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UMN iGEM 2014


MNtallica: Cleaning Up Heavy Metal!



Mercury is a neurotoxic heavy metal with the ability to biomagnify, therefore it is a significant issue in public health and environmental studies worldwide. Its levels are continually on the rise due to copper, nickel, and gold mining activities, the industrial use of mercury catalysts, mercurial fungicides in agriculture, and the burning of fossil fuels. This has resulted in the pollution of many marine ecosystems and water reservoirs worldwide, the cleanup of which using current technology, is either not feasible or incredibly costly. This study describes the use of engineered recombinant bacteria to facilitate the biological remediation of the neurotoxin methylmercury and hazardous mercury ions from an aquatic target site into less toxic form. This synthetic microbe was incorporated in novel encapsulation technology within a cost-effective, scalable water filtering column. The employment of this device could rigorously change the practices used in mercury decontamination efforts as well as pave the way for the switch to biological rather than chemical processes. Furthermore, this technology can be applied towards bioremediation and biosensing of various other heavy metals and organic toxins in the environment.

  • Dry Lab  
  • dry dry dry
  • dry dry dry
  • Wet Lab
    • wet wet wet
    • wet wet

  • Encapsulation


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    Dry Lab

    dry dry dry dry dry dry

    Wet Lab

    wet wet wet wet wet

    Meet The Team

    Policies & Practices

    Our Policies & Practices team had a holistic approach to addressing the public health concern of methylmercury contamination as it relates to the implementation of our device. Our team actively attempted to address problems associated with the application of our project and device. From early education and societal perception to small-business design and device implementation, UMN iGEM sought new ways to address our project from varying perspectives to better inform the design and launch of our project. To explore some highlights of our policies and practices team [insert navigation guide here].

    K-12 Education

    Building on past successes, our team was devoted to volunteering our services to the community in a number of educational venues. The team took our curriculum, first developed in 2013, and improved the structure and delivery of our lesson plans in hopes to encourage awareness and education on topics in synthetic biology. Since its inception, our educational outreach group ECORI (Educating Communities On Research Innovation) has taught our original curriculum to over 200 students (K-12); an exhibit-form of our curriculum to a number of children of all ages at the Science Museum of Minnesota, 3M; and has been represented at several STEM fairs within the metropolitan community. In the spirit of science, our curriculum has been ever evolving to constantly address salient topics and educational materials and is flexible in nature to be taught in a variety of settings.

    Intellectual Property


    The University of Minnesota 2014 iGEM team proudly presents our documentary film discussing the background of our project and the bioethics relating to our device. The main purposes of this documentary film are to familiarize the audience with the global mercury contamination problem, to discuss the bioethical questions of synthetic biology and biotechnological products, and to evaluate the bioethical concerns of our device implementation. To address the above missions, we have conducted interview with specialists from environmental toxicology, biotechnology, and philosophy at the University of Minnesota. We explore the past incident of methylmercury contamination in Minamata, Japan, as well as the ongoing methylmercury contamination in the state of Minnesota. Through our collaboration with the 2014 Colombia iGEM Team, we further examine the current methylmercury contamination in Colombia because of illegal and informal gold mining using mercury as a reagent. While GMOs are prevalent in today’s society in forms of food, products, and biotechnology, the public perception of GMOs still diverges. We pace through many different discussions in our video, including why GMOs are perceived differently in the public, why research on the effect of GMOs is usually time- and fund-intensive, and how policy-making corresponds with scientific findings to ensure the biosafety of GMOs. So is it safe to implement our device that contains GMOs into the local, polluted water? How do we assess the benefits of implementing our device and how do we know if the benefits out-weight the potential risk of introducing a biohazard into the local water stream? What kinds of precautions should we bear in mind when designing the device? While our documentary addresses all these issues, what is even more thought-provoking is the question of can we reduce the usage of GMOs for bioremediation by reducing the production of pollution? Please sit back and enjoy as the University of Minnesota 2014 iGEM Team presents our full thought processes regarding the above matters in a documentary film.

    Public Perception

    our team sought to inform the majority stakeholders in our community concerning the scope of our project. This year, our team chose to have an exhibit catered towards adult residents at the Minnesota State Fair (the largest MN gathering with over 1.8 million visitors annually) to learn the ways we can best design our technology to meet the needs and concerns of the people whose waters we hope to help remediate.. We delivered a short synopsis of our device, the synthetic biology involved, and safety precautions we have insured. We then presented visitors with a five question survey (Likert Scale) to gauge public perception of both our device, and the synthetic biology methods used. The survey was a huge success with over 320 participants. The survey delivery captured a great cross-section of the MN community that would be most impacted by the implementation of our device. The results of our survey, illustrated below, informed how and where the public would be most comfortable with implementing our device, and illustrated the need for catered education addressing the public’s major concerns prior to applying our device in the environment. Our model for gauging public perception allowed for a wide, diverse crowd to be accessed. This model can be used upon request.

    Safety in the Lab


    Wet Lab:

    Mercury Project design:
    Basem, Aunica,

    Mercury ion Testing:
    Aunica, Sarah, Cassandra, Camilo, Srijay, Jennifer, Suzie

    Methylmercury testing:
    Nater Lab, Aunica, Nicholas, Srijay, Patrick, Suzie, Basem

    Cadmium, Zinc, Copper project design:
    Basem, Stephen, Aunica

    Cadmium, Zinc, Copper Testing:
    Aunica, Cassandra, Jessica ???

    Kill Switch Proposal:
    David, Sarah, Camilo, Stephen, Basem

    pDU1358 received from Dr. Anne O. Summers, University of Georgia
    pSB74 received through addgene from Keasling Lab

    Composite parts:
    mer operon:
    Primer design: Basem, Stephen
    Parts cloning: Basem, Jennifer, Stephen, Valeriu

    Primer design: Basem, Stephen
    Parts cloning: Basem, Stephen, Valeriu

    Single parts:

    Primer design: Basem, Stephen
    Parts cloning: Cassandra
    Primer design: Stephen, Basem
    Parts cloning: Sarah, Jennifer
    Primer design: Basem, Stephen
    Parts cloning: Camilo, Logan
    Primer design: Stephen, Basem
    Parts cloning: Valeriu, Jessica
    Characterization: Cassandra, Sarah
    Primer design: Basem, Stephen
    Parts cloning: Logan, David

    Chassis Transformations:
    Pseudomonas putida: Basem
    Shewanella oneidensis: Basem
    E. coli K12: Basem, David

    Project design: Basem, Stephen
    Parts cloning: Stephen, Basem

    Dry lab:

    Protocol Design: Srijay, Patrick, David, Nicholas
    Cell encapsulation: Nicholas, Patrick, Srijay, David, Basem, Suzie
    Cell Viability Testing: Patrick, David, Nicholas
    SEM encapsulation imaging: Nicholas, UofM imaging center
    Device design: Roxana, Nicholas
    Mathematical modelling: Di, Zhiyi, Patrick, David

    Policies and Practices:

    Outreach, presentations, public perception studies

    School Curriculum design: Basem, Suzie
    Science Museum Curriculum Design: everybody
    Middle School Classroom outreach: Jess, Basem, Cassandra, Jennifer, Suzie
    Science Museum outreach: Jess, Jen, David, Sarah, Cassandra, Basem, Srijay, Di, Holly, Logan
    3M presentation: Suzie, Basem, Cassandra, Stephen, Jess
    Cargill presentation: ???
    State Fair outreach:
    tabling & survey: Cassandra Taylor Jess Jen Basem Suzie Nicholas Stephen Roxana Di
    Srijay Patrick Holly Logan
    Survey statistics: Taylor
    slideshow: Jess, David, Logan
    giveaways: CBS, local businesses gift cards, Rob Rakow
    survey content: everyone
    State Fair game show presentation: Cassandra, Taylor

    Ethics :
    blog: Basem, Cassandra, Logan, Jen
    Documentary: Jennifer, David, Colombia iGEM team

    Business Plan:
    Justin, Tanner, Basem, Tamara, ?

    Economic Analysis: ??? + IP team at OTC

    Colombia collaboration: (magnetic stirrer) Stephen
    Other collaborations??

    Wiki development
    Design: Mari, Chris, Aaron, Basem, ??
    Icons, figures development: Mari, Basem, Nicholas, ???
    Coding, CSS, javascript: Aaron, Chris,
    Lab notebook: Sarah Lucas

    Basem, ??

    Team Logo

    Administrative forms, IP, safety:

    Parts Submission form & shipping

    Public relations and team contact
    Basem, Jessica

    Grant writing, fundraising
    Basem, Jess, David, Cassandra


    • Platinum

    • Gold

    • Silver