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Revision as of 14:27, 17 October 2014


Team Nevada

The BAITswitch

The Bioorthoginal Auxin Induceable Trigger Switch
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Duis lorem mauris, facilisis nec tempus ut, volutpat nec nulla. Nam pretium eros nibh, vel pretium eros tempor eget. Praesent laoreet facilisis molestie. Praesent lobortis ultrices sapien ut vestibulum. Aliquam molestie luctus mauris nec tincidunt. Sed posuere non sem a malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu augue non justo elementum luctus nec quis eros. Cras commodo, nisi nec cursus adipiscing, augue magna varius arcu, eget gravida ante odio eu velit. Maecenas sagittis egestas elit sed interdum. Nulla molestie nec tellus sed rhoncus.


Future Predictions

As seen above, we predict that when auxin is added to a yeast strain that contains Tir1 and IAA-tagged GFP, we will see the amount of GFP to rapidly decrease. With this in mind, it is possible that we will not see the amount of GFP decrease in the system that contains Coi1 and the IAAtagged GFP. Furthermore, predict that with varying amounts of Auxin added to the appropriate system, we will also see a difference in the amount of GFP degraded within time. As we add higher amounts of Auxin to a yeast strain that contains Tir1 and IAA-tagged GFP, we will see the amount of GFP decrease even more rapidly. Furthermore, the system can work in parallel with the Coronatine system. Here when Coronatine is added to a system containing Tir1 and the IAA-tagged GFP, we should see the same effects of as the Auxin system.