

(Difference between revisions)
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/* less space for iGEM logo */
/* less space for iGEM logo */
.logo {
#logo {
width: 5%;
width: 5%;
.logo a {
#logo a {
padding: 0;
padding: 0;

Revision as of 10:05, 5 October 2014

body { background-color: black; }

/* NavBar */ /* Show text underneath img */ nav li a img { display:block; margin: 0 auto; height: 40px; } nav li a { text-align: center; }

/* Disable color change on hover or open */

.nav > li > a:hover, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > { background-image: url(/wiki/images/1/18/Heidelberg_Hover-light-bg.png); background-color: rgba(255,126,37, 0.5); }

.nav .open > a, .nav .open > a:hover, .nav .open > a:focus, .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus { background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; }

/* less space for iGEM logo */

  1. logo {

width: 5%; }

  1. logo a {

padding: 0; }

  1. navbar{

margin-bottom: 0; }

/* Change Text color dependent on background */

.navbar-red li a { color: #DE4230; }

.navbar-white li a { color: white; }

.navbar-red .title-wrapper { color: #DE4230; }

.navbar-white .title-wrapper { color: white; }

.dropdown-menu li a { color: #333; }

.dropdown-menu li a:hover { background-color: #e0e0e0; }

/* Override Bootstrap Dropdown positioning */ .navbar-right .dropdown-menu { left: auto; right: auto; } /*

  1. navbar .container {

border-bottom: solid 5px #ce432e; }

  • /

/* Align Title Baseline to start of container */

.title-wrapper{ height:30px; overflow-y:hidden; }

.title { font-size: 30px; line-height: 30px; font-weight:bold; }

.special-span{ display:inline-block; height: 30px; }

/* Move Subtitle up a bit */

.subtitle h2 { margin-top:0; margin-bottom: 15px; }

@media (min-width: 768px) { .title-wrapper{ height: 47px; }

.title { font-size: 47px; line-height: 47px; }

.special-span{ display:inline-block; height: 47px; } }

@media (min-width: 992px) { .title-wrapper{ height:65px; }

.title { font-size: 65px; line-height: 65px; }

.special-span{ display:inline-block; height: 65px; }

} @media (min-width: 1200px) { .title-wrapper{ height:80px; }

.title { font-size: 80px; line-height: 80px; }

.special-span{ display:inline-block; height: 80px; } /* Prevent Wrap of linktext if enough space available */ .nav > li > a{ white-space: nowrap; } }

/* Spread list elements equaly over width of ul*/ .navbar-nav > li { width: 11.874%; }

/* only use 85% of the total width, leaving space for logo */ .navbar-nav { width: 85%; }

.navbar-header img { height: 70px; } /* Display collapse button */ .navbar-toggle { padding: 30px 10px; }

.navbar-red .navbar-toggle .icon-bar { background-color: #DE4230; }

.navbar-white .navbar-toggle .icon-bar { background-color: white; }

/* Display Navigation Dropdown on hover */

@media (min-width: 768px) { .dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu { display: block; } }

.dark-grey {

 background-color: #515151;


.grey {

 background-color: #e0e0e0;


.red-text {

  color: #DE4230;


.grey-text {

  color: #e0e0e0;


.main { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; }

/* Change highlighting color of thumbnails */ a.thumbnail:hover, a.thumbnail:focus, { border-color: #DE4230; }

/* remove overrides above, so img is next to text in collapsed view */ @media (max-width: 768px) { nav li a { text-align: left !important; } nav li span { display: inline-block; width: 60px; text-align: center; } nav li img { display:inline !important; margin: 0 !important; padding-right: 5px !important; } .navbar-nav > li { width: auto !important; } .navbar-nav { width: 100%; } }

.titles a.label-default { background-color: #BFBFBF; border-radius: 0; font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block; color: #333; }

.titles a.label-default:hover { background-color: #515151; color: white; }

.pageicon { position:absolute; top: -50%; }

/* Hide Edit and Table of contents generated by Mediawiki */

  1. toc {

display:none; }

.editsection { display:none; }

.abstract { margin-bottom: 0; background-color: #BFBFBF; }

.underline { border-bottom: 1px solid #515151; padding-bottom: 3px; } blockquote { border-left: 5px solid #DE4230; }