Human Practices
We would like to thank all of the people that have helped out with our Human Practices:
Student Council Executive Power:
Francisco Calzada;Linda Zaragoza; Diana Moreno Cardenas; Carolina Acosta; Miguel Alpuche Manrique
Student Council of Chemical Biological Sciences:
Haydee Pacheco
Axel Loredo
Roy Miranda
Nayeli Garcia Malo Lopez
Jessica del Castillo
Especially we would like to thank the entire cast of the play Copenhague,:
Baruk Serna, Larissa Perez, Ulises Gutierrez, Lya Diaz, Adriana Serra, Roxana Garza, Aldo Sosa, Stefany Blanco, Itzel Hernandez, Dante Franco, Luis Coy, Armando Morín, Fernando Arteaga, Guillermo Castrezana, Benito Rivera, Roxana Herrán, Melissa Guiochin.