

(Difference between revisions)
(Created page with "(function($) { $.fn.extend({ hashchange: function(callback) { this.bind('hashchange', callback); if (location.hash)//if location.hash is not...")

Latest revision as of 06:23, 10 October 2014

(function($) {

       hashchange: function(callback) {
           this.bind('hashchange', callback);
           if (location.hash)//if location.hash is not empty,fire the event when load,make ajax easy
       openOnClick: function(href) {
           if (href === undefined || href.length == 0)
               href = '#';
           return {
               if (href && href.charAt(0) == '#') {
                   // execute load in separate call stack
                   window.setTimeout(function() { $.locationHash(href) }, 0);
               } else {
               return false;
   // IE 8 introduces the hashchange event natively - so nothing more to do
   if ($.browser.msie && document.documentMode && document.documentMode >= 8) {
           locationHash: function(hash) {
               if (!hash)//get hash value
                   if (location.hash.charAt(0) == '#') {
                       return location.hash.substr(1, location.hash.length-1);
                   return location.hash;
               if (!hash) hash = '#';
               else if (hash.charAt(0) != '#') hash = '#' + hash;
               location.hash = hash;
   var curHash;
   // hidden iframe for IE (earlier than 8)
   var iframe;
       locationHash: function(hash) {
           if (!hash)//get hash value
               if (location.hash.charAt(0) == '#') {
                   return location.hash.substr(1, location.hash.length - 1);
               return location.hash;
           if (curHash === undefined) return;
           if (!hash) hash = '#';
           else if (hash.charAt(0) != '#') hash = '#' + hash;
           location.hash = hash;
           if (curHash == hash) return;
           curHash = hash;
           if ($.browser.msie) updateIEFrame(hash);
   $(document).ready(function() {
       curHash = location.hash;
       if ($.browser.msie) {
           // stop the callback firing twice during init if no hash present
           if (curHash == ) curHash = '#';
           // add hidden iframe for IE
           iframe = $('<iframe />').hide().get(0);
           setInterval(checkHashIE, 100);
       } else {
           setInterval(checkHash, 100);
   $(window).unload(function() { iframe = null });
   function checkHash() {
       var hash = location.hash;
       if (hash != curHash) {
           curHash = hash;
   if ($.browser.msie) {
       // Attach a live handler for any anchor links
       $('a[href^=#]').live('click', function() {
           var hash = $(this).attr('href');
           // Don't intercept the click if there is an existing anchor on the page
           // that matches this hash
           if ($(hash).length == 0 && $('a[name=' + hash.slice(1) + ']').length == 0) {
               return false;
   function checkHashIE() {
       // On IE, check for location.hash of iframe
       var idoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
       var hash = idoc.location.hash;
       if (hash == ) hash = '#';
       if (hash != curHash) {
           if (location.hash != hash) location.hash = hash;
           curHash = hash;
   function updateIEFrame(hash) {
       if (hash == '#') hash = ;
       var idoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;;
       if (idoc.location.hash != hash) idoc.location.hash = hash;
