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            <li><a href="Apex">ApexBio Biotech</a></li>
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    IGEM_Taida strives for elevating awareness on issues regarding synthetic biology.
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      <h4><center> We provides student community, biotech companies and social media  information about </p>
      <h3 style="font-size:150%; padding-bottom:40px" >IGEM_Taida strives for elevating awareness on issues regarding synthetic biology.</h3><h4><strong>We provide</strong></h4><h5>student community, biotech companies and social media  information about the latest in the research area of synthetic biology to help these communities make informed and fact-based opinions.</h5>  
    the latest in the research area of synthetic biology to help these communities make informed and fact-based opinions.</p>  
     <h4><strong>We strengthen</strong></h4><h5 style="padding-bottom:40px"> the bridge between communities and their knowledge of synthetic biology while eliminating misconceptions regarding synthetic biology.</h5>
     We strengthen the bridge between communities and their knowledge of synthetic biology while eliminating misconceptions regarding </p>synthetic biology.</center></h4>
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9">Cooperation</h4>-National Yang-Ming University
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee" >Public Outreach</h4>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:120%;color:gray;">New generations</h5><h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">
<p><strong>iGEM</strong> leads the way with this conviction: allowing for undergraduate students to work in groups on projects that have potentially applications that will benefit the lives of people everywhere.</p>
Besides colleges, we also conduct vigorous propaganda in high school. We had held campuses for 3 high schools in Taipei for one reason: we want to inspire people.</p>
We also met up with Taipei American School, the competitor in 2013 Igem High School. During gathering, we shared our ideas and viewpoints to each project and had great time.</p>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/Human%201.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption>Meeting with other college groups</figcaption>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/Human%204.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption>Meeting with high school students</figcaption>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/Human%202.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption>Meeting with Taipei American School</figcaption>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:120%;color:gray;">Speeches</h5>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/Human%205.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption>At National Taiwan University-School of Mecidine</figcaption>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/Human%203.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption>At Crosspoint</figcaption>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/ASCC.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption>At Academia Sinica Consulting Club</figcaption>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:120%;color:gray;">Competition</h5>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">
<strong>In order to</strong> make our Igem PKEK gene circuit more practical, we combined commercial competition with our PKEK project. We wanted to use the synthetic biology to produce huge amounts of medical peptides, which have high value and can make contribution to people all over the world. Therefore, we participated the China Innovation & Entrepreneurship competition. Luckily we passed the preliminary round and semi-final round contests. In the competition, we delivered the precise synthetic biology concept to the audience and the judges. Let everyone knew how synthetic biology works. </p>
<figure style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/Human6.jpg" width="600px">
<figcaption >Attending start-up competition in Canton, China</figcaption>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:120%;color:gray;">Lecture/Course</h5>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">To achieve this goal, various speeches and activities are held for the communities to understand the field of synthetic biology.</p>
<strong>Flipped Classroom</strong>
<p>iGEM is the premiere undergraduate Synthetic Biology competition. Students have changes to design their own biological systems and operate them in living cells. This project design and competition format is an exceptionally motivating and effective teaching method. Pro. Yen-Rong Chen, the leader of our lab, built up a brand-new education method in our school.</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:100px" id="media">The course are named” Project Design and Practice of biochemistry”. Through numerous training, we have develop our capability from creativity, management practice, team building and independent thinking that we can hardly learn from general classes. Also, cooperation across business and academic was take into concerned.</p>
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9">Lecture</h4></p>
iGEM leads the way with this idea; allowing for undergraduate students to work in groups on projects that have potentially applications that will benefit the lives of people everywhere.</p>
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9">Speech and Publican</h4></p>
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee">Media and Publicans</h4>
To achieve this goal, various speeches and activities are held for the communities to understand the field of synthetic biology. For example, we have held a campus for 3 high schools in Taipei, and discuss about our idea with Taipei American School.
<strong>Our members</strong> wrote special columns at blogs and Facebook fan page, and leading TNL (The News Lens) to notice our team. During interview, we talk our projects and ideas. To our happiness, we successfully attract the public and biotech companies. We believe that synthetic biology represents a convergence of advances in chemistry, biology, computer science, and many more. Experts in these fields should work together to create reusable, systematic methods for supreme boundary. The concept of synthetic biology should be deep planting in everyone’s heart. Here we list some journals that carried our articles:</p>
In addition, we also publish several articles in many blogs and our fan page in Facebook. Fortunately, we are interviewed by the press named TNL and it successfully attract the public and biotech companies focus on us. We are hoping to see a group of biologists focusing more on the applications of biology research as well as interdisciplinary research collaboration.<p>
<a href=""><img src="images/connectome.jpg" width="300px"></a></p>
<p><b>-Taiwan Medical Students Research Communication</b></p>
<a href=""><img src="images/Taiwan%20medical.jpg" width="300px"></a></p>
<a href=""><img src="images/investigator.JPG" width="300px"></a></p>
<p><b>-The News Lens</b></p>
<a href=""><img src="images/the%20new%20lens.png" width="300px" style="padding-bottom:100px" id="conference"></a></p>
<li >
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee" >Conference and Discussions</h4></p>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:120%;color:gray;">Conference</h5>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">
    From multiple discussions and conference, we received different perspectives to our project and also, had chances to improve ourselves.
<p><b>-2014 International Genetically Engineered Machine Conference, host by National Chiao-Tung University.</b></p>
<img src="images/cc%20conference.jpg" width="600px" style="padding-bottom:30px">
<a href=""><img src="images/chiao.jpg" width="200px"></a></p>
<p><b>-China Medical University, Taiwan</b></p>
<img src="images/china%20conference.jpg" width="600px" style="padding-bottom:30px">
<a href=""><img src="images/china%20medical.jpg" width="200px"></a></p>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:120%;color:gray;">Discussions</h5>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">
<strong>Through</strong> the course “Project Design and Practice of biochemistry”, we enjoy debating on our project to make it comprehensive.
<p style="padding-bottom:30px">We also seek ideas from different domain. Pro. Su Nan-Wei , the authority in lipid chemistry gave us several insights. Pro. Yang Chao-Hsun  and Jiang Hong-Ren  also inspire us a lot.</p>
    <img src="images/class.png" width="600px" style="padding-bottom:100px" id="social">
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9">Seminar</h4></p>
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee" >Social Justice</h4></p>
1. National Chiao Tung University</p>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;"><strong>"Social justice" </strong> is generally used to refer to a set of institutions which will enable people to lead a fulfilling life and be active contributors to their community. IGEM competition is a great way to learn skills necessary to make a startup. While undertaking our project, we were trapped in the bottleneck - capital shortage. It is a general phenomenon in Taiwan, not only to students, but to all the scholarship. People only care about the interest of result, but ignore all the effort and resource it should pay during development. </p>
2. China Medical University, Taiwan</p>
We were motivated by a simple desire: the innovations in scientific research should be valued. We grasp every opportunities to express the idea, from contributions to ambushing outside the room of international conference room, we tried to raise the attention of audience to face this problem.</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:100px" id="sponsor">There has been some changes, but still there’s a long way to go. Positive feedbacks from audience gave us confidence to keep moving on.
<li >
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee">Sponsors</h4></p>
<p><b>-ApexBio Biotech</b></p>
<a href=""><img src="images/Apex.jpg" width="300px"></a></p>
<p><b>-LIHPOA Life Science</b></p>
<a href=""><img src="images/LiH.jpg" width="300px" style="padding-bottom:100px" id="collaboration"></a></p>
<h4 style="color:#00A0E9">Funding</h4>
      <h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee">Collaboration</h4></p>
      <p><b>-National Yang-Ming University</b></p>
<a href=""><img src="images/Ymedulogo.jpg" width="200px"></a></p>
<h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;"><strong>We</strong> help registered iGEM team-National Yang-Ming University improve their project by debugging their construct, modeling their system through system we composed and testing result. Several meeting were held to communicate in both directions.</h5>
<h4 style="color:gray">
  Function of signal protein YebF</h4>
    <h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">
    <strong style="font-size:110%">Purpose:</strong></p>
Testing if the signal sequence before the coding product can successfully work, bring the protein outside of the cell.</p>
      <strong>[Notice]</strong>Before reading further details, please notice that we have named these circuits with three symbols:</p>
Comp=competent cell</p>
<strong style="font-size:110%">Method:</strong></p>
<p style="padding-bottom:10px">1. Three E.coli strains is cultured overnight in 15mL LB medium respectively in 15ml centrifuge tube and incubate in 37C overnight. </p>
2. Adjusting all of the culture to an OD value of 0.6, and add 1ml of each into flasks containing 80ml LB.</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:30px">3.Put all of them into 37C incubator and start the measurement.</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:30px">
For each sample : LB, competent cell, J23100, and J+Y+R+B,</p>
And do quadruplication for each of them every certain time interval.
<strong style="font-size:110%">Result:</strong></p>
<img src="images/yang%20ming%201.png" width="600px" style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/yang%20ming%202.jpg" width="600px" style="padding-bottom:30px">
<img src="images/yang%20ming%203.jpg" width="600px" style="padding-bottom:30px">
<h2 style="padding-bottom:100px"><a href="">WIKI Links</a></h2>
  <h4 style="color:#00A0E9;background-color:#eeeeee">Special Thanks</h4></p>
  <h5 style="line-height:1.4em;font-size:110%;">
Shen, Yan-Shi, Chairman of ApexBio Taiwan</p>
Zhang, Dang-Mu, District Chief of Wugu District, New Taipei City</p>
Wu, Bao-Tian, Chairman of LIH PAO </p>
Wu, Hong-Tai, CEO of LIH PAO Life Science</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:20px">Tang, Jian-Xiang, Director of LIH PAO Life Science</p>
Yang, Pan-Chyr, President of National Taiwan University</p>
Chen, Liang-Gee, Vice President of National Taiwan University</p>
Huang, Ching-Tsan, Chairman of Biochemical Science and Technology Department, NTU</p>
Jiang, Hong-Ren, Professor of NTU</p>
Chen, Yan-Rong, Professor of NTU</p>
Li, Kun-Da, Professor of NTU</p>
Guo, Ming-Liang, The Dean of Life Science College of NTU</p>
Chi, Shau-Chi, Professor of NTU</p>
Kao, Yeong-Chuan, Professor of NTU</p>
Li, Xin-Hong, postgraduate of Biochemical Science and Technology of NTU</p>
Tseng, Kuo-Chang, postgraduate of Biochemical Science and Technology of NTU</p>
Wen, Chieh-Ning, postgraduate of Biochemical Science and Technology of NTU</p>
Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, NTU</P>
Department of Chemistry, NTU</p>
Department of Electrical Engineering, NTU</p>
Department of Pharmacy, NTU</p>
Department of Medicine, NTU</p>
Department of Dentistry, NTU</p>
Department of Life Science, NTU</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:20px">Department of Agricultural Chemistry, NTU</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:20px">Chen, Wen-Liang, Professor of NCTU</P>
<b>High Schools</b></p>
Taipei Jianguo High School</p>
Taipei First Girls High School</p>
Taipei Chenggong High School</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:20px">Taipei American School</p>
Chen, Chih-Yu, Journalist of Udn</p>
Ark Yeh, Columnist</p>
<p style="padding-bottom:20px">Tsai, Shang-Hua, Anchor of CTS</p>
iGEM 2013</p>
iGEM 2012</p>
The News Lens</P>
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Revision as of 21:44, 17 October 2014


IGEM_Taida strives for elevating awareness on issues regarding synthetic biology.

We provide

student community, biotech companies and social media information about the latest in the research area of synthetic biology to help these communities make informed and fact-based opinions.

We strengthen

the bridge between communities and their knowledge of synthetic biology while eliminating misconceptions regarding synthetic biology.
  • Public Outreach

    New generations

    iGEM leads the way with this conviction: allowing for undergraduate students to work in groups on projects that have potentially applications that will benefit the lives of people everywhere.

    Besides colleges, we also conduct vigorous propaganda in high school. We had held campuses for 3 high schools in Taipei for one reason: we want to inspire people.

    We also met up with Taipei American School, the competitor in 2013 Igem High School. During gathering, we shared our ideas and viewpoints to each project and had great time.

    Meeting with other college groups

    Meeting with high school students
    Meeting with Taipei American School

    At National Taiwan University-School of Mecidine

    At Crosspoint

    At Academia Sinica Consulting Club
    In order to make our Igem PKEK gene circuit more practical, we combined commercial competition with our PKEK project. We wanted to use the synthetic biology to produce huge amounts of medical peptides, which have high value and can make contribution to people all over the world. Therefore, we participated the China Innovation & Entrepreneurship competition. Luckily we passed the preliminary round and semi-final round contests. In the competition, we delivered the precise synthetic biology concept to the audience and the judges. Let everyone knew how synthetic biology works.

    Attending start-up competition in Canton, China
    To achieve this goal, various speeches and activities are held for the communities to understand the field of synthetic biology.

    Flipped Classroom

    iGEM is the premiere undergraduate Synthetic Biology competition. Students have changes to design their own biological systems and operate them in living cells. This project design and competition format is an exceptionally motivating and effective teaching method. Pro. Yen-Rong Chen, the leader of our lab, built up a brand-new education method in our school.

    The course are named” Project Design and Practice of biochemistry”. Through numerous training, we have develop our capability from creativity, management practice, team building and independent thinking that we can hardly learn from general classes. Also, cooperation across business and academic was take into concerned.

  • Media and Publicans

    Our members wrote special columns at blogs and Facebook fan page, and leading TNL (The News Lens) to notice our team. During interview, we talk our projects and ideas. To our happiness, we successfully attract the public and biotech companies. We believe that synthetic biology represents a convergence of advances in chemistry, biology, computer science, and many more. Experts in these fields should work together to create reusable, systematic methods for supreme boundary. The concept of synthetic biology should be deep planting in everyone’s heart. Here we list some journals that carried our articles:


    -Taiwan Medical Students Research Communication


    -The News Lens

  • Conference and Discussions

    From multiple discussions and conference, we received different perspectives to our project and also, had chances to improve ourselves.

    -2014 International Genetically Engineered Machine Conference, host by National Chiao-Tung University.

    -China Medical University, Taiwan

  • Discussions
    Through the course “Project Design and Practice of biochemistry”, we enjoy debating on our project to make it comprehensive.

    We also seek ideas from different domain. Pro. Su Nan-Wei , the authority in lipid chemistry gave us several insights. Pro. Yang Chao-Hsun and Jiang Hong-Ren also inspire us a lot.

  • Social Justice

    "Social justice" is generally used to refer to a set of institutions which will enable people to lead a fulfilling life and be active contributors to their community. IGEM competition is a great way to learn skills necessary to make a startup. While undertaking our project, we were trapped in the bottleneck - capital shortage. It is a general phenomenon in Taiwan, not only to students, but to all the scholarship. People only care about the interest of result, but ignore all the effort and resource it should pay during development.

    We were motivated by a simple desire: the innovations in scientific research should be valued. We grasp every opportunities to express the idea, from contributions to ambushing outside the room of international conference room, we tried to raise the attention of audience to face this problem.

  • Sponsors

    -ApexBio Biotech

    -LIHPOA Life Science

  • Collaboration

    -National Yang-Ming University

    We help registered iGEM team-National Yang-Ming University improve their project by debugging their construct, modeling their system through system we composed and testing result. Several meeting were held to communicate in both directions.

    Function of signal protein YebF


    Testing if the signal sequence before the coding product can successfully work, bring the protein outside of the cell.

    [Notice]Before reading further details, please notice that we have named these circuits with three symbols:

    Comp=competent cell




    1. Three E.coli strains is cultured overnight in 15mL LB medium respectively in 15ml centrifuge tube and incubate in 37C overnight.

    2. Adjusting all of the culture to an OD value of 0.6, and add 1ml of each into flasks containing 80ml LB.

    3.Put all of them into 37C incubator and start the measurement.


    For each sample : LB, competent cell, J23100, and J+Y+R+B,

    And do quadruplication for each of them every certain time interval.


    WIKI Links

  • Special Thanks


    Shen, Yan-Shi, Chairman of ApexBio Taiwan

    Zhang, Dang-Mu, District Chief of Wugu District, New Taipei City

    Wu, Bao-Tian, Chairman of LIH PAO

    Wu, Hong-Tai, CEO of LIH PAO Life Science

    Tang, Jian-Xiang, Director of LIH PAO Life Science


    Yang, Pan-Chyr, President of National Taiwan University

    Chen, Liang-Gee, Vice President of National Taiwan University

    Huang, Ching-Tsan, Chairman of Biochemical Science and Technology Department, NTU

    Jiang, Hong-Ren, Professor of NTU

    Chen, Yan-Rong, Professor of NTU

    Li, Kun-Da, Professor of NTU

    Guo, Ming-Liang, The Dean of Life Science College of NTU

    Chi, Shau-Chi, Professor of NTU

    Kao, Yeong-Chuan, Professor of NTU

    Li, Xin-Hong, postgraduate of Biochemical Science and Technology of NTU

    Tseng, Kuo-Chang, postgraduate of Biochemical Science and Technology of NTU

    Wen, Chieh-Ning, postgraduate of Biochemical Science and Technology of NTU

    Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, NTU

    Department of Chemistry, NTU

    Department of Electrical Engineering, NTU

    Department of Pharmacy, NTU

    Department of Medicine, NTU

    Department of Dentistry, NTU

    Department of Life Science, NTU

    Department of Agricultural Chemistry, NTU


    Chen, Wen-Liang, Professor of NCTU

    High Schools

    Taipei Jianguo High School

    Taipei First Girls High School

    Taipei Chenggong High School

    Taipei American School


    Chen, Chih-Yu, Journalist of Udn

    Ark Yeh, Columnist

    Tsai, Shang-Hua, Anchor of CTS


    iGEM 2013

    iGEM 2012








    The News Lens

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