Team:Jilin China/BACKGROUND
1.Select the options that you know for water safety problems.(you may select more than one options)
Most people can give the right answer and they can know the common water safety problem.
2. What are the reasons of water bloom?
All the people know entrophia is one of the most important reasons for water bloom, but the other two options whichare also the reasons for water bloom are not so common for people.
3. What is the creature that caused water bloom?
Nearly all the people select the right answer—cyanobacteria. So, it is good information that people has a clear knowledge for the creature that causing water bloom.
4. Select the two places where water bloom happened (you may select more than one options)
All the people knew the water bloom happening in Taihu Lake that has surprised people across China. And another lake water bloom happened—Chaohu Lake is not so famous. But Poyang Lake where water bloom did not happen is selected. We can know people do not know specifically about the lake having water bloom. They just know these things by TV program or news.
Comparing with the next question that asking to write down foreign lake with water bloom, we are sure about that people get these information form news. People barely wrote any foreign lakes.
5. What is the most important factor in water bloom that causes drinking water safety problem?
This is worst question that people answered. Maybe it is too professional. 64% of the people selected bacterium infection which can be easily tackled by disinfectant like chlorine. This tells us that people should be informed more about the bad influences caused by Mycrocystin.
6. What will happen if drinking water after water bloom? (you may select more than one options)
People have a general idea about consequence after drinking water after bloom. Actually, all the three options are right. So, we need inform people more about the consequence of drinking water after bloom. And people will know more about the necessity about water safety.
We investigate 2000 persons and get this conclusion. They mainly are student and some are people living around an artificial lake. We can know people have a general idea about water safety problems, but some professional questions are not familiar for them. And they get these information mainly from TV news. To improve the whole social environment about water safety, we need inform people more about water pollution especially water bloom.
About the suggestions people gave to us, we can see it is very general and they are all like common sense. The most important thing is not what they know, but what they did. People have changed their lifestyle like no use of washing powder rich in phosphorus. And they can do more.
IGEM Background
In the past few years, algal bloom caused by eutrophication has widely spread across the world and the situation became even worse after climate warming. It is reported that the algal bloom is taking place almost every main water globally, including Lake Victoria in Africa, Baltic, Lake Erie, Great Lakes and Ouji seeking Avon in Florida. The problem is that the algal can release a series of poisonous toxin called cyanotoxin, leading to serious diseases although they are not parasitic as other pathogenic bacteria.
And the microcystin is the most common one in these toxin which is very toxic and predominant. MC is a kind of intracellular toxin, released after the algal cells break down. It can do great damage to liver in the way of teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic. In addition, MC is very stable and in some extent is very resistant to high temperature and pH change, so it brings the water purification into a very embarrassing situation. In fact, some residues of MC can still be detected after processing of water plant chemically and physically. There is no doubt that an efficient method to deal with water polluted by MC is in urgent need. And that is exactly what our group would try to devote ourselves in.
After several days’discussion and skipping of many references,we were glad to find that in nature there are several germs can degrade MC efficiently, such as Sphingomonas, P seudomonas and Burkholderia. Further exploring these germs, we found that their ability to degrade MC is originated from several hydrolases(MlrA、MlrB and MlrC). These enzymes inspirited us a lot and finally our group decided to construct a genetically engineered bacteria based on these special enzymes,which can express these hydrolases efficiently to solve this kind of water pollution. And our work begins!
[1]M icrobial degradation of m icrocystins in water environm ent: A review. KONG Yun, XU Xiang-yang, ZHU L iang, XU Jing, LIN H a-i zhuan (Departm ent of Environmental Engineering,Zhejiang University, H angzhou 310058, China ). -Chin. J. App l. E col. , 2011, 22( 6) : 1646- 1652
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