

Revision as of 17:06, 15 October 2014 by Zhenzhang (Talk | contribs)

iGEM China Community

This year, USTC-China Team cooperated with SYSU-China and founded a online/offline community for iGEMers in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. More than 30 teams has been involved in it and benefit from the openness in this community (more info). The USTC-China team helped the building of community website, collecting member information as a organizer; and USTC-China is also a active participator in the online discussion. We are trying to keep this community running continuously and independently. So this is not a single-year project, if you are interested to join, welcome to contact the mail address (contact AT for further information.

Propagation in Social Network

Online propagation becomes a much more important approach to introducing iGEM and synthetic biology.

Sina Weibo

Our project is featured on Sina Weibo for Weibo is a good entrance to all the public in China and we get in touch with many teams in China. This platform helps us communicate with each other and propagate much more biology knowledge to the public.


This main page is mainly opened for communicating with the worldwide iGEM team and our project and team are also featured on the main page.


Renren is a social network used in China. So the main page,regarded as most powerful page facing college student ,is built for communication with Chinese iGEM team and knowledge propagation for college students.