Without whose support our project would be impossible.
Team Attributions
Yicong Tao-Team leader
He led us in experiments design and gave advice. Biobricks characterization was his main work.
Fan Jiang & Mingmeng Geng
Fan Jiang is primary in modeling and bioinformatics. gRNA for HIV was designed by him. He and Peng Peng designed gRNA for HBV together. Mingmeng Geng helped him with modeling.
Jinglin Wang
She is primary in Human Practice. And she communicated with other teams on behalf of us. Yicong Tao helped her a lot.
Lidan Zeng & Lin Le
They did Hela cells culture. Plasmid of Cas9 was also constructed by them.
Longze Su & Yongkang Long
They did GAL4 protein purification.
Mengqi Xu & Sijia Liu
Plasmid of gRNA was constructed by them. Yicong Tao also participated in this part.
Rifei Chen
He and Yushan Zhang participated in Inter-lab Study. And he also did the work of constructing biobricks for our projects.
Yushan Zhang
She participated in Inter-lab Study with Rifei Chen, and helped Yicong Tao in biobricks characterization.
Jiankui He
He prepared for team establishing and helped us in bioinformatics.
Wei Huang
His laboratory located in Hong Kong helps us a lot in plasmid construction. He also gave us important advice on performing wet-lab experiments.
Fangxing Jia
He led us in experiments training and gave a lot of advice on experiments.
Hongjiao Xu
She helped us with reagents purchase and advised on Hela cells culture.
Huiyu He
He took photos of us.
Pei Wan
He advised a lot on molecular cloning especially on Inter-lab Study.
Rongpeng Li
He helped us with modeling.
Xu Gong
He designed our team's sign and Home Page of Wiki.
Special advisors
Xibin Lu
He is a phD in Wei Huang' lab. And he talked with us when the project began, he also prepared us with pX330 from Zhang Feng' lab and gave advice on experiments.
Rong Wang
She is a research assistant of Yandong Zhang' lab. She helped us with reverse transcription and qPCR in Inter-lab Study, and prepared us with several reagents.
Acknowledgements on experiments
Prof Winfried Welsat Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Tumor Biology Center, his fellows provided us with plasmid of GAL protein.
Prof Cong Yu and Zhiyi Wei at SUSTC, they helped us with protein purification.
Prof Hongmin Zhang at SUSTC, he advised on protein purification.
Prof BaoTting Zhu is at SUSTC. He is specialized in molecular pharmacology and advised on project and presentation.
RA Jingchao Ran at SUSTC lent us competent cells and gave advice on experiments.
Lecturer Xing Liu at Department of Chemistry in SUSTC helped us perform tests with fluorescence spectrometer.