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Revision as of 01:55, 18 October 2014

Team SUSTC-Shenzhen


Who we are, and where we are from.



All names are listed by initials.

Yicong Tao (you can call him Ben) has just finished his second year in SUSTC and has decided to choose Bioinformatics as his major. He has been a huge fan ever since he got in touch with Synthetic Biology and started to play with iGEM competition. He promoted part of the ideas of this year’s project and he likes playing guitars, travelling and watching movies in his spare time and is very outgoing to communicate with everyone. And he is team leader of SUSTC-Shenzhen this year.

Fan Jiang is currently a student at the South University of Science and Technology of China(SUSTC). He has a broad range of different interests from computer science to molecular biology. He is also a supporter of the maker movement, so feel free to contact him if you have brilliant ideas to share!

Jinglin Wang is a junior in SUSTC majoring in chemistry. She is in charge of human practice for this year’s project and she enjoys the process a lot, especially when she is surrounded with the kids and their drawing. She likes listening to music and go out for picnic with friends.

This is Lin LE, he is an undergraduate student of SUSTC. He has a ordinary brain, with ordinary mind, but full of extraordinary unrealistic thought. He likes biology and dreams a day he will be understand how the world work.

Longze Su is a person who behaves kinda dipole, a half in nature, another in change, he likes many things, from reading to listening to music, from learning to playing games. he enjoys everyday in the SUSTC and igem team.
Love nature, love peace; also with a heart full of curiosity.Always be simple and quiet, but sometimes can be really crazy and stubborn.yes, just like a snail,Quiet but persistent;Slow but surefooted… She is Mengqi Xu.

Mingmeng Geng is a sophomore. He is interested in biomedical engineering and is responsible for the modeling work in the team. Outside this project, he likes sports and movies. As is shown in the picture, he wants to think more and talk less.

Once there was a guy. He is 21 years old now.It hard to believe he is not so rough as he looks ,and how agility he is. When class is over, he always accompanied with us and brought laughter as well as curiosity to our team.

Rifei Chen just finished his first year in the campus, but he likes taking part in many activities or competitions. He interested in the experiment especially and can stay in the laboratory for 20 hours. He also plays a funny guy role in the team.

Sijia Liu, a sophomore at SUSTC and a member of the iGEM team this year. She has lots of hobbies, such as reading books, dancing jazz and playing Taekwondo. The hardworking girl is always ready to learn and tries her best to finish every task.

Yongkang Long, is a sophomore in SUSTC, in charge of experiment in our team. He learns protein purification by himself. He love sports.

She is Yush Zhang, who is a sophomore and a good talker. She likes reading novels, especially works of Hanhan and Guo Jingming. In addition, she is always enthusiastic and gives encourage to other team members.  :)


Jiankui He is an associate professor at SUSTC. This is his third year to be an instructor in our school's iGEM team. His laboratory uses high-throughout sequencing, statistics and informatics to study complex biological systems.

Wei Huang is an associate professor at SUSTC, who is vey specialized in synthetic biology. His laboratory located in Hong Kong helps us a lot in plasmid construction. He also gives us advice on performing wet-lab experiments.


Fangxing Jia
He is a lecturer in Department of Biology in SUSTC.

Hongjiao Xu
She is a research assistant of Dr.Wei Huang, and specialized in cell culture.

Huiyu He
He was a team member of SUSTC-Shenzhen-B last year.

Pei Wan
He is a research assistant of Dr. Wei Huang, and specialized in Applied Mathematics and molecular cloning.

Rongpeng Li
He majors in Physics and will graduate this semester.

Xu Gong
He is a junior this year and major in Microelectronic Science and Engineering.

Special Advisors

Xibin Lu
He is a phD at Wei Huang's lab in Hong Kong.

Rong Wang
She is a research assistant in Department of Biology at SUSTC.

Maintained by the iGEM team SUSTC-Shenzhen.

Licensed under CC BY 4.0.