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E. Cowli - Fighting Climate Change - iGEM 2014 Team Braunschweig

E. Cowli - Fighting climate change at the source

Apart from our results with E. cowli there are certain other things we achieved during our work for this year’s competition and would like to share with you and the whole iGEM community. By doing so, we live up to one of the basic ideas behind iGEM - contributing BioBricks to the large collection called the Registry of Standard Biological Parts so that other teams can make use of them in the future.

As we would love to take home a little souvenir from the Giant Jamboree we also list here how we attempted to meet the medal requirements. These are criteria defining how award decisions are made in the competition, and we did our best to go for gold!

  • Parts-Cow
  • Parts

    The use of biological fragments or parts, or BioBricks, is one of the fundaments of iGEM. Listed here are the parts we used for our project and the ones we improved or added to the Registry.

  • Medal-Cow
  • Medal Requirements

    To obtain an award teams have to meet certain medal requirements defining a basis for award decisions. Here you can find these criteria and how we attempted to do justice to them.

Our Supporters

  • Biolegio Logo
  • BMBF Logo
  • Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig Logo
  • DBT Logo
  • Machery Nagel Logo
  • Promega Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo
  • Yumab Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo