Team:British Columbia/Notebook/Labbook
June - Week 3
June 19th
Experimenter: Dan Korvin, Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Amplify T7 RNA polymerase gene (RNAP) and terminator gene by PCR.
Result: PCR was successful. Target bands were seen on the agarose gel.
June - Week 4
June 23th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao, Dan Korvin
Aim: Amplify T7 DNA polymerase (DNAP), primase/helicase (P/H), single strand binding protein (SSBP) genes by PCR. Digest terminator with E and X. Digest RNAP with E and S.
Result: NA.
June 24th
Experimenter: Ariel Ragetli
Aim: Verify DNAP, P/H, SSBP genes on agarose gel. Digest DNAP, P/H, SSBP amplicons with E and S. Ligate each digested T7 gene to digested terminator vector.
Result: DNAP, P/H, SSBP genes successfully amplified, but non-trivial amount of side products (mostly primer-dimer) appear in DNAP and P/H lanes. Four T7 genes all digested and ligated with terminator.
June 28th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Verify the ligation results on agarose gel.
Result: Multiple bands observed (non-trivial amount of side products). Target SSBP+terminator fragment with distinctive amount observed (only one lane with decent result).
June 29th
Experimenter: Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Amplify the target gene/terminator ligated sequence using four different forward primers and same VF reversed primer. Verify the PCR products on a gel.
Result: No significant bands we were looking for observed on the gel.
June 30th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Amplify four T7 genes and terminator gene by PCR. Digest four genes using E and S.
Result: SSBP, DNAP and RNAP were amplified successfully. P/H and terminator PCR failed. PCR for P/H and terminator set up.
July - Week 1
July 2nd
Experimenter: Dan Korvin
Aim: Verify P/H + terminator PCR products on agarose gel.
Result: PCR failed for both. More PCR set up for primase/helicase.
July 3rd
Experimenter: Ariel Ragetli, Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Verify PCR products for P/H on agarose gel. Amplify terminator by gradient PCR. Transform E.coli cells with terminator-containing plasmid.
Result: Terminator and P/H genes amplified.
July 4th
Experimenter: Dan Korvin
Aim: Digest terminator with E and X. Run PCR products of all four T7 genes on a gel, followed by gel extraction and purification.
Results: NA
July - Week 2
July 6th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao, Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Double digest all four T7 genes with E and S. Run digested T7 genes and terminator on a gel, followed by gel extraction and purification. Ligate T7 genes with terminator. Transforme all four constructs to E.coli
Results: NA
July - Week 3
July 10th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Verify constructs by colony PCR.
Results: Colony PCR failed. No bands were observed.
July 17th
Experimenter: Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Double digest terminator plasmid with E and X. Ligate digested T7 genes to terminator. Transformed four constructs to E.coli
Results: NA
July - Week 4
July 20th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Verify constructs by colony PCR.
Results: SSBP and RNAP constructs (gene + terminator) confirmed.
July 24th
Experimenter: Ariel Ragetli, Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Re-amplify DNAP and P/H by PCR followed by gel check. Ligate two digested amplicons to digested terminator. Transform two constructs into E.coli.
Results: NA.
August - Week 1
August 1st
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao, Dan Korvin
Aim: Verify DNAP and P/H constructs by colony PCR. Digest SSBP and RNAP constructs with E and S. Digest Promoter + RBS plasmid with E and X. Transform the ligation products to E.coli.
Results: Colony PCR failed.
August 6th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao, Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Verify DNAP and P/H constructs (gene+terminator), SSBP and RNAP constructs (gene+terminator+RBS+promoter) using colony PCR.
Results: P/H and DNAP constructs confirmed. Bands with correct size were found on the gel after colony PCR of SSBP and RNAP constructs.
August - Week 2
August 12th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Prepare SSBP and RNAP miniprep products and send them for sequencing. Double digest P/H and DNAP constructs with E and S. Ligate digested constructs into vector digested with E and X. Transform ligation products into E.coli.
Results: NA.
August - Week 3
August 19th
Experimenter: Ariel Ragetli
Aim: Verify P/H and DNAP constructs using colony PCR. Analyze sequencing results of SSBP and RNAP complete constructs.
Results: Sequencing results are negative – no promoter/RBS found in SSBP and RNAP constructs. Colony PCR results are also negative.
September - Week 1
September 4th
Experimenter: Dan Korvin, Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Double digest DNAP, RNAP and SSBP constructs with X and P. Ligate three digested genes into RBS+Promoter plasmid digested with S and P. Miniprep P/H construct.
Results: NA.
September 5th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Transform all three constructs into E.coli. Site-directed mutagenize P/H construct and transforme into E.coli.
Results: NA.
September 6th
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Verify DNAP, RNAP and SSBP constructs by colony PCR.
Results: Bands with correct size observed, need to send to sequencing for further verification.
September - Week 2
September 8th
Experimenter: Anna Müller
Aim: Miniprep all cultures including SDM P/H construct with terminator and potential complete DNAP, RNAP and SSBP constructs
Results: NA
September 9th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Send DNAP, RNAP, SSBP constructs for sequencing. Double digest P/H constructs with X and P, followed by gel check. Double digest RNAP with E and X.
Results: Gel check results are negative.
September 10th
Experimenter: Ariel Ragetli, Jeffrey Pea
Aim: Double digest SSBP with E and S. Double digest RNAP with E and X, followed by gel check and extraction. Ligate digested SSBP into digested RNAP vector. Transform ligation product into E.coli.
Results: NA.
September - Week 3
September 15th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Colony PCR SSBP + RNAP construct. Repeat SDM of P/H construct.
Results: Colony PCR failed.
September 16th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Re-run colony PCR of SSBP and RNAP construct.
Results: Colony PCR results are positive.
September 17th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Miniprep SSBP + RNAP construct, double digest with E and S. Double digest DNAP with E and X, followed by gel verification and extraction. Ligate digested DNAP with digested SSBP + RNAP construct. Transform SDM P/H plasmid.
Results: NA.
September 18th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Colony PCR SDM P/H. Double digest P/H with X and P.
Results: Colony PCR failed.
September 19th
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Repeat colony PCR of SDM P/H. Miniprep DNAP, RNAP for sequencing.
Results: Colony PCR results were positive.
September - Week 1
September 21st
Experimenter: Wenchen Zhao
Aim: Double digest 3-gene assembly with E and P. Double digest SDM P/H with X and P. Ligate digested P/H to digested RBS plasmid.
Results: NA.
October - Week 1
July 12, 2014
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci[ng] velit, sed quia non numquam [do] eius modi tempora inci[di]dunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? [33] At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat…