

Revision as of 22:16, 15 October 2014 by Zhenzhang (Talk | contribs)


Our generous sponsors

We sincerely thanks our generous sponsors for helping us to challenge difficulties, to discover the beauty of the nature, and to create something that didn't exist in the world.

Our generous sponsors are:
Deutsche Bank

Univeristy of Science and Technology of China(USTC)

School of Life Science, USTC.

University of Science and Techology of China initiaitve foudation.

Transgen biotech

School of Information Science and Techology, USTC

School for the gifted young, USTC.

School of Computer Science, USTC

School of Physics, USTC

School of Chemistry and Material Science, USTC

Our Friends

Thanks Nanjing University for providing us a really important parts.
Thanks Professor Chen in NCTU for giving us advice about light sensing- imaging system.
Thanks guys from Peking for suggestions about experiments improvement.

Without your help, it is impossible for us to achieve that much in the end. Thank you very much!