The Team



Aleksandra Bartosik

I am studying biotechnology and chemistry at the College of Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Science. I'm fascinated by biomimicry, immunobiology, mechanisms of bacterial multi-drug resistance and ABC-transporters. In my spare time I dive, travel across Northern Europe and talk about graphics with my best friend. I am the 2nd Team Leader and this year beside of working in the lab I take care of the Human Practice.


Magdalena Górka

I study biotechnology and chemistry at the College of Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Science at University of Warsaw.
I am mostly interested in human genetics and medical biotechnology but I don't remain indifferent to other fields of science.
In my free time, I like reading books, swimming and traveling.


Ela Gralińska

Currently I study Biotechnology at TU Berlin. Besides biological engineering, I'm particularly fascinated with otters thanks to which my adventure with biology has begun. In my freetime I play badminton.


Mieszko Majka

I'm a sophomore student of chemistry & biotechnology at the College of Interfaculty Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (a.k.a. Kolegium MISMaP). My scientific interests entail biological chemistry (mostly chemistry of nucleic acids and proteins), bits of neurochemistry, molecular biology of nucleic acids and synthetic biology (mostly fantasizing how to combine fancy natural stuff as proteins, RNAs, etc. into systems that would serve whatever purpose I have on my mind at the given time). Outside the lab, I do enjoy a good bike trip, some ballroom dancing or teaching people... whatever they want to learn and I can provide, so it's usually English or chemistry. During this year's iGEM, I try to blow up the lab every other day (i.e. I'm a wetlab worker) but parallely, I help make sure that everything flows smoothly enough to prevent others from doing so (mostly by telling people when to come to the lab and when not & mundane stuff like this, really).


Rafał Meysztowicz

I'm studying Physics and Mathematics at College of Inter-Faculty Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. I'm fascinated with their application on other fields like Biology, Economics and in everyday life. I'm also a music producer. In free time I like to play sports, read books and watch movies.


Paulina Osiadacz

My name is Paulina Osiadacz. I study biotechnology in the second years in the Department in the Biology in the University of Warsaw. I always interesting how to work the all body, but in particular at the level of cell. In the free time I try to help people and participate in charitable actions.


Zosia Rudnicka

My name is Zosia Rudnicka. I’m a student of biology and physics at University of Warsaw. I’m interested in genetics and bioinformatics. In my free time I’m reading history and SF books. I love traveling and my dog Daisy.


Anna Saffray-Borowski

I am a second year student at the Faculty of Biology of our university and I am studying biotechnology. I enjoy spending time in the laboratory learning new exciting approaches, methods and facts, that is why I am trying different projects. I have met the World of: plants, bacteria, yeasts, as well as the World of cells, I don't know yet what to choose but I guess at one point I will just know. Apart from my first hobby (science) I enjoy listening to classical music, especially Sergei Rachmaninoff and play the piano.


Agnieszka Samsel

I am studying biotechnology and chemistry at the College of Inter-faculty Individual Studies In Mathematics and Natural Science. I’m fascinated by biotechnology in environmental protection, bioprocess engineering and genetics. In free time I like to travell, search for iteresting places in Warsaw and delve into Kurpie’s history.


Natalia Szulc

I study biotechnology and bioinformatics at College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematicsand Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw. My scientific interests include molecular mechanisms of disease, medicinal chemistry and computer-aided drug design. iGEM allows me to combine my scientific passion with Human Practice and popularization of science. In my free time I go with my friends to the cinema or theatre. I also love reading, travelling and visiting museums of natural history and galleries of fine arts.


Grzegorz Ścibisz

I'm studying chemistry and biotechnology at College of Inter-Faculty Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. My scientific interests contain supramolecular chemistry, synthetic biology and biophysics and self-assembly of proteins. My "non-proffesional" interests are physics, astronomy and reading, not only sci-fi.



Anna Kornakiewicz

I am a young M.D. with interdisciplinary research background and want to contribute to open health and innovation in medicine. I am fascinated with mechanisms and machines - from watches and trains to elucidation of the mechanisms of action of drugs. I' ve discovered that IGEM reflects the way in which I see medicine – as ‘information science and art of healing’ and gives a unique opportunity to merge multiple interest in one clear idea. I want to act also in the area of mobile health, medical startups and healthcare markets design and contribute to gifted and STEM education.


Kamil Koziara

I have MSc in Computer Science and I am studying Biotechnology at the University of Warsaw. I am interested in bioinformatics, molecular biology and bioengineering. I am supporter of open source and in my free time I like to do some diy projects. I love to read.


Małgorzata Maksymowicz

I am studying biology; last year I did my Bachelor thesis on circadian clock in different organisms. Now I'm doing my Masters in the Department of Plant Molecular Ecophysiology. I am mostly interested in plant physiology and molecular biology, though I really like being in the field and finding natural wonders.
When I'm not doing biology, I sing, play a guitar and travel across Poland and around the world.


Piotr Skłodowski

I am student of third year Biology course at University of Warsaw. I am mostly interested in issues concerning molecular biology and genetic engineering. I got involved in iGEM project because it contains many fields of science, which is inseparable in development of modern knowledge. Additionally iGEM has interesting idea itself and aims to help to solve World-scale problems. After classes I like to climb and ride a bike.



Prof. Jacek Bielecki

Education: MSc, University of Warsaw, 1975; PhD, University of Warsaw, 1981; Associated professor, Warsaw University, 1995; Professor at University of Warsaw , 1996; Vice Dean of Faculty of Biology, 1996 - 1999, and 1999-2002  Research interests: Molecular mechanisms of virulence of bacteria Listeria monocytogenes, especially the role of a hemolysin, listeriolysin O (LLO). 


Dr. Łukasz Borowski

Currently I am working as a postdoctoral fellow at The Laboratory of RNA Biology and Functional Genomics, led by Andrzej Dziembowski. My research is mainly focused on RNA biology. So far I have been involved in scientific projects concerning RNA decay in human mitochondria. We have discovered that human mitochondrial RNA degradation mediated by PNPase-hSuv3 complex takes place in distinct foci. Currently my main goal is to identify and characterise different protein complexes involved in RNA metabolism in human cells.

Dr. Takao Ishikawa

Dr. Takao Ishikawa

Born in Tokyo, working and living in Warsaw, I am interested in protein-protein interactions. In my research, I employ in silico modeling of protein complexes and theirs verification by molecular biology methods. I am not only fascinated by life science, but also being in love with popularization of science. Giving lectures for students, teachers, and children give me a lot of fun!

Dr. Radosław_Stachowiak

Dr. Radosław Stachowiak

My adventure with biology dates back to the previous century when I became a biotechnology student at the University of Warsaw. Currently I am a postdoc at the Department of Applied Microbiology. My research concerns molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis and possible applications of bacterial toxins in biotechnology. Apart from research activity I take care of students and guide them through experimental work. Additionally, I am a caretaker of Synthetic Biology Students’ Association and enjoy working with enthusiastic students and being involved in their daring projects.


Marcin Ziemniak

I have graduated from the University of Warsaw (M.S in bioorganic chemistry and B.S in molecular biology). Currently, I am a PhD student at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw . The scientific project in which I am involved is interdisciplinary, hence in my research I employ not only chemical synthesis of modified nucleotides but also a variety of biochemical and biophysical techniques. I am also quite interested in structural biology and nanotechnology. Apart from academia I enjoy travelling, taking photos and sport. I am also an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy. 


Special thanks to prof. Paweł Golik and dr. Katarzyna Tońska from Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, The University of Warsaw for allowing us working in their lab.

We would also like to thank prof. Chuan He and his team from Department of Chemistry and Institute for Biophysical Dynamics, The University of Chicago for inspiration and ability to work on plasmids with lanthanide-responsive system created by them.

All people that helped us in every possible way and to whom we are grateful are listed here (in alphabetic order):

Prof. Dariusz Bartosik - Institute of Microbiology
Prof. Jacek Bielecki - Department of Applied Microbiology
Dr. Łukasz Borowski - Instructor, the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology
Dr. Piotr Borsuk - Associate Dean of Academic Affairs University of Warsaw
Dr. Łukasz Drewniak - Laboratory Analysis of Environmental Contamination
Dr. Maciej Garstka - Associate Dean for Financial Affairs University of Warsaw
Prof. Anna Giza-Poleszczuk - Vice-Rector for Development and Financial Policy University of Warsaw
Prof. Paweł Golik - Director of the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology
Dr. Takao Ishikawa - Institute of Biochemistry
Prof. Jacek Jemielity - Centre of New Technologies and Division of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Prof. Agnieszka Mostowska - Dean of The Faculty of Biology University of Warsaw
Prof. Marcin Pałys - Rector of University of Warsaw
Prof. Aleksandra Danuta Skłodowska - Laboratory Analysis of Environmental Contamination
Dr. Radosław Stachowiak - Instructor, Institute of Microbiology
Dr. Magdalena Szuplewska -Institute of Microbiology
Dr. Katarzyna Tońska - Deputy Director of the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology
Prof. Andrzej Twardowski - Director of the College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw
