineering in highschool and a friend told me we had a design team for genetic engineering here. I joined the team and have been a member ever since. "

Emma Schneider

Environmental Engineering

Daniel Sloan

Biological Sciences
"I joined iGem because we can change lives with our research. It may be a small step, but every journey begins with the first step."

Elizabeth Wilkins

Biological Sciences
"I joined iGEM because I thought Synthetic Biology was cool and wanted to be apart of a group of people with similar interests to mine. Making a gene library sounded like a cool idea and very useful in many fields."

Claire Wilmore

Chemical Engineering
"I joined IGEM because I saw it as an opportunity to get more lab experience and contribute to a team that is working on projects I am passionate about. "

Megan Windsor

Biological Sciences

Web Committee

Kent Gorday


Matthew Howerton

Biochemical Engineering
"To change the world one nucleotide at a time."

Keith Loveless

Biochemical Engineering
"I choose to join iGEM because I have always been interested in genetics and DNA. My sophomore year I found out about iGEM and wanted to join. After all, I am an engineer and iGEM’s purpose is to make synthetic biology easier from an engineering perspective. So I was fascinated by this and have stayed with iGEM since then."

Niklas Melton

Aerospace Engineering

Donald Metz

Biological Sciences
"I joined because I love the pursuit of knowledge and the design team seemed like the best opportunity to explore a field which fascinates me. There was an added bonus of the projects actually being useful and perhaps contributing to making the world a better place. "

Nicholas Statesel

Mechanical Engineering
"I joined iGEM because I plan on going into Biomedical Engineering in grad school, and iGEM is the only design team somewhat related to that. Plus, iGEM did an event in TJ my freshman year, and they made everything seem fun and interesting."

Caleb Trecazzi

Chemistry/Biological Sciences


Dr. Katie Shannon

Associate Teaching Professor
Biological Sciences, Cytokinesis
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, B.A., 1994
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA , Ph.D., Cell and Developmental Biology, 2000

Dr. David J Westenberg

Associate Professor
Biological Sciences, Microbiology
Michigan State University, East Lansing, B.S. Microbiology and Public Health, 1982
University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D. Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, 1991


Missouri S&T iGEM is proudly supported by the Student Design and Experimental Learning Center