

Revision as of 17:13, 17 October 2014 by Cmlamy (Talk | contribs)

Team:WPI-Worcester -






We would like to thank our advisors Professor Natalie Farny and Professor Joseph Duffy for their guidance throughout our project including assistance with trouble shooting as well as feedback and critiques on our work throughout the summer and the beginning of the school year. We would also like to thank Professor Duffy for allowing us to use his lab space to complete our work.

WPI Faculty

We would like to thank Professor Andy Butler for assisting us with performing gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy and for assisting us with the GC/MS results analysis. We would also like to thank Professor Jagan Srinivasan and Professor Joseph Duffy for allowing us to present our work to their classes Advanced Molecular Genetics and Introduction to Biotechnology respectively.

Traci Haddock

We would like to thank Traci Haddock for organizing the three NEGEM conferences.


Boston University

We would like to thank the 2014 Boston University iGEM team for collaborating with us by providing us with flow cytometry data. We would also like to thank the 2013 BU iGEM team for the code template for our wiki page.

2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

We would like to thank the 2014 MIT iGEM team for collaborating with us by providing us microscopy images

2006 Edinburgh iGEM Team

We would like to thank the 2006 Edinburgh iGEM Team for the part BBa_J33201.

2011 Edinburgh iGEM Team

We would like to thank the 2011 Edinburgh iGEM team for the part BBa_K523013.

2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology iGEM Team

We would like to thank the 2006 MIT iGEM team for the part BBa_J45199.

New England Farmer’s Union

Erika Olson

We would like to thank Erika Olson, the director of operations for NEFU, for helping us to distribute our survey to the New England Farmer’s Union.

WPI Organizations

WPI Biotech Club

We would like to thank the WPI Biotech Club for allowing us to present our work and for providing us with feedback. We would especially like to thank the biotech officers; Shawna Henry, Corbyn Lamy, Daniel MachVeigh-Fierro, and Manisha Krishnan for organizing this event and providing refreshments.

WPI Marketing Department

We would like to thank the WPI Marketing Department for their support and funding a large portion of our project.

Our Team

Our team worked in pairs throughout the summer. We would like to thank team members Alex Turland and Chloe LaJeunesse for doing the heaviest portion of wiki coding, designing our agglutination assay, performing our agglutination assay and microscopy. We would like to thank team members Shawna Henry and Corbyn Lamy for performing the majority of our cloning procedures and sequence analysis, creation of our farmers survey, and for singing Frozen karaoke. We would like to thank team members Kayla DeSanty and Michael Giroux for their work in the wetlab to improve the characterization of a biobrick, distributing and analyzing our farmer survey, and for analyzing our GC/MS data.

Brian Teague

We would Like to thank the MIT advisor Brian Teague for being “pedantic.” (self-proclaimed)