Team:Toulouse/Team/Fun facts


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       <div class="centering" style="padding-top: 85px; padding-bottom:40px;">
       <div class="centering" style="padding-top: 85px; padding-bottom:40px;">
       <p class="texte">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus turpis urna, dapibus auctor mi eu, mollis ultrices nisl. Nunc suscipit tortor mi. In sapien nunc, condimentum in commodo quis, lobortis et arcu. Proin accumsan nunc eget ante luctus ornare. Nunc laoreet elit vel vulputate fermentum. Integer faucibus, nunc non lobortis faucibus, ante mauris posuere ligula, sed laoreet lectus turpis a nisl. Morbi ac enim felis.</p>
       <p class="texte"><br><b>Have you ever tried to estimate the kilometers travelled by your team during this summer?</b></br>
<br>According to our calculations, one member walks approximately 4 kilometers per day all around the
laboratory. This represents 5544 kilometers for the whole team during the 126 days of this epic
What does that mean exactly? Simply that we could walk, cycle, swim or whatever you want until
Kazakhstan, Russia, Kenya… We could even have reached the USA but we decided to stay in the lab
and take the plane to go to Boston!</br></p>
<p class="texte">Vivamus varius aliquet nisl vel efficitur. Praesent congue mi vel elit volutpat posuere. Mauris vitae viverra urna. Cras ligula purus, malesuada ac molestie id, vestibulum eget magna. Quisque consequat erat vitae odio feugiat feugiat. Donec eleifend congue suscipit. Nam maximus nec elit vitae dapibus. Cras et rhoncus purus, quis scelerisque nunc. Integer mollis ut dolor at tincidunt. Cras feugiat, tellus id condimentum commodo, tortor urna lacinia sapien, eu convallis lorem ante id augue. Nullam vitae metus mi.</p>
<p class="texte"><br><b>What do trees bordering “Canal du Midi” think about SubtiTree?</b></br>
<br>According to our survey, 94% of the plane trees questioned approve our project and are interested in
serving as guinea pigs for our new bacterial medicine. This percentage represents 41 580 trees which
are also gathered in the association called: “Happy tree friends“.</br> </p>
<p class="texte">Vivamus malesuada, diam vitae cursus posuere, lorem augue ultrices neque, sit amet mattis tellus massa sed enim. Praesent a suscipit tellus, id accumsan arcu. Maecenas vitae volutpat felis. Vivamus felis ligula, vestibulum ut venenatis quis, ultrices in magna. In elementum placerat posuere. Nam viverra risus vitae nunc pulvinar, eu ultrices urna ullamcorper. In elementum dui imperdiet, venenatis neque sed, facilisis augue. Sed maximus vulputate eleifend. Suspendisse at bibendum orci, a porttitor velit. Sed vestibulum magna dui, ut fringilla metus auctor sed.</p>
<p class="texte"><br><b>Multidisciplinary…Yes we are!</b></br>
<br>Housework in our laboratory became necessary when most of people were in vacations except us.  
But do you know the novelty this year in our team? Times are changing because now men are
cleaning! ;-)</br> </p>
<p class="texte">Aliquam molestie semper dignissim. In ut lorem dictum, hendrerit mauris ac, sagittis nulla. Phasellus hendrerit tempus ornare. Pellentesque eu justo in dolor viverra suscipit ut posuere augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer massa orci, pulvinar non blandit in, suscipit nec ex. In pretium lacinia tellus. Duis interdum velit lacinia pellentesque euismod. Nulla pretium accumsan tellus, sed faucibus metus aliquet ac. Donec eleifend dui nec odio volutpat, eu suscipit nibh auctor. Praesent porta ullamcorper risus vitae lobortis. Proin at purus velit. Pellentesque facilisis urna ac nibh mollis, a molestie felis malesuada.</p>
<p class="texte"><br><b>The unmissable event this summer: The football World Cup 2014!</b></br>
<br>From 06/12/14 to 07/13/14, the iGEM Toulouse Team was cheering on the French team. During the
games of the French team, our group was juggling with wet lab and large screen projection! Despite
our support, the French team didn’t win the World Cup. However, we have not said our last world
yet: let’s see what will happen in 2018… ;-) </br></p>
<p class="texte"><br><b>To finish this part, let’s do the official Award Ceremony of iGEM Toulouse Team 2014!</b></br>
<br> The Geek Award: The three nominees are Laureen, Manon, Florie. And the winner is… <b>Florie</b>
who spent the longest time in front of her laptop for the modelling part!</br>
<br> The latest survivor of weekly meetings: The four nominees are Fanny, Emeline, Diane, Pierre.
And the winner is… <b>Diane</b> who stayed up until 3am because she was skyping from South
<br> The worst singer award: The two nominees are Abdel, Pierre. And the winner is… <b>Abdel</b> who
spent the whole day singing badly in the lab!</br>
<br> The dancer award: The three nominees are Florie, Camille, Diane. And the winner is… <b>Camille</b>
who did the famous Plasmid Dance!</br>
<br> The “hello you” award: No nominees because the only winner is… <b>Pierre</b> who was saying
“Hello you” each time he met someone!</br>
<br> The most tired award: The three nominees are Laureen, Manon, Aurélie. And the winner is...
<b>Manon</b> but we still don’t know why!</br>
<br> The misplaced ideas award: The four nominees are Laureen, Camille, Mathieu, Pierre. And
the winner is… <b>Mathieu</b> but you don’t want to know why!</br>
<br> The perseverance award: The three nominees are Emeline, Diane, Abdel. And the winner is...
<b>Emeline</b> who succeeded a cloning after twelve trials!</br>
<br> The drawing award: The three nominees are Florie, Fanny, Manon. And the winner is… <b>Fanny</b>
who drew our first SubtiTree logo!</br>
<br> The phone-call award: The two nominees are Laureen, Pierre. And the winner is… <b>Laureen</b>
who was our lab secretary!</br>
<br> The biggest blunder in the lab award: The three nominees are Aurélie, Fanny, Abdel. And the
winner is… <b>Aurélie</b> who poured an agarose gel without gel tray!</br>  </p>

Revision as of 16:04, 8 October 2014