Creating a biodegradable drone will reduce collateral waste, lightening the footprint of unmanned science missions on planetary environments and microecosystems. Since we are using BCOAc for the construction of our drone, we plan on transforming E. coli with two genes obtained from Niesseria sicca, which synthesizes enzymes capable of degrading BCOAc; the first gene is an esterase which deacetylates the BCOAc, and the second is endo-1,4-beta-glucanase, a cellulase which speeds BC degradation. In order to trigger the onset and spread of degradation, we are investigating pressure-sensitive promoters (to simulate impact) and time-sensitive promoters linked to bacterial quorum sensing machinery. Quorum sensing allows the signal for degradation to spread to surrounding cells, enabling the complete breakdown of our biomaterials from a single point of impact.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras venenatis lorem et odio sodales, vitae aliquet nunc ultrices. Nunc lacinia nulla urna, sed aliquam nisl fermentum sed. Phasellus vel pellentesque tortor, in tincidunt metus. Aliquam ac laoreet risus. Fusce venenatis, justo id luctus dictum, turpis libero tincidunt mauris, sit amet tempor lectus tortor ut ante. Pellentesque egestas felis et est venenatis, eget lobortis dui adipiscing. Suspendisse volutpat sem eu ornare tincidunt. Mauris pharetra sed justo vitae sodales. Nulla in sodales tortor, placerat tempor dui.
Methods & Safety
Fusce venenatis, justo id luctus dictum, turpis libero tincidunt mauris, sit amet tempor lectus tortor ut ante. Pellentesque egestas felis et est venenatis, eget lobortis dui adipiscing. Suspendisse volutpat sem eu ornare tincidunt. Mauris pharetra sed justo vitae sodales. Nulla in sodales tortor, placerat tempor dui.