Team:UNIK Copenhagen/test5


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{{Team:UNIK Copenhagen/template}}
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/*              CSS of Q/A part              */
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<div class="subject">
<h3>WHAT IS iGEM?</h3>
<div class="description">
<p align="justify"> The International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) is a competition in the field of synthetic biology for under- and overgraduate students ranging over a wide area of disciplines. Each team starts out with a small tool box containing basic building blocks, the bio bricks, needed in their wet lab work. After choosing a project and a track each team builds on basis of those bricks new bio bricks specific to their project and those will be included in the future registry of parts. <br><br>
Besides the actual wet lab project, the teams are encouraged to promote synthetic biology in public by trying to create understanding and knowledge. Thereby, their own project helps them to present and represent themselves and iGEM as ambassadors of synthetic biology.
<div class="subject">
<div class="description">
<p align="justify"> Want to make your own biological system? Before you start remember to think about some essential questions:<br> - what is the function?<br> - what are the concerns?<br></p>
var num=1
img1 = new Image ()
img1.src = ""
img2 = new Image ()
img2.src = ""
img3 = new Image ()
img3.src = ""
img4 = new Image ()
img4.src = ""
text1 = "Click below to construct and synthesize your gene"
text2 = "Click to transform your organism"
text3 = "Click to test your system"
text4 = "You are now ready for next year's iGEM competition!"
second_text1 = "Some questions to think of when you are making your gene construct:"
second_text2 = "Some questions to think of"
second_text3 = "Some questions to think of"
second_text4 = "Click to start again"
third_text1 = " - What sequences should your gene consist of?"
third_text2 = " - Will your organism be a thread to the environment?"
third_text3 = " - Question 1.3"
third_text4 = " - Question 1.4"
fourth_text1 = "- Question 2.1"
fourth_text2 = "- Question 2.2"
fourth_text3 = "- Question 2.3"
fourth_text4 = "- Question 2.4"
function slideshowUp()
if (num==5)
document.getconstruct.makeit.value=eval(num).innerHTML="<p>This sequence codes for the viable part of the light chain in the FAB fragment</p>";
document.getconstruct.makeit2.value=eval(num).innerHTML="<p>Tsecond tekst</p>";
document.getconstruct.makeit4.value=eval(+num).innerHTML="<p>the end</p>";
<!-- The Image and Form Codes are Below -->
<IMG SRC="" NAME="mypic" BORDER=0 HEIGHT="150" WIDTH="150">
<div class="illustration_box">
<FORM NAME="getconstruct">
<p class="illustration_description" TYPE="text" NAME="makeit" VALUE="Click on 'click to go to next step' to synthesize your gene"></p>
<p class="illustration_description" type="second_text" name="makeit2" value="Some questions to think of when you are making your gene construct"></p>
<p class="illustration_description" type="third_text" name="makeit3" value=" - Question 1"></p>
<p class="illustration_description" type="fourth_text" name="makeit4" value=" - Question 2"</p>
<A HREF="JavaScript:slideshowUp()">Click to go to next step</A>
<div id="footer" style="position:absolute;bottom:0;">
<p>Team UNIK Copenhagen <br> <b>e-mail:</b><p><br>

Latest revision as of 20:49, 12 August 2014