Team:Goettingen/team acknowledges


Revision as of 15:04, 16 October 2014 by Gwen Eleven (Talk | contribs)

We are thankful to all the following people. Thanks for giving us all the scientific and technical advices which inspired us so much. Without their help, there would not be such a success to our project.

Prof. Dr. Kai Haimel AG

Prof. Dr. Kai Haimel’s lab in Department of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics in University Göttingen supported us with the possibility to use the lab equipments.

Martin Hampel

Martin is a PhD student in Prof. Dr. Kai Heimel’s lab in the institute of Microbiology & Genetics. During our project, he gave us many technical supports and advices. And he was always there in the lab for help.

Ute Ludwig & Gabriele Beyer-Czempik

Ute Ludwig and Gabriele Beyer-Czempik are employees at the Institute of Microbiology & Genetics. They are in charge of the practical course material and provided us with experimental equipments such as glass bottles, heat blocks, gel chambers, racks and many more. They also gave us support of lab organisation and cleaning.

Heidi Northemann

Heidi works in the administration of Department of Molecular Microbiology & Genetics. She guided us to search for the funds and helped to deal with finances.

Dr. Blaga Popova

Dr. Popova is a postdoc and working on the molecular basis of Parkinson’s disease using yeast as a model system. She was very glad to help us to address questions about fungi, especially yeast. She also helped us a lot about the robot management.

Prof. Dr. Jörg Stülke AG

Prof. Dr. Jörg Stülke’s department in Institute for Microbiology and Genetics in University Göttingen supported our team with all the brilliant advices and useful informations. We are also very grateful for offering us plasmids and other stuff.

Dr. Oliver Bader

Dr. Oliver Bader is a research group leader in the Department of Medical Microbiology in Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. We appreciate that he provided us the genomic DNA of candida strains.

Prof. Dr. Carsten Lüder

Prof. Dr. Carsten Lüder is a group leader in Göttingen University Medical School. His group is currently working on the host-pathogen interplay during infections with the eukaryotic parasite Toxoplasma gondii. We thank him for providing us with the DNA of Toxoplasma.

Dr. Piotr Neumann

Dr. Piotr Neumann is a staff scientist in Prof. Dr. Ralf Ficner group. He has guided us from the beginning with the homology modeling. He has not only suggested ideas for this part of the project such as templates, bioinformatic databanks and tools in addition to modeller software to code with, but he has also offered us a great guide, answering patiently all our doubts and showing always a supportive attitude to the iGEM Team.

Dr. Ekkehard Willer & Gabriele Zelt

Dr. Ekkehard Willer and Gabriele Zelt are currently working in the Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB. We thank them for providing us the Candida strains.

Tej V Pavoor

Tej V Pavoor is working in Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering in University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. We are very grateful to his group for providing us the GFP scaffold so that we could work on our peptide library.

Gabriele Bartolomaeus

Ms. Gabriele Bartolomaeus is involved with media relations for study and academic affairs as well as with student marketing in the Public Relations Department of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. She has been helping us spreading the word within the community of Göttingen by means of the University’s media along with her contact with the local press.
Thanks to her constant support and guidance we have managed to be advertised in the University’s media, get a column about iGEM competition and the team representing the city’s University in a local newpaper, the “Göttinger Tageblatt” and successfully organize the Synthetic Biology Day last August, when StadtRadio Göttingen 107.1 broadcasted a song on the team’s behalf.

Susanne Wimmelmann

Mrs. Wimmelmann is an expert in Quality Management and Communication Soft Skills of the Institute of Lecturers for Higher Education in Goettingen that has been helping the presentation team with quite useful directions on how to improve our performance on the stage. We are absolutely grateful for providing us with all the equipment and facilities to train but most important for her support through all the trials we had.

M.A. David Starr

David Starr is a retired Professor from the Politics Sciences Institute of Goettingen. His expertise in oral communication has played the roll of an invaluable guide to develop the skills of our speakers as well as the whole concept of our presentation. Particularly, we would like to thank him for his time teaching us the important details when giving a speech in a more professional way.