Revision as of 13:44, 7 September 2014 by Lovetaylor (Talk | contribs)
LB Broth/ LB Medium
- Tryptone final concentration: 1%(w/v)
- Yeast Extract final concentration: 0.5%(w/v)
- Sodium Chloride F.W.=58.44 final concentration: 1%(w/v)
- 5M Sodium Hydroxide solution
- Dissolve tryptone (1.0g), Yeast Extract (500㎎) and Sodium Chloride (1.0g) in distilled water(90㎖)
- Adjust pH to 7.0 by adding 20㎕of 5M sodium chloride
- Dilute solution with distilled water and bring volume to 100㎖
- Autoclave
- Add antibiotics to medium at 1/1000
LB Agar
- Agar powder final concentration 1.5 %(w/v)
- LB medium
- Add agar powder (6.0g) to LB medium (400㎖)
- Dissolve it by autoclaving
- Stir up with Magnetic stirrer
- Cool it down to the room temperature in order to make it to gel form
YPD Broth/YPD Medium
- Peptone final concentration: 2%(w/v)
- Yeast Extract final concentration: 1%(w/v)
- L Glucose final concentration:2%(w/v)
- Dissolve peptone (2.0g), Yeast Extract (1.0g) and glucose (2.0g) to distilled water (90㎖)
- Dilute solution with distilled water and bring up volume to 100㎖
- Sterilize by autoclave
- Kanamycin at 20(㎍/㎖)
Main Culture
- LB medium:100cc
- IPTG:10μL
- Pre-cultured Bacterial cells:500μL
- Add bacterial cells to LB medium, shake and culture so that medium turbidity gets to 0.5A (37℃120rpm)
- Add IPTG (10μL) to bacterial cell in LB medium (25㎖)
- Shake and cultivate at 120rpm at 37℃ for 3 hours
- Measure turbidity by OD600
Transformation (E.coli)
- DNA Sample:10μL
- Competent cell:20μL
- LB agar plate with Amp:same number of plates as the kind of DNA samples
- LB medium
- Ice
- Thaw the competent cells on ice
- Add 10μL of DNA sample into thawed competent cells
- Cool the tube, which contains competent cells and DNA samples, with ice for one hour, then Heat shock the cells by immersion in pre-hearted water bath at 41ºC for 30 seconds
- Place the tube on ice for 2 minutes to cool it down
- At a clean bench, add 1.0ml of LB medium into the tube and suspend it
- Incubate the tube at 37℃ for 35 minutes
- Harvest the cells by centrifuge.
- Seed the transformed competent cells onto the agar medium
- Incubate the plate at 37℃ overnight
- Bacterial cell (negative control: bacterial cells which have been transferred from empty vector):20㎖
- Medium (with and without antibiotics. Seed bacterial cells on the one without antibiotics as a negative control):20㎖
- Scrape bacterial cells from the agar plate and incubate them on a Medium
- Cultivate it in a shake-flask at 37℃ overnight
Protein Extraction (E.coli)
- Bacterial cells:100cc
- Fast Break Buffer
- 50mM potassium phosphate buffer (=pH6.8)
- SDS sample buffer
- Separate bacterial cells into two and harvest by centrifuge
- Add potassium phosphate buffer, then mix and remove medium completely
- Add Fast Break Buffer at the ratio of Fast Break Buffer: Bacterial cells=1:9 and extract protein (R.T15min)
Rapid Screening for the Detection of Recombinant Plasmids
- DNA sample
- Phe-Chl
- Cracking solution
- Dispense cracking solution, 50μL each, into tubes
- Collect the sample and suspend it into cracking solution
- Incubate at 65℃ for 10 minutes
- Add Phe-Chl and a BPB pigment and vortex it
- Centrifuge it
- Check the band by agar gel electrophoresis
- {Sample}:5μL
- 1.0% agarose gel
- 2×Loading Buffer:5μL
- Set the 1.0%agarose gel on the electrophoresis chamber
- Add 1×Loading Buffer into the electrophoresis chamber
Note: do not generate bubbles under the gel - Add 2×Loading Buffer into the electrophoresis sample
- Apply sample on the agarose gel well
- Electrophoresis
- Stop electrophoresis when the BPB reaches 2/3 of the gel
- Soak the gel in ethidium bromide and dye it for 20 minutes
- Place plastic cooking wrap on the trans-illuminator and irradiate UV to the gel on the wrap.
- Take photographs of the gel by using a trans-illuminator
- Buffer for KOD-FX-NEO
Primer mix:1μL
- Bring the volume up forward primer to 100pmol/μL with sterile dH2O.
- Add 10μL of this primer solution and 80μL of H2O into another tube.
Make 10 times dilution. - Use 1μL primer mix for PCR.
Reaction composition is below
- DNA sample (cut out from the gel)
- Distilled water:5μL
- DNA ligase:5μL
- Add DNA sample, distilled water and DNA ligase into a micro test tube and vortex
- Ligation (R.T for 5minutes)
Western Blotting
- BufferⅠ:appropriate amount
- BufferⅡ:appropriate amount
- BufferⅢ:appropriate amount
- Distilled water:2㎖
- PBS:appropriate amount
- PBS-S:appropriate amount
- PBS-T:appropriate amount
- PBS-TS:appropriate amount
- PonceauS :appropriate amount
- PVDF membrane:1 sheet
- Whatman paper:6 sheets
- Hybridization bag:1
- Peroxidase Stain Kit:one drop for each
- antiglutathione S - transferase (和光純薬工業株式会社製):1μL
- Cut the gel in appropriate size
- Add buffer 3 and gel then shake it gently
- Soak the membrane on ethanol then soak it in buffer 3 and percolate
- 2, 1, 3 Whatman papers (all in the same size) on BufferⅠ, BufferⅡ, BufferⅢ respectively. wet the surface of the blotter
- Blot at the constant current of membrane's area ×2.5 mA
- Dye the membrane with PonceauS for five minutes rinse it with distilled water and scan it
- Shake and wash with PBS-TS (3 minutes ×3times)
- Put the membrane in a hybridization bag add PBS-S antiglutathione S - transferase and shake it (R.T. one hour)
- Shake and wash with PBS-T twice (5min/10min)
- Shake and wash with PBS twice (5min/5min)
- Add one drip of 3 Peroxidase Stain Kits and distilled water
- Scan it
- BufferⅠ: bring to 300ml with Tris base 10.9g,MetOH60ml/H2O
- BufferⅡ: bring to 300ml with Tris base 0.9g,MetOH60ml/H2O
- BufferⅢ: bring to 300ml with Tris base 0.91g,Boric acid10.5mg,MetOH60ml/H2O
- PBS-S:PBS with 1% SkimMilk
- PBS-T:PBS with 0.05%Tween20
- PBS-TS:PBS with 0.05%Tween20+1%SkimMilk