Hoerldavid (Talk | contribs) |
Hoerldavid (Talk | contribs) |
Line 753: | Line 753: | ||
} | } | ||
+ | #footer-logos a{ | ||
+ | background-color: none; | ||
+ | } | ||
.timeline-item-left { | .timeline-item-left { | ||
display:block; | display:block; |
Revision as of 01:00, 18 October 2014
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} /*
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- killing {
- adhesion {
background-color:LightSeaGreen ;
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- project-modeling-teaser {
- project-bacillus-subtilis-teaser {
- project-bakillus-teaser {
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content: ; display: block; position: relative; width: 0; height: 70px; margin-top:0px;
- /
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background-image:url(; height:400px;
- project-biobrickbox {
background-image:url(; height:400px;
- project-modeling {
background-image:url(; height:400px;
- project-bacillus-subtilis {
background-image:url(; height:400px;
- project-bakillus-lg {
background-image:url(; height:800px;
- project-bakillus-m {
background-image:url(; height:400px;
- project-bakillus-xs {
background-image:url(; height:400px;
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height:400px; background-image:url();
- application-financing {
height:400px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; background-image:url();
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height:800px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; /*background!*/
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height: 400px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; background-image:url();
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height:400px; background-image:url();
h3 {
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- team-img-complete {
- team-img-complete img{
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display:none; }
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@media screen and (max-width: 991px) { .slicknav_menu { display:block; } }*/
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margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom:20px;
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background-color: #E8E0D2;
} .bg-color-3 {
background-color: #D5CDBC;
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padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px;
.sponsor {
padding-top: 7px; padding-bottom: 8px;
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font-style: italic;
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