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Each of our three planned experiments for determining our effectiveness at re-regulating BACE1/BACE2 expression relied on successful transfection of our vectors into HEK293. Unfortunately, continual struggles with low transfection efficiency precluded us from performing any of our intended experiments. Analysis of our transfected HEK293 cultures with flow cytometry revealed very low numbers of live cells, suggesting that something had gone awry in the transfection protocol, in the quality of our vector constructs, or in our FACS preparation process. In any case, the lack of usable HEK293 meant we had no samples on which to perform any of our three intended experiments. This is an issue we hope to resolve soon so that we can make meaningful conclusions about the success of the Treatment module.<br />
Each of our three planned experiments for determining our effectiveness at re-regulating BACE1/BACE2 expression relied on successful transfection of our vectors into HEK293. Unfortunately, continual struggles with low transfection efficiency precluded us from performing any of our intended experiments. Analysis of our transfected HEK293 cultures with flow cytometry revealed very low numbers of live cells, suggesting that something had gone awry in the transfection protocol, in the quality of our vector constructs, or in our FACS preparation process. In any case, the lack of usable HEK293 meant we had no samples on which to perform any of our three intended experiments. This is an issue we hope to resolve soon so that we can make meaningful conclusions about the success of the Treatment module.<br />
Duis egestas lorem elit, eu suscipit lacus lacinia eget. Vivamus ultrices aliquet justo a consequat. Sed turpis quam, posuere ut interdum sed, rutrum a turpis. Nam malesuada eu dui at ultrices. Etiam mollis bibendum erat sit amet ultrices. Proin id tellus tellus. Fusce ultricies aliquam consequat.<br />
Duis vel massa ac justo tempus eleifend. Vestibulum pulvinar eu orci at consequat. Quisque ultrices mi vel porta finibus. Nunc luctus porttitor felis id blandit. Integer id enim et orci dapibus finibus et in mauris. Donec tortor dolor, viverra vitae mi ac, mattis gravida nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque ac metus in tortor tincidunt laoreet. Nullam fermentum porta porta. Praesent pharetra sem non purus mollis pulvinar. Donec posuere orci id orci elementum, vel eleifend lorem vehicula. In pharetra mauris risus, vel iaculis eros gravida sit amet. Donec eu cursus quam. Morbi nisi odio, ullamcorper at dolor et, facilisis feugiat diam. Sed et ante luctus, condimentum nunc nec, ullamcorper enim. Nunc faucibus massa tincidunt ipsum varius egestas.<br />
In tincidunt ante sed erat mollis sagittis a pulvinar sem. Quisque ac scelerisque ex. Vestibulum in turpis vel quam malesuada hendrerit. Suspendisse finibus sem tortor, vel convallis velit vehicula at. Duis tincidunt aliquet quam eget malesuada. Nulla vitae euismod erat. Sed ullamcorper molestie augue cursus suscipit. Vestibulum varius mollis purus, vitae posuere nisi egestas nec. Cras placerat molestie velit, tristique elementum erat. Duis non sagittis mi. Nunc tempus consectetur vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus imperdiet semper suscipit. Duis a leo quis mauris facilisis ornare id nec erat. Proin vitae metus hendrerit, gravida risus non, finibus velit. Maecenas consequat nisi quis nisi mollis, sed porta nisl tempor.<br />
Ut molestie viverra nulla tincidunt egestas. Ut in lacinia nulla. Duis aliquet, est ut tempor interdum, libero lorem maximus dolor, vitae pulvinar purus nunc ut est. Sed at risus consequat, commodo purus sed, pellentesque turpis. Sed fringilla lorem felis, id tincidunt nunc porta vitae. Aliquam laoreet magna at magna vestibulum, fermentum tempor lacus aliquet. Sed diam nisi, sollicitudin in rhoncus vel, interdum molestie orci. Proin sit amet erat sem. Donec at lacinia felis, non aliquam nisl. Curabitur risus mauris, viverra a scelerisque id, vulputate nec magna. <br />
<h2>Experiments</h2><a name="experiments" ></a>
<h2>Experiments</h2><a name="experiments" ></a>
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Suspendisse luctus lobortis feugiat. Aenean vel velit rhoncus, molestie tellus non, egestas nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam eleifend tortor eget tincidunt semper. Suspendisse porttitor mollis ullamcorper. Maecenas commodo ante nec diam rhoncus tristique. Ut varius leo a libero cursus posuere. Duis consectetur metus tincidunt mauris dictum venenatis. Maecenas sit amet urna elementum, tristique justo sed, eleifend ex. Fusce nec volutpat ligula, id venenatis ligula. Fusce in hendrerit tellus. Nam eu rutrum orci. Morbi ac augue vitae sapien varius posuere. Suspendisse sit amet odio est. Pellentesque rutrum, purus a faucibus dictum, magna libero iaculis odio, in dapibus nisl lacus sed tellus. Integer faucibus risus dolor, in blandit est interdum ut.
The Treatment module is actuated upon release of transcription factor rtTA, initiating a two-part response. The first of these two responses is transcriptional up-regulation of an exogenously delivered vector expressing the Bace2 protease. Bace2 recognizes cleavage sites within Aβ and so is thought to be a potentially effective therapeutic for degrading plaques.  
The second response activated by the release of rtTA is transcriptional expression of a miRNA targeted specifically to BACE1. We constructed four independent miRNA-generating vectors, each targeted to a different region of the BACE1 mRNA sequence. The benefit of having multiple unique miRNA’s is the ability to test the relative efficacy of each at down-regulating BACE1 translational expression. Predicting an effective miRNA depends on a variety of factors ranging from the sequence of bases that flank the guide region, to the degree of complementarity between the miRNA and its target, to the region of the target that the miRNA binds.  
Quisque volutpat gravida bibendum. Nullam fringilla magna nisl. Phasellus pulvinar lacus velit, ac bibendum est vehicula vitae. Duis porta nec nisi in molestie. Phasellus id sem fermentum turpis finibus condimentum. Etiam semper semper ligula, in ornare odio congue et. Proin accumsan est sed vulputate blandit.
To test our miRNA’s effectiveness at down-regulating BACE1 expression we transfected separate HEK293 cultures with either (1) BACE1 under constitutive expression by the Hef1a promoter or (2) with BACE1 under constitutive expression by the Hef1a promoter and with a miRNA-generating vector inducibly regulated by the TRE promoter. We performed these transfections in duplicate—once with native BACE1, and then once with eYFP-tagged BACE1. There were two variants of this eYFP-tagged BACE1 construct—one with eYFP linked to the N-terminus of Bace1 and another with eYFP on the C-terminus. We created these two variants after considering the possibility that linking eYFP to either terminus of Bace1 might interfere with the peptide’s native structure or function.  
After transfection and Doxycycline-induction of our miRNA-generating vectors, we used flow cytometry to verify that the miRNA-generating vectors were being expressed. Proper splicing of the mature miRNA out of the expression vector leaves an intact mKate coding sequence in the vector, so emission of red fluorescence from our transfected HEK293 indicates proper miRNA processing.
Morbi aliquet lacus eros, condimentum vulputate lectus blandit vel. Morbi ac nibh a elit placerat convallis. Curabitur finibus nibh at diam aliquet, vel consequat turpis ullamcorper. Proin suscipit malesuada quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi posuere hendrerit ipsum, nec porta nisl sollicitudin vitae. In justo urna, hendrerit quis quam in, tempus ultricies velit. Fusce hendrerit, diam nec sodales dignissim, tortor nulla cursus massa, sed pharetra lacus magna at sapien. Praesent euismod sodales felis ut efficitur. Praesent lacinia, felis non efficitur condimentum, arcu dui mollis orci, non placerat libero ipsum eu leo. Ut cursus imperdiet nisi at aliquam. Sed leo tortor, blandit sed mattis sit amet, semper a erat. Donec consectetur velit id arcu viverra, a faucibus neque efficitur. Vestibulum ullamcorper elit arcu, id elementum nisi dignissim in. Etiam gravida nibh at neque elementum, id semper nisi pharetra. Integer quis ante non elit porta efficitur.
Following confirmation of successful miRNA expression, we planned three experiments to assay the change in BACE1 expression by miRNA’s. The first experiment was based on Anaspec’s SensoLyte 520 β-Secretase Assay Kit. This commercial kit uses a FRET-based technique wherein biological samples are mixed with a proprietary solution containing a BACE1 mimic substrate. One terminal of this mimic substrate is conjugated to a fluorophore and the other terminal is conjugated to a fluorescence quencher. So proteolytic Bace1 activity causes cleavage of the proprietary substrate, which increases fluorescence due to separation of the fluorophore from the quencher. Relative Bace1 activity in biological samples can be assayed by measuring the intensity of the fluorophore emission and comparing to a standard curve.  
The second planned experiment involved the previously mentioned eYFP-tagged Bace1 construct. Comparison of yellow fluorescence in miRNA-transfected versus miRNA-untransfected HEK293 would offer evidence as to whether BACE1 expression increases or decreases under the regulation of our miRNA’s. Furthermore, microscopy would allow us to visualize where Bace1 localizes in the cell.  
Vestibulum viverra et orci volutpat ornare. Sed tincidunt in nisi ut consectetur. Nullam lacinia sed nisl vel vestibulum. Duis non dui id odio tincidunt laoreet. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris ut ligula nunc. Suspendisse tristique, metus id pharetra placerat, tellus ante convallis ligula, eu placerat dui orci quis purus.
Our third intended experiment was RT-PCR. We planned to isolate bulk RNA from the transfected HEK293, perform cDNA synthesis on the isolated RNA, and then use quantitative RT-PCR to determine the relative amount of Bace1 mRNA in miRNA-transfected versus miRNA-untransfected HEK293 to determine the efficacy of our miRNA’s in targeting BACE1 mRNA for degradation.  
Our experiments to test our effectiveness at inducibly up-regulating BACE2 expression relied essentially on the same assays for BACE1: an Anaspec FRET assay; measurement of fluorescence from the YFP-tagged transfections; and RT-PCR. The one important difference between the BACE1 and BACE2 experiments was only that the BACE2 experiment required a simpler initial transfection. We transfected two cultures of HEK293 with either (1) a vector inducibly expressing BACE2 under control of the TRE promoter or (2) with a vector inducibly expressing BACE2 under control of a TRE promoter and with a vector constitutively expressing the rtTA transcription factor. So by comparing the amount of BACE2 expression in the induced versus un-induced transfection samples, we could determine our effectiveness at up-regulating BACE2 expression.  
Aliquam accumsan massa vitae ex iaculis, quis cursus arcu blandit. Sed mauris libero, pharetra sed nulla et, rhoncus euismod risus. Duis ullamcorper ut elit molestie consectetur. Nunc at sapien id lacus semper eleifend. Duis in fermentum odio. Suspendisse venenatis venenatis molestie. Fusce iaculis ante a aliquam bibendum. Duis erat quam, viverra id urna nec, malesuada vulputate augue. Duis vel aliquam lorem, a porta massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut ipsum dui, iaculis id vehicula non, dictum nec ipsum. Cras sit amet erat eleifend, euismod nibh ut, viverra dolor. Duis vehicula semper quam ut laoreet. Vivamus tempor felis sed mi blandit lacinia.  
<h2>Parts</h2><a name="parts" ></a>
<h2>Parts</h2><a name="parts" ></a>

Revision as of 19:30, 17 October 2014


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Treatment Module

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Each of our three planned experiments for determining our effectiveness at re-regulating BACE1/BACE2 expression relied on successful transfection of our vectors into HEK293. Unfortunately, continual struggles with low transfection efficiency precluded us from performing any of our intended experiments. Analysis of our transfected HEK293 cultures with flow cytometry revealed very low numbers of live cells, suggesting that something had gone awry in the transfection protocol, in the quality of our vector constructs, or in our FACS preparation process. In any case, the lack of usable HEK293 meant we had no samples on which to perform any of our three intended experiments. This is an issue we hope to resolve soon so that we can make meaningful conclusions about the success of the Treatment module.


The Treatment module is actuated upon release of transcription factor rtTA, initiating a two-part response. The first of these two responses is transcriptional up-regulation of an exogenously delivered vector expressing the Bace2 protease. Bace2 recognizes cleavage sites within Aβ and so is thought to be a potentially effective therapeutic for degrading plaques. The second response activated by the release of rtTA is transcriptional expression of a miRNA targeted specifically to BACE1. We constructed four independent miRNA-generating vectors, each targeted to a different region of the BACE1 mRNA sequence. The benefit of having multiple unique miRNA’s is the ability to test the relative efficacy of each at down-regulating BACE1 translational expression. Predicting an effective miRNA depends on a variety of factors ranging from the sequence of bases that flank the guide region, to the degree of complementarity between the miRNA and its target, to the region of the target that the miRNA binds. To test our miRNA’s effectiveness at down-regulating BACE1 expression we transfected separate HEK293 cultures with either (1) BACE1 under constitutive expression by the Hef1a promoter or (2) with BACE1 under constitutive expression by the Hef1a promoter and with a miRNA-generating vector inducibly regulated by the TRE promoter. We performed these transfections in duplicate—once with native BACE1, and then once with eYFP-tagged BACE1. There were two variants of this eYFP-tagged BACE1 construct—one with eYFP linked to the N-terminus of Bace1 and another with eYFP on the C-terminus. We created these two variants after considering the possibility that linking eYFP to either terminus of Bace1 might interfere with the peptide’s native structure or function. After transfection and Doxycycline-induction of our miRNA-generating vectors, we used flow cytometry to verify that the miRNA-generating vectors were being expressed. Proper splicing of the mature miRNA out of the expression vector leaves an intact mKate coding sequence in the vector, so emission of red fluorescence from our transfected HEK293 indicates proper miRNA processing. Following confirmation of successful miRNA expression, we planned three experiments to assay the change in BACE1 expression by miRNA’s. The first experiment was based on Anaspec’s SensoLyte 520 β-Secretase Assay Kit. This commercial kit uses a FRET-based technique wherein biological samples are mixed with a proprietary solution containing a BACE1 mimic substrate. One terminal of this mimic substrate is conjugated to a fluorophore and the other terminal is conjugated to a fluorescence quencher. So proteolytic Bace1 activity causes cleavage of the proprietary substrate, which increases fluorescence due to separation of the fluorophore from the quencher. Relative Bace1 activity in biological samples can be assayed by measuring the intensity of the fluorophore emission and comparing to a standard curve. The second planned experiment involved the previously mentioned eYFP-tagged Bace1 construct. Comparison of yellow fluorescence in miRNA-transfected versus miRNA-untransfected HEK293 would offer evidence as to whether BACE1 expression increases or decreases under the regulation of our miRNA’s. Furthermore, microscopy would allow us to visualize where Bace1 localizes in the cell. Our third intended experiment was RT-PCR. We planned to isolate bulk RNA from the transfected HEK293, perform cDNA synthesis on the isolated RNA, and then use quantitative RT-PCR to determine the relative amount of Bace1 mRNA in miRNA-transfected versus miRNA-untransfected HEK293 to determine the efficacy of our miRNA’s in targeting BACE1 mRNA for degradation. Our experiments to test our effectiveness at inducibly up-regulating BACE2 expression relied essentially on the same assays for BACE1: an Anaspec FRET assay; measurement of fluorescence from the YFP-tagged transfections; and RT-PCR. The one important difference between the BACE1 and BACE2 experiments was only that the BACE2 experiment required a simpler initial transfection. We transfected two cultures of HEK293 with either (1) a vector inducibly expressing BACE2 under control of the TRE promoter or (2) with a vector inducibly expressing BACE2 under control of a TRE promoter and with a vector constitutively expressing the rtTA transcription factor. So by comparing the amount of BACE2 expression in the induced versus un-induced transfection samples, we could determine our effectiveness at up-regulating BACE2 expression.


Suspendisse ornare turpis vitae quam ultrices, in interdum nunc fringilla. Donec volutpat leo justo, in vestibulum quam dictum vel. Fusce cursus elit non lacus rutrum porttitor. In enim odio, tincidunt ut facilisis ac, convallis non nisl. Nunc semper lorem nulla, et imperdiet mi faucibus ut. Mauris fermentum, ex in faucibus accumsan, lectus augue ornare tortor, id mattis massa felis et felis. Sed imperdiet dictum nibh at pellentesque. Donec et tincidunt orci, sit amet lobortis enim. Pellentesque facilisis semper eleifend. Cras varius ut nisl vel aliquet. Fusce mattis mollis ligula. Morbi elementum ac tortor at auctor. In scelerisque, mauris ac condimentum tristique, tortor sem porta dui, aliquet aliquam erat magna eget tortor. Vestibulum non nibh mauris. Pellentesque nibh eros, semper eu erat ac, ornare lobortis orci. Etiam eget ultrices elit, nec faucibus erat. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce enim libero, luctus id condimentum eget, venenatis vitae augue. Aenean pellentesque tempor lectus, et ultricies augue varius sit amet. Sed imperdiet congue diam, quis fringilla magna porttitor at. Mauris pellentesque tincidunt nisi a lobortis. Sed eget fringilla dui, ut ultrices enim. Maecenas pulvinar dictum tristique. Suspendisse sodales condimentum egestas. Integer at felis nulla. Curabitur dignissim interdum justo non varius. Fusce finibus lacus at tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque ullamcorper dictum blandit. Integer in porttitor nunc. Aliquam sodales ac velit id egestas. Phasellus mauris mauris, consectetur eget est sit amet, mollis rutrum eros. Etiam in risus id tellus dapibus lobortis posuere vitae risus. Sed vel justo sem. Proin eu tellus finibus, egestas nisl sed, aliquam tellus. Proin pretium lorem ultrices tincidunt gravida. Sed dolor urna, semper in fringilla a, rutrum sed quam. Sed pretium sapien enim, at dictum sapien dapibus a. Aenean a imperdiet turpis, eu lobortis eros. Praesent convallis, leo vitae consectetur vehicula, arcu odio tincidunt sem, eget venenatis mi purus vitae erat. Praesent non urna commodo, imperdiet ex quis, luctus diam. Pellentesque semper quam vel felis commodo semper. Sed vel elit sed urna tempus mollis vel vitae metus. Vivamus id tellus ligula. Duis eget auctor diam. Maecenas et libero at leo sodales congue. Pellentesque at dui quis arcu hendrerit dignissim vel quis dui. Curabitur finibus, ante vel tristique volutpat, lacus arcu varius purus, ut eleifend diam nunc sed est. Phasellus sed fringilla justo. Etiam venenatis rutrum lorem, dignissim dignissim odio egestas in. Duis tempor ultricies porttitor. In vitae hendrerit est. Sed id dolor nec ante maximus vestibulum nec vel velit. Curabitur pellentesque varius dui sed sagittis. Praesent vitae enim id arcu dictum imperdiet in a libero. Morbi sit amet risus quis lectus vestibulum hendrerit. Etiam non consectetur justo, quis tincidunt ex. Nam varius arcu at quam blandit elementum. Nam sit amet odio a ante tristique molestie nec a turpis. Phasellus mi lorem, venenatis feugiat dignissim quis, gravida vitae nibh. Aliquam sodales ex enim, fringilla finibus ipsum tincidunt in. Donec felis tortor, auctor sit amet luctus non, mattis vitae dui.